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File: Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/imagetools/plugin.min.js

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  Classes of Duong Huynh Nghia   Lego PHP   Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/imagetools/plugin.min.js   Download  
File: Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/imagetools/plugin.min.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Lego PHP
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!function(){var a = {}, b = function(b){for (var c = a[b], e = c.deps, f = c.defn, g = e.length, h = new Array(g), i = 0; g > i; ++i)h[i] = d(e[i]); var j = f.apply(null, h); if (void 0 === j)throw"module [" + b + "] returned undefined"; c.instance = j}, c = function(b, c, d){if ("string" != typeof b)throw"module id must be a string"; if (void 0 === c)throw"no dependencies for " + b; if (void 0 === d)throw"no definition function for " + b; a[b] = {deps:c, defn:d, instance:void 0}}, d = function(c){var d = a[c]; if (void 0 === d)throw"module [" + c + "] was undefined"; return void 0 === d.instance && b(c), d.instance}, e = function(a, b){for (var c = a.length, e = new Array(c), f = 0; c > f; ++f)e.push(d(a[f])); b.apply(null, b)}, f = {}; f.bolt = {module:{api:{define:c, require:e, demand:d}}}; var g = c, h = function(a, b){g(a, [], function(){return b})}; h("1", tinymce.PluginManager), h("2", tinymce.Env), h("3", tinymce.util.Promise), h("4", tinymce.util.URI), h("5", tinymce.util.Tools), h("6", tinymce.util.Delay), g("m", [], function(){function a(a, b){return d(document.createElement("canvas"), a, b)}function b(a){return a.getContext("2d")}function c(a){var b = null; try{b = a.getContext("webgl") || a.getContext("experimental-webgl")} catch (c){}return b || (b = null), b}function d(a, b, c){return a.width = b, a.height = c, a}return{create:a, resize:d, get2dContext:b, get3dContext:c}}), g("n", [], function(){function a(a){return a.naturalWidth || a.width}function b(a){return a.naturalHeight || a.height}return{getWidth:a, getHeight:b}}), g("o", [], function(){function a(a, b){return function(){a.apply(b, arguments)}}function b(b){if ("object" != typeof this)throw new TypeError("Promises must be constructed via new"); if ("function" != typeof b)throw new TypeError("not a function"); this._state = null, this._value = null, this._deferreds = [], h(b, a(d, this), a(e, this))}function c(a){var b = this; return null === this._state?void this._deferreds.push(a):void i(function(){var c = b._state?a.onFulfilled:a.onRejected; if (null === c)return void(b._state?a.resolve:a.reject)(b._value); var d; try{d = c(b._value)} catch (e){return void a.reject(e)}a.resolve(d)})}function d(b){try{if (b === this)throw new TypeError("A promise cannot be resolved with itself."); if (b && ("object" == typeof b || "function" == typeof b)){var c = b.then; if ("function" == typeof c)return void h(a(c, b), a(d, this), a(e, this))}this._state = !0, this._value = b,} catch (g){, g)}}function e(a){this._state = !1, this._value = a,}function f(){for (var a = 0, b = this._deferreds.length; b > a; a++), this._deferreds[a]); this._deferreds = null}function g(a, b, c, d){this.onFulfilled = "function" == typeof a?a:null, this.onRejected = "function" == typeof b?b:null, this.resolve = c, this.reject = d}function h(a, b, c){var d = !1; try{a(function(a){d || (d = !0, b(a))}, function(a){d || (d = !0, c(a))})} catch (e){if (d)return; d = !0, c(e)}}if (window.Promise)return window.Promise; var i = b.immediateFn || "function" == typeof setImmediate && setImmediate || function(a){setTimeout(a, 1)}, j = Array.isArray || function(a){return"[object Array]" ===}; return b.prototype["catch"] = function(a){return this.then(null, a)}, b.prototype.then = function(a, d){var e = this; return new b(function(b, f){, new g(a, d, b, f))})}, b.all = function(){var a = === arguments.length && j(arguments[0])?arguments[0]:arguments); return new b(function(b, c){function d(f, g){try{if (g && ("object" == typeof g || "function" == typeof g)){var h = g.then; if ("function" == typeof h)return void, function(a){d(f, a)}, c)}a[f] = g, 0 === --e && b(a)} catch (i){c(i)}}if (0 === a.length)return b([]); for (var e = a.length, f = 0; f < a.length; f++)d(f, a[f])})}, b.resolve = function(a){return a && "object" == typeof a && a.constructor === b?a:new b(function(b){b(a)})}, b.reject = function(a){return new b(function(b, c){c(a)})}, b.race = function(a){return new b(function(b, c){for (var d = 0, e = a.length; e > d; d++)a[d].then(b, c)})}, b}), g("p", [], function(){function a(a){var b = document.createElement("a"); return b.href = a, b.pathname}function b(b){var c = a(b).split("."), d = c[c.length - 1], e = {jpg:"image/jpeg", jpeg:"image/jpeg", png:"image/png"}; return d && (d = d.toLowerCase()), e[d]}return{guessMimeType:b}}), g("e", ["o", "m", "p", "n"], function(a, b, c, d){function e(b){return new a(function(a){function c(){b.removeEventListener("load", c), a(b)}b.complete?a(b):b.addEventListener("load", c)})}function f(a){return e(a).then(function(a){var c, e; return e = b.create(d.getWidth(a), d.getHeight(a)), c = b.get2dContext(e), c.drawImage(a, 0, 0), e})}function g(a){return e(a).then(function(a){var b = a.src; return 0 === b.indexOf("blob:")?i(b):0 === b.indexOf("data:")?j(b):f(a).then(function(a){return j(a.toDataURL(c.guessMimeType(b)))})})}function h(b){return new a(function(a){function c(){d.removeEventListener("load", c), a(d)}var d = new Image; d.addEventListener("load", c), d.src = URL.createObjectURL(b), d.complete && c()})}function i(b){return new a(function(a){var c = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", b, !0), c.responseType = "blob", c.onload = function(){200 == this.status && a(this.response)}, c.send()})}function j(b){return new a(function(a){var c, d, e, f, g, h; if (b = b.split(","), f = /data:([^;]+)/.exec(b[0]), f && (g = f[1]), c = atob(b[1]), window.WebKitBlobBuilder){for (h = new WebKitBlobBuilder, d = new ArrayBuffer(c.length), e = 0; e < d.length; e++)d[e] = c.charCodeAt(e); return h.append(d), void a(h.getBlob(g))}for (d = new Uint8Array(c.length), e = 0; e < d.length; e++)d[e] = c.charCodeAt(e); a(new Blob([d], {type:g}))})}function k(a){return 0 === a.indexOf("blob:")?i(a):0 === a.indexOf("data:")?j(a):null}function l(a, b){return j(a.toDataURL(b))}function m(b){return new a(function(a){var c = new FileReader; c.onloadend = function(){a(c.result)}, c.readAsDataURL(b)})}function n(a){return m(a).then(function(a){return a.split(",")[1]})}function o(a){URL.revokeObjectURL(a.src)}return{blobToImage:h, imageToBlob:g, blobToDataUri:m, blobToBase64:n, imageToCanvas:f, canvasToBlob:l, revokeImageUrl:o, uriToBlob:k}}), g("q", [], function(){function a(a, b, c){return a = parseFloat(a), a > c?a = c:b > a && (a = b), a}function b(){return[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]}function c(a, b){var c, d, e, f, g = [], h = new Array(10); for (c = 0; 5 > c; c++){for (d = 0; 5 > d; d++)g[d] = b[d + 5 * c]; for (d = 0; 5 > d; d++){for (f = 0, e = 0; 5 > e; e++)f += a[d + 5 * e] * g[e]; h[d + 5 * c] = f}}return h}function d(b, c){return c = a(c, 0, 1),, d){return d % 6 === 0?b = 1 - (1 - b) * c:b *= c, a(b, 0, 1)})}function e(b, d){var e; return d = a(d, - 1, 1), d *= 100, 0 > d?e = 127 + d / 100 * 127:(e = d % 1, e = 0 === e?l[d]:l[Math.floor(d)] * (1 - e) + l[Math.floor(d) + 1] * e, e = 127 * e + 127), c(b, [e / 127, 0, 0, 0, .5 * (127 - e), 0, e / 127, 0, 0, .5 * (127 - e), 0, 0, e / 127, 0, .5 * (127 - e), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])}function f(b, d){var e, f, g, h; return d = a(d, - 1, 1), e = 1 + (d > 0?3 * d:d), f = .3086, g = .6094, h = .082, c(b, [f * (1 - e) + e, g * (1 - e), h * (1 - e), 0, 0, f * (1 - e), g * (1 - e) + e, h * (1 - e), 0, 0, f * (1 - e), g * (1 - e), h * (1 - e) + e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])}function g(b, d){var e, f, g, h, i; return d = a(d, - 180, 180) / 180 * Math.PI, e = Math.cos(d), f = Math.sin(d), g = .213, h = .715, i = .072, c(b, [g + e * (1 - g) + f * - g, h + e * - h + f * - h, i + e * - i + f * (1 - i), 0, 0, g + e * - g + .143 * f, h + e * (1 - h) + .14 * f, i + e * - i + f * - .283, 0, 0, g + e * - g + f * - (1 - g), h + e * - h + f * h, i + e * (1 - i) + f * i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])}function h(b, d){return d = a(255 * d, - 255, 255), c(b, [1, 0, 0, 0, d, 0, 1, 0, 0, d, 0, 0, 1, 0, d, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])}function i(b, d, e, f){return d = a(d, 0, 2), e = a(e, 0, 2), f = a(f, 0, 2), c(b, [d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])}function j(b, e){return e = a(e, 0, 1), c(b, d([.393, .769, .189, 0, 0, .349, .686, .168, 0, 0, .272, .534, .131, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], e))}function k(b, e){return e = a(e, 0, 1), c(b, d([.33, .34, .33, 0, 0, .33, .34, .33, 0, 0, .33, .34, .33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], e))}var l = [0, .01, .02, .04, .05, .06, .07, .08, .1, .11, .12, .14, .15, .16, .17, .18, .2, .21, .22, .24, .25, .27, .28, .3, .32, .34, .36, .38, .4, .42, .44, .46, .48, .5, .53, .56, .59, .62, .65, .68, .71, .74, .77, .8, .83, .86, .89, .92, .95, .98, 1, 1.06, 1.12, 1.18, 1.24, 1.3, 1.36, 1.42, 1.48, 1.54, 1.6, 1.66, 1.72, 1.78, 1.84, 1.9, 1.96, 2, 2.12, 2.25, 2.37, 2.5, 2.62, 2.75, 2.87, 3, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4, 4.3, 4.7, 4.9, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 6.8, 7, 7.3, 7.5, 7.8, 8, 8.4, 8.7, 9, 9.4, 9.6, 9.8, 10]; return{identity:b, adjust:d, multiply:c, adjustContrast:e, adjustBrightness:h, adjustSaturation:f, adjustHue:g, adjustColors:i, adjustSepia:j, adjustGrayscale:k}}), g("c", ["m", "n", "e", "q"], function(a, b, c, d){function e(d, e){return c.blobToImage(d).then(function(d){function f(a, b){var c, d, e, f, g, h =, i = b[0], j = b[1], k = b[2], l = b[3], m = b[4], n = b[5], o = b[6], p = b[7], q = b[8], r = b[9], s = b[10], t = b[11], u = b[12], v = b[13], w = b[14], x = b[15], y = b[16], z = b[17], A = b[18], B = b[19]; for (g = 0; g < h.length; g += 4)c = h[g], d = h[g + 1], e = h[g + 2], f = h[g + 3], h[g] = c * i + d * j + e * k + f * l + m, h[g + 1] = c * n + d * o + e * p + f * q + r, h[g + 2] = c * s + d * t + e * u + f * v + w, h[g + 3] = c * x + d * y + e * z + f * A + B; return a}var g, h = a.create(b.getWidth(d), b.getHeight(d)), i = a.get2dContext(h); return i.drawImage(d, 0, 0), k(d), g = f(i.getImageData(0, 0, h.width, h.height), e), i.putImageData(g, 0, 0), c.canvasToBlob(h)})}function f(d, e){return c.blobToImage(d).then(function(d){function f(a, b, c){function d(a, b, c){return a > c?a = c:b > a && (a = b), a}var e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u; for (g = Math.round(Math.sqrt(c.length)), h = Math.floor(g / 2), e =, f =, t = a.width, u = a.height, j = 0; u > j; j++)for (i = 0; t > i; i++){for (k = l = m = 0, o = 0; g > o; o++)for (n = 0; g > n; n++)p = d(i + n - h, 0, t - 1), q = d(j + o - h, 0, u - 1), r = 4 * (q * t + p), s = c[o * g + n], k += e[r] * s, l += e[r + 1] * s, m += e[r + 2] * s; r = 4 * (j * t + i), f[r] = d(k, 0, 255), f[r + 1] = d(l, 0, 255), f[r + 2] = d(m, 0, 255)}return b}var g, h, i = a.create(b.getWidth(d), b.getHeight(d)), j = a.get2dContext(i); return j.drawImage(d, 0, 0), k(d), g = j.getImageData(0, 0, i.width, i.height), h = j.getImageData(0, 0, i.width, i.height), h = f(g, h, e), j.putImageData(h, 0, 0), c.canvasToBlob(i)})}function g(d){return function(e, f){return c.blobToImage(e).then(function(e){function g(a, b){var c, d =; for (c = 0; c < d.length; c += 4)d[c] = b[d[c]], d[c + 1] = b[d[c + 1]], d[c + 2] = b[d[c + 2]]; return a}var h, i, j = a.create(b.getWidth(e), b.getHeight(e)), l = a.get2dContext(j), m = new Array(256); for (i = 0; i < m.length; i++)m[i] = d(i, f); return l.drawImage(e, 0, 0), k(e), h = g(l.getImageData(0, 0, j.width, j.height), m), l.putImageData(h, 0, 0), c.canvasToBlob(j)})}}function h(a){return function(b, c){return e(b, a(d.identity(), c))}}function i(a){return function(b){return e(b, a)}}function j(a){return function(b){return f(b, a)}}var k = c.revokeImageUrl; return{invert:i([ - 1, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, - 1, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, - 1, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]), brightness:h(d.adjustBrightness), hue:h(d.adjustHue), saturate:h(d.adjustSaturation), contrast:h(d.adjustContrast), grayscale:h(d.adjustGrayscale), sepia:h(d.adjustSepia), colorize:function(a, b, c, f){return e(a, d.adjustColors(d.identity(), b, c, f))}, sharpen:j([0, - 1, 0, - 1, 5, - 1, 0, - 1, 0]), emboss:j([ - 2, - 1, 0, - 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2]), gamma:g(function(a, b){return 255 * Math.pow(a / 255, 1 - b)}), exposure:g(function(a, b){return 255 * (1 - Math.exp( - (a / 255) * b))}), colorFilter:e, convoluteFilter:f}}), g("r", ["o", "e", "m", "n"], function(a, b, c, d){function e(a, b, c){var g = d.getWidth(a), h = d.getHeight(a), i = b / g, j = c / h, k = !1; (.5 > i || i > 2) && (i = .5 > i?.5:2, k = !0), (.5 > j || j > 2) && (j = .5 > j?.5:2, k = !0); var l = f(a, i, j); return k?l.then(function(a){return e(a, b, c)}):l}function f(b, e, f){return new a(function(a){var g = d.getWidth(b), h = d.getHeight(b), i = Math.floor(g * e), j = Math.floor(h * f), k = c.create(i, j), l = c.get2dContext(k); l.drawImage(b, 0, 0, g, h, 0, 0, i, j), a(k)})}return{scale:e}}), g("d", ["e", "m", "n", "r"], function(a, b, c, d){function e(d, e){return a.blobToImage(d).then(function(f){var g = b.create(c.getWidth(f), c.getHeight(f)), h = b.get2dContext(g), j = 0, k = 0; return e = 0 > e?360 + e:e, 90 != e && 270 != e || b.resize(g, g.height, g.width), 90 != e && 180 != e || (j = g.width), 270 != e && 180 != e || (k = g.height), h.translate(j, k), h.rotate(e * Math.PI / 180), h.drawImage(f, 0, 0), i(f), a.canvasToBlob(g, d.type)})}function f(d, e){return a.blobToImage(d).then(function(d){var f = b.create(c.getWidth(d), c.getHeight(d)), g = b.get2dContext(f); return"v" == e?(g.scale(1, - 1), g.drawImage(d, 0, - f.height)):(g.scale( - 1, 1), g.drawImage(d, - f.width, 0)), i(d), a.canvasToBlob(f)})}function g(c, d, e, f, g){return a.blobToImage(c).then(function(c){var h = b.create(f, g), j = b.get2dContext(h); return j.drawImage(c, - d, - e), i(c), a.canvasToBlob(h)})}function h(b, c, e){return a.blobToImage(b).then(function(f){var g; return g = d.scale(f, c, e).then(function(c){return a.canvasToBlob(c, b.type)}).then(j(f))["catch"](j(f))})}var i = a.revokeImageUrl, j = function(a){return function(b){return i(a), b}}; return{rotate:e, flip:f, crop:g, resize:h}}), g("7", ["c", "d"], function(a, b){var c = function(b){return a.invert(b)}, d = function(b){return a.sharpen(b)}, e = function(b){return a.emboss(b)}, f = function(b, c){return a.gamma(b, c)}, g = function(b, c){return a.exposure(b, c)}, h = function(b, c, d, e){return a.colorize(b, c, d, e)}, i = function(b, c){return a.brightness(b, c)}, j = function(b, c){return a.hue(b, c)}, k = function(b, c){return a.saturate(b, c)}, l = function(b, c){return a.contrast(b, c)}, m = function(b, c){return a.grayscale(b, c)}, n = function(b, c){return a.sepia(b, c)}, o = function(a, c){return b.flip(a, c)}, p = function(a, c, d, e, f){return b.crop(a, c, d, e, f)}, q = function(a, c, d){return b.resize(a, c, d)}, r = function(a, c){return b.rotate(a, c)}; return{invert:c, sharpen:d, emboss:e, brightness:i, hue:j, saturate:k, contrast:l, grayscale:m, sepia:n, colorize:h, gamma:f, exposure:g, flip:o, crop:p, resize:q, rotate:r}}), g("8", ["e"], function(a){var b = function(b){return a.blobToImage(b)}, c = function(b){return a.imageToBlob(b)}, d = function(b){return a.blobToDataUri(b)}, e = function(b){return a.blobToBase64(b)}; return{blobToImage:b, imageToBlob:c, blobToDataUri:d, blobToBase64:e}}), h("f", tinymce.dom.DOMUtils), h("g", tinymce.ui.Factory), h("h", tinymce.ui.Form), h("i", tinymce.ui.Container), h("s", tinymce.ui.Control), h("t", tinymce.ui.DragHelper), h("u", tinymce.geom.Rect), h("w", tinymce.dom.DomQuery), h("x", tinymce.util.Observable), h("y", tinymce.util.VK), g("v", ["w", "t", "u", "5", "x", "y"], function(a, b, c, d, e, f){var g = 0; return function(h, i, j, k, l){function m(a, b){return{x:b.x + a.x, y:b.y + a.y, w:b.w, h:b.h}}function n(a, b){return{x:b.x - a.x, y:b.y - a.y, w:b.w, h:b.h}}function o(){return n(j, h)}function p(a, b, d, e){var f, g, i, k, l; f = b.x, g = b.y, i = b.w, k = b.h, f += d * a.deltaX, g += e * a.deltaY, i += d * a.deltaW, k += e * a.deltaH, 20 > i && (i = 20), 20 > k && (k = 20), l = h = c.clamp({x:f, y:g, w:i, h:k}, j, "move" ==, l = n(j, l),"updateRect", {rect:l}), v(l)}function q(){function c(a){var c; return new b(D, {document:k.ownerDocument, handle:D + "-" +, start:function(){c = h}, drag:function(b){p(a, c, b.deltaX, b.deltaY)}})}a('<div id="' + D + '" class="' + C + 'croprect-container" role="grid" aria-dropeffect="execute">').appendTo(k), d.each(B, function(b){a("#" + D, k).append('<div id="' + D + "-" + b + '"class="' + C + 'croprect-block" style="display: none" data-mce-bogus="all">')}), d.each(z, function(b){a("#" + D, k).append('<div id="' + D + "-" + + '" class="' + C + "croprect-handle " + C + "croprect-handle-" + + '"style="display: none" data-mce-bogus="all" role="gridcell" tabindex="-1" aria-label="' + b.label + '" aria-grabbed="false">')}), A =, c), s(h), a(k).on("focusin focusout", function(b){a("aria-grabbed", "focus" === b.type)}), a(k).on("keydown", function(a){function b(a, b, d, e, f){a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault(), p(c, d, e, f)}var c; switch (d.each(z, function(b){return == D + "-" + = b, !1):void 0}), a.keyCode){case f.LEFT:b(a, c, h, - 10, 0); break; case f.RIGHT:b(a, c, h, 10, 0); break; case f.UP:b(a, c, h, 0, - 10); break; case f.DOWN:b(a, c, h, 0, 10); break; case f.ENTER:case f.SPACEBAR:a.preventDefault(), l()}})}function r(b){var c; c =, function(a){return"#" + D + "-" +}).concat(, function(a){return"#" + D + "-" + a})).join(","), b?a(c, k).show():a(c, k).hide()}function s(b){function c(b, c){c.h < 0 && (c.h = 0), c.w < 0 && (c.w = 0), a("#" + D + "-" + b, k).css({left:c.x, top:c.y, width:c.w, height:c.h})}d.each(z, function(c){a("#" + D + "-" +, k).css({left:b.w * c.xMul + b.x, top:b.h * c.yMul + b.y})}), c("top", {x:i.x, y:i.y, w:i.w, h:b.y - i.y}), c("right", {x:b.x + b.w, y:b.y, w:i.w - b.x - b.w + i.x, h:b.h}), c("bottom", {x:i.x, y:b.y + b.h, w:i.w, h:i.h - b.y - b.h + i.y}), c("left", {x:i.x, y:b.y, w:b.x - i.x, h:b.h}), c("move", b)}function t(a){h = a, s(h)}function u(a){i = a, s(h)}function v(a){t(m(j, a))}function w(a){j = a, s(h)}function x(){d.each(A, function(a){a.destroy()}), A = []}var y, z, A, B, C = "mce-", D = C + "crid-" + g++; return z = [{name:"move", xMul:0, yMul:0, deltaX:1, deltaY:1, deltaW:0, deltaH:0, label:"Crop Mask"}, {name:"nw", xMul:0, yMul:0, deltaX:1, deltaY:1, deltaW: - 1, deltaH: - 1, label:"Top Left Crop Handle"}, {name:"ne", xMul:1, yMul:0, deltaX:0, deltaY:1, deltaW:1, deltaH: - 1, label:"Top Right Crop Handle"}, {name:"sw", xMul:0, yMul:1, deltaX:1, deltaY:0, deltaW: - 1, deltaH:1, label:"Bottom Left Crop Handle"}, {name:"se", xMul:1, yMul:1, deltaX:0, deltaY:0, deltaW:1, deltaH:1, label:"Bottom Right Crop Handle"}], B = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"], q(k), y = d.extend({toggleVisibility:r, setClampRect:w, setRect:t, getInnerRect:o, setInnerRect:v, setViewPortRect:u, destroy:x}, e)}}), g("j", ["s", "t", "u", "5", "3", "v"], function(a, b, c, d, e, f){function g(a){return new e(function(b){function c(){a.removeEventListener("load", c), b(a)}a.complete?b(a):a.addEventListener("load", c)})}return a.extend({Defaults:{classes:"imagepanel"}, selection:function(a){return arguments.length?(this.state.set("rect", a), this):this.state.get("rect")}, imageSize:function(){var a = this.state.get("viewRect"); return{w:a.w, h:a.h}}, toggleCropRect:function(a){this.state.set("cropEnabled", a)}, imageSrc:function(a){var b = this, d = new Image; d.src = a, g(d).then(function(){var a, e, f = b.state.get("viewRect"); e = b.$el.find("img"), e[0]?e.replaceWith(d):b.getEl().appendChild(d), a = {x:0, y:0, w:d.naturalWidth, h:d.naturalHeight}, b.state.set("viewRect", a), b.state.set("rect", c.inflate(a, - 20, - 20)), f && f.w == a.w && f.h == a.h || b.zoomFit(), b.repaintImage(),"load")})}, zoom:function(a){return arguments.length?(this.state.set("zoom", a), this):this.state.get("zoom")}, postRender:function(){return this.imageSrc(this.settings.imageSrc), this._super()}, zoomFit:function(){var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = this; g = 10, a = h.$el.find("img"), b = h.getEl().clientWidth, c = h.getEl().clientHeight, d = a[0].naturalWidth, e = a[0].naturalHeight, f = Math.min((b - g) / d, (c - g) / e), f >= 1 && (f = 1), h.zoom(f)}, repaintImage:function(){var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j; j = this.getEl(), h = this.zoom(), i = this.state.get("rect"), g = this.$el.find("img"), e = j.offsetWidth, f = j.offsetHeight, c = g[0].naturalWidth * h, d = g[0].naturalHeight * h, a = Math.max(0, e / 2 - c / 2), b = Math.max(0, f / 2 - d / 2), g.css({left:a, top:b, width:c, height:d}), this.cropRect && (this.cropRect.setRect({x:i.x * h + a, y:i.y * h + b, w:i.w * h, h:i.h * h}), this.cropRect.setClampRect({x:a, y:b, w:c, h:d}), this.cropRect.setViewPortRect({x:0, y:0, w:e, h:f}))}, bindStates:function(){function a(a){b.cropRect = new f(a, b.state.get("viewRect"), b.state.get("viewRect"), b.getEl(), function(){"crop")}), b.cropRect.on("updateRect", function(a){var c = a.rect, d = b.zoom(); c = {x:Math.round(c.x / d), y:Math.round(c.y / d), w:Math.round(c.w / d), h:Math.round(c.h / d)}, b.state.set("rect", c)}), b.on("remove", b.cropRect.destroy)}var b = this; b.state.on("change:cropEnabled", function(a){b.cropRect.toggleVisibility(a.value), b.repaintImage()}), b.state.on("change:zoom", function(){b.repaintImage()}), b.state.on("change:rect", function(c){var d = c.value; b.cropRect || a(d), b.cropRect.setRect(d)})}})}), g("k", [], function(){return function(){function a(a){var b; return b = f.splice(++g), f.push(a), {state:a, removed:b}}function b(){return d()?f[--g]:void 0}function c(){return e()?f[++g]:void 0}function d(){return g > 0}function e(){return - 1 != g && g < f.length - 1}var f = [], g = - 1; return{data:f, add:a, undo:b, redo:c, canUndo:d, canRedo:e}}}), g("9", ["f", "5", "3", "g", "h", "i", "j", "7", "8", "k"], function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j){function k(a){return{blob:a, url:URL.createObjectURL(a)}}function l(a){a && URL.revokeObjectURL(a.url)}function m(a){b.each(a, l)}function n(c, i, n){function o(a){var b, c, d, e; b = L.find("#w")[0], c = L.find("#h")[0], d = parseInt(b.value(), 10), e = parseInt(c.value(), 10), L.find("#constrain")[0].checked() && ga && ha && d && e && ("w" == = Math.round(d * ia), c.value(e)):(d = Math.round(e * ja), b.value(d))), ga = d, ha = e}function p(a){return Math.round(100 * a) + "%"}function q(){L.find("#undo").disabled(!ka.canUndo()), L.find("#redo").disabled(!ka.canRedo()), L.statusbar.find("#save").disabled(!ka.canUndo())}function r(){L.find("#undo").disabled(!0), L.find("#redo").disabled(!0)}function s(a){a && S.imageSrc(a.url)}function t(a){return function(){var c = b.grep(fa, function(b){return != a}); b.each(c, function(a){a.hide()}),, a.focus()}}function u(a){O = k(a), s(O)}function v(a){c = k(a), s(c), m(ka.add(c).removed), q()}function w(){var a = S.selection(); h.crop(c.blob, a.x, a.y, a.w, a.h).then(function(a){v(a), z()})}function x(a){var b = [], 1); return function(){var d = O || c; a.apply(this, [d.blob].concat(b)).then(u)}}function y(a){var b = [], 1); return function(){a.apply(this, [c.blob].concat(b)).then(v)}}function z(){s(c), l(O), t(M)(), q()}function A(){O && (v(O.blob), z())}function B(){var a = S.zoom(); 2 > a && (a += .1), S.zoom(a)}function C(){var a = S.zoom(); a > .1 && (a -= .1), S.zoom(a)}function D(){c = ka.undo(), s(c), q()}function E(){c = ka.redo(), s(c), q()}function F(){i(c.blob), L.close()}function G(a){return new e({layout:"flex", direction:"row", labelGap:5, border:"0 0 1 0", align:"center", pack:"center", padding:"0 10 0 10", spacing:5, flex:0, minHeight:60, defaults:{classes:"imagetool", type:"button"}, items:a})}function H(a, b){return G([{text:"Back", onclick:z}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}, {text:"Apply", subtype:"primary", onclick:A}]).hide().on("show", function(){r(), b(c.blob).then(function(a){var b = k(a); s(b), l(O), O = b})})}function I(a, b, d, e, f){function g(a){b(c.blob, a).then(function(a){var b = k(a); s(b), l(O), O = b})}return G([{text:"Back", onclick:z}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}, {type:"slider", flex:1, ondragend:function(a){g(a.value)}, minValue:e, maxValue:f, value:d, previewFilter:p}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}, {text:"Apply", subtype:"primary", onclick:A}]).hide().on("show", function(){this.find("slider").value(d), r()})}function J(a, b){function d(){var a, d, e; a = L.find("#r")[0].value(), d = L.find("#g")[0].value(), e = L.find("#b")[0].value(), b(c.blob, a, d, e).then(function(a){var b = k(a); s(b), l(O), O = b})}return G([{text:"Back", onclick:z}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}, {type:"slider", label:"R", name:"r", minValue:0, value:1, maxValue:2, ondragend:d, previewFilter:p}, {type:"slider", label:"G", name:"g", minValue:0, value:1, maxValue:2, ondragend:d, previewFilter:p}, {type:"slider", label:"B", name:"b", minValue:0, value:1, maxValue:2, ondragend:d, previewFilter:p}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}, {text:"Apply", subtype:"primary", onclick:A}]).hide().on("show", function(){L.find("#r,#g,#b").value(1), r()})}function K(a){a.control.value() === !0 && (ia = ha / ga, ja = ga / ha)}var L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, $, _, aa, ba, ca, da, ea, fa, ga, ha, ia, ja, ka = new j; P = G([{text:"Back", onclick:z}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}, {text:"Apply", subtype:"primary", onclick:w}]).hide().on("show hide", function(a){S.toggleCropRect("show" == a.type)}).on("show", r), Q = G([{text:"Back", onclick:z}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}, {type:"textbox", name:"w", label:"Width", size:4, onkeyup:o}, {type:"textbox", name:"h", label:"Height", size:4, onkeyup:o}, {type:"checkbox", name:"constrain", text:"Constrain proportions", checked:!0, onchange:K}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}, {text:"Apply", subtype:"primary", onclick:"submit"}]).hide().on("submit", function(a){var b = parseInt(L.find("#w").value(), 10), c = parseInt(L.find("#h").value(), 10); a.preventDefault(), y(h.resize, b, c)(), z()}).on("show", r), R = G([{text:"Back", onclick:z}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}, {icon:"fliph", tooltip:"Flip horizontally", onclick:x(h.flip, "h")}, {icon:"flipv", tooltip:"Flip vertically", onclick:x(h.flip, "v")}, {icon:"rotateleft", tooltip:"Rotate counterclockwise", onclick:x(h.rotate, - 90)}, {icon:"rotateright", tooltip:"Rotate clockwise", onclick:x(h.rotate, 90)}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}, {text:"Apply", subtype:"primary", onclick:A}]).hide().on("show", r), V = H("Invert", h.invert), ba = H("Sharpen", h.sharpen), ca = H("Emboss", h.emboss), W = I("Brightness", h.brightness, 0, - 1, 1), X = I("Hue", h.hue, 180, 0, 360), Y = I("Saturate", h.saturate, 0, - 1, 1), Z = I("Contrast", h.contrast, 0, - 1, 1), $ = I("Grayscale", h.grayscale, 0, 0, 1), _ = I("Sepia", h.sepia, 0, 0, 1), aa = J("Colorize", h.colorize), da = I("Gamma", h.gamma, 0, - 1, 1), ea = I("Exposure", h.exposure, 1, 0, 2), N = G([{text:"Back", onclick:z}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}, {text:"hue", icon:"hue", onclick:t(X)}, {text:"saturate", icon:"saturate", onclick:t(Y)}, {text:"sepia", icon:"sepia", onclick:t(_)}, {text:"emboss", icon:"emboss", onclick:t(ca)}, {text:"exposure", icon:"exposure", onclick:t(ea)}, {type:"spacer", flex:1}]).hide(), M = G([{tooltip:"Crop", icon:"crop", onclick:t(P)}, {tooltip:"Resize", icon:"resize2", onclick:t(Q)}, {tooltip:"Orientation", icon:"orientation", onclick:t(R)}, {tooltip:"Brightness", icon:"sun", onclick:t(W)}, {tooltip:"Sharpen", icon:"sharpen", onclick:t(ba)}, {tooltip:"Contrast", icon:"contrast", onclick:t(Z)}, {tooltip:"Color levels", icon:"drop", onclick:t(aa)}, {tooltip:"Gamma", icon:"gamma", onclick:t(da)}, {tooltip:"Invert", icon:"invert", onclick:t(V)}]), S = new g({flex:1, imageSrc:c.url}), T = new f({layout:"flex", direction:"column", border:"0 1 0 0", padding:5, spacing:5, items:[{type:"button", icon:"undo", tooltip:"Undo", name:"undo", onclick:D}, {type:"button", icon:"redo", tooltip:"Redo", name:"redo", onclick:E}, {type:"button", icon:"zoomin", tooltip:"Zoom in", onclick:B}, {type:"button", icon:"zoomout", tooltip:"Zoom out", onclick:C}]}), U = new f({type:"container", layout:"flex", direction:"row", align:"stretch", flex:1, items:[T, S]}), fa = [M, P, Q, R, N, V, W, X, Y, Z, $, _, aa, ba, ca, da, ea], L = d.create("window", {layout:"flex", direction:"column", align:"stretch", minWidth:Math.min(a.DOM.getViewPort().w, 800), minHeight:Math.min(a.DOM.getViewPort().h, 650), title:"Edit image", items:fa.concat([U]), buttons:[{text:"Save", name:"save", subtype:"primary", onclick:F}, {text:"Cancel", onclick:"close"}]}), L.renderTo(document.body).reflow(), L.on("close", function(){n(), m(, ka = null, O = null}), ka.add(c), q(), S.on("load", function(){ga = S.imageSize().w, ha = S.imageSize().h, ia = ha / ga, ja = ga / ha, L.find("#w").value(ga), L.find("#h").value(ha)}), S.on("crop", w)}function o(a){return new c(function(b, c){n(k(a), b, c)})}return{edit:o}}), g("a", [], function(){function a(a){function b(a){return/^[0-9\.]+px$/.test(a)}var c, d; return c =, d =, c || d?b(c) && b(d)?{w:parseInt(c, 10), h:parseInt(d, 10)}:null:(c = a.width, d = a.height, c && d?{w:parseInt(c, 10), h:parseInt(d, 10)}:null)}function b(a, b){var c, d; b && (c =, d =, (c || d) && ( = b.w + "px", = b.h + "px", a.removeAttribute("data-mce-style")), c = a.width, d = a.height, (c || d) && (a.setAttribute("width", b.w), a.setAttribute("height", b.h)))}function c(a){return{w:a.naturalWidth, h:a.naturalHeight}}return{getImageSize:a, setImageSize:b, getNaturalImageSize:c}}), g("l", ["3", "5"], function(a, b){var c = function(a){return null !== a && void 0 !== a}, d = function(a, b){var d; return d = b.reduce(function(a, b){return c(a)?a[b]:void 0}, a), c(d)?d:null}, e = function(c, d){return new a(function(a){var e; e = new XMLHttpRequest, e.onreadystatechange = function(){4 === e.readyState && a({status:e.status, blob:this.response})},"GET", c, !0), b.each(d, function(a, b){e.setRequestHeader(b, a)}), e.responseType = "blob", e.send()})}, f = function(b){return new a(function(a){var c = new FileReader; c.onload = function(b){var c =; a(c.result)}, c.readAsText(b)})}, g = function(a){var b; try{b = JSON.parse(a)} catch (c){}return b}; return{traverse:d, readBlob:f, requestUrlAsBlob:e, parseJson:g}}), g("b", ["3", "5", "l"], function(a, b, c){function d(b){return c.requestUrlAsBlob(b, {}).then(function(b){return b.status >= 400?f(b.status):a.resolve(b.blob)})}var e = function(a){return 400 === a || 403 === a || 500 === a}, f = function(b){return a.reject("ImageProxy HTTP error: " + b)}, g = function(b){a.reject("ImageProxy Service error: " + b)}, h = function(a, b){return c.readBlob(b).then(function(a){var b = c.parseJson(a), d = c.traverse(b, ["error", "type"]); return g(d?d:"Invalid JSON")})}, i = function(a, b){return e(a)?h(a, b):f(a)}, j = function(b, d){return c.requestUrlAsBlob(b, {"Content-Type":"application/json;charset=UTF-8", "tiny-api-key":d}).then(function(b){return b.status >= 400?i(b.status, b.blob):a.resolve(b.blob)})}, k = function(a, b){return b?j(a, b):d(a)}; return{getUrl:k}}), g("0", ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b"], function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k){var l = function(a){function l(b){{text:b, type:"error"})}function m(){return a.selection.getNode()}function n(){return"imagetools" + G++}function o(b){var c = b.src; return 0 === c.indexOf("data:") || 0 === c.indexOf("blob:") || new d(c).host ===}function p(b){return - 1 !== e.inArray(a.settings.imagetools_cors_hosts, new d(b.src).host)}function q(){return a.settings.api_key || a.settings.imagetools_api_key}function r(b){var c, d = b.src; return p(b)?k.getUrl(b.src, null):o(b)?h.imageToBlob(b):(d = a.settings.imagetools_proxy, d += ( - 1 === d.indexOf("?")?"?":"&") + "url=" + encodeURIComponent(b.src), c = q(), k.getUrl(d, c))}function s(){var b; return b = a.editorUpload.blobCache.getByUri(m().src), b?b.blob():r(m())}function t(){E = f.setEditorTimeout(a, function(){a.editorUpload.uploadImagesAuto()}, 3e4)}function u(){clearTimeout(E)}function v(b, c){return h.blobToDataUri(b).then(function(e){var f, g, h, i, j; return j = m(), f = n(), h = a.editorUpload.blobCache, g = d.parseDataUri(e).data, i = h.create(f, b, g), h.add(i), a.undoManager.transact(function(){function b(){a.$(j).off("load", b), a.nodeChanged(), c?a.editorUpload.uploadImagesAuto():(u(), t())}a.$(j).on("load", b), a.$(j).attr({src:i.blobUri()}).removeAttr("data-mce-src")}), i})}function w(b){return function(){return a._scanForImages().then(s).then(b).then(v, l)}}function x(a){return function(){return w(function(b){var c = j.getImageSize(m()); return c && j.setImageSize(m(), {w:c.h, h:c.w}), g.rotate(b, a)})()}}function y(a){return function(){return w(function(b){return g.flip(b, a)})()}}function z(){var a = m(), b = j.getNaturalImageSize(a), d = function(d){return new c(function(c){h.blobToImage(d).then(function(e){var f = j.getNaturalImageSize(e); b.w == f.w && b.h == f.h || j.getImageSize(a) && j.setImageSize(a, f), URL.revokeObjectURL(e.src), c(d)})})}, e = function(a){return i.edit(a).then(d).then(function(a){v(a, !0)}, function(){})}; a && r(a).then(e, l)}function A(){a.addButton("rotateleft", {title:"Rotate counterclockwise", onclick:x( - 90)}), a.addButton("rotateright", {title:"Rotate clockwise", onclick:x(90)}), a.addButton("flipv", {title:"Flip vertically", onclick:y("v")}), a.addButton("fliph", {title:"Flip horizontally", onclick:y("h")}), a.addButton("editimage", {title:"Edit image", onclick:z}), a.addButton("imageoptions", {title:"Image options", icon:"options", cmd:"mceImage"})}function B(){a.on("NodeChange", function(b){F && F.src != b.element.src && (u(), a.editorUpload.uploadImagesAuto(), F = void 0), C(b.element) && (F = b.element)})}function C(b){var c =, "img:not([data-mce-object],[data-mce-placeholder])"); return c && (o(b) || p(b) || a.settings.imagetools_proxy)}function D(){var b = a.settings.imagetools_toolbar; b || (b = "rotateleft rotateright | flipv fliph | crop editimage imageoptions"), a.addContextToolbar(C, b)}var E, F, G = 0; b.fileApi && (A(), D(), B(), a.addCommand("mceEditImage", z))}; return a.add("imagetools", l), function(){}}), d("0")()}();