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File: Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/fullscreen/plugin.min.js

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  Classes of Duong Huynh Nghia   Lego PHP   Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/fullscreen/plugin.min.js   Download  
File: Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/fullscreen/plugin.min.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Lego PHP
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 1,856 bytes


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tinymce.PluginManager.add("fullscreen", function(a){function b(){var a, b, c = window, d = document, e = d.body; return e.offsetWidth && (a = e.offsetWidth, b = e.offsetHeight), c.innerWidth && c.innerHeight && (a = c.innerWidth, b = c.innerHeight), {w:a, h:b}}function c(){var a = tinymce.DOM.getViewPort(); return{x:a.x, y:a.y}}function d(a){scrollTo(a.x, a.y)}function e(){function e(){m.setStyle(p, "height", b().h - (o.clientHeight - p.clientHeight))}var n, o, p, q, r = document.body, s = document.documentElement; l = !l, o = a.getContainer(), n =, p = a.getContentAreaContainer().firstChild, q =, l?(k = c(), f = q.width, g = q.height, q.width = q.height = "100%", i = n.width, j = n.height, n.width = n.height = "", m.addClass(r, "mce-fullscreen"), m.addClass(s, "mce-fullscreen"), m.addClass(o, "mce-fullscreen"), m.bind(window, "resize", e), e(), h = e):(q.width = f, q.height = g, i && (n.width = i), j && (n.height = j), m.removeClass(r, "mce-fullscreen"), m.removeClass(s, "mce-fullscreen"), m.removeClass(o, "mce-fullscreen"), m.unbind(window, "resize", h), d(k)),"FullscreenStateChanged", {state:l})}var f, g, h, i, j, k, l = !1, m = tinymce.DOM; return a.settings.inline?void 0:(a.on("init", function(){a.addShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+F", "", e)}), a.on("remove", function(){h && m.unbind(window, "resize", h)}), a.addCommand("mceFullScreen", e), a.addMenuItem("fullscreen", {text:"Fullscreen", shortcut:"Ctrl+Shift+F", selectable:!0, onClick:function(){e(), a.focus()}, onPostRender:function(){var b = this; a.on("FullscreenStateChanged", function(a){})}, context:"view"}), a.addButton("fullscreen", {tooltip:"Fullscreen", shortcut:"Ctrl+Shift+F", onClick:e, onPostRender:function(){var b = this; a.on("FullscreenStateChanged", function(a){})}}), {isFullscreen:function(){return l}})});