// Class to render array as image
* Class array_to_image: show a bidimensional array as an image representing
* a table. Allows:
* - set max image size and automatly resize if the resulting image is to big
* - different background and text color for head and rows
* - alternate background abd text color for even and odd rows
* - PNG or JPG format
* - store to files or show directly
* @author Roberto 'Frank' Franchini <f.rank@libero.it>
* @version 1.1
class array_to_image
* Array to be showed
* @var array
* @access public
var $arr;
* Image handle
* @var handler
* @access private
var $image;
* Fonts and colors parameters
* @var font
* @access private
var $font;
var $fontWidth;
var $even_bgcolor;
var $even_txt_color;
var $odd_bgcolor;
var $odd_txt_color;
var $head_bgcolor;
var $head_txt_color;
var $line_color;
var $cellspacing;
var $center; //if true center the text
var $max_x; //max dimension
var $max_y;
var $type;
//private parameters (calculated)
var $rows; //number of rows and columns
var $cols;
var $dim_x; //width and height in pixel of the resulting image
var $dim_y;
var $row_height; //height of each row in pixel
//it's all OK?
var $flag;
function array_to_image($arr=array(), $font=2, $cellspacing=5,
$center=true, $max_x=600, $max_y=600, $type='png',
$head_bgcolor="128,128,128", $head_txt_color="0,0,0",
$even_bgcolor="230,230,230", $even_txt_color="0,0,0",
$odd_bgcolor="214,214,214", $odd_txt_color="0,0,0")
$this->arr = $arr;
$this->font = $font;
$this->even_bgcolor = $this->_setcolor($even_bgcolor);
$this->even_txt_color = $this->_setcolor($even_txt_color);
$this->odd_bgcolor = $this->_setcolor($odd_bgcolor);
$this->odd_txt_color = $this->_setcolor($odd_txt_color);
$this->head_bgcolor = $this->_setcolor($head_bgcolor);
$this->head_txt_color = $this->_setcolor($head_txt_color);
$this->line_color = $this->_setcolor($line_color);
$this->cellspacing = $cellspacing;
$this->center = $center;
$this->max_x = $max_x;
$this->max_y = $max_y;
$this->type = $type;
$this->rows = 0;
$this->cols = 0;
$this->dim_x = 0;
$this->dim_y = 0;
$this->flag = 1;
$this->image = 0;
} //end constructor
function _array_to_image()
$this->arr = null;
$this->font = null;
$this->even_bgcolor = null;
$this->even_txt_color = null;
$this->odd_bgcolor = null;
$this->odd_txt_color = null;
$this->head_bgcolor = null;
$this->head_txt_color = null;
$this->line_color = null;
$this->cellspacing = null;
$this->center = null;
$this->max_x = null;
$this->max_y = null;
$this->type = null;
$this->rows = 0;
$this->cols = 0;
$this->dim_x = 0;
$this->dim_y = 0;
$this->flag = 1;
} //end constructor
* Show or store to the given file name the image
* in the selected format. It calls _image_create() if
* the handle isn't setted, and then calls _draw_table()
* that draws the table on the handle.
* @param string $name name of file where to store the image
* @param bool $destroy tells if the image handle should be destoyed
* @access public
* @returns image png or jpg image if $name is setted
function show_image($nome='', $destroy=true)
if (!$this->image) {
switch ($this->type) {
case 'png':
if ($nome) {
} else {
header("Content-type: image/png");
case 'jpeg':
if ($nome) {
imagejpeg ($this->image,$nome.".jpg");
} else {
header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
imagejpeg ($this->image);
if ($destroy == true) {
} //end func show_image
* Create an associative array for color values
* @param sting $color comma separated value for Red,Green,Blue
* @access private
* @returns associative arrary of colors
function _setcolor($color)
$color = explode(",",$color);
$red = $color[0];
$green = $color[1];
$blue = $color[2];
return (array(red=>$red,green=>$green,blue=>$blue));
* Set colors for all types of cells
* @access private
* @returns none
function _set_cells_color()
//setto i colori
$this->even_bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->even_bgcolor[red], $this->even_bgcolor[green], $this->even_bgcolor[blue] );
$this->even_txt_color = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->even_txt_color[red], $this->even_txt_color[green], $this->even_txt_color[blue] );
$this->odd_bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->odd_bgcolor[red], $this->odd_bgcolor[green], $this->odd_bgcolor[blue] );
$this->odd_txt_color = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->odd_txt_color[red], $this->odd_txt_color[green], $this->odd_txt_color[blue] );
$this->line_color = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->line_color[red], $this->line_color[green], $this->line_color[blue] );
$this->head_bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->head_bgcolor[red], $this->head_bgcolor[green], $this->head_bgcolor[blue] );
$this->head_txt_color = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->head_txt_color[red], $this->head_txt_color[green], $this->head_txt_color[blue] );
$line_color = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->line_color[red], $this->line_color[green], $this->line_color[blue] );
} //end func _setcolor
* Create the image and if necesary resize it to fit the
* max dimension required. This method only allocates graphic space
* where to draw the table
* @access private
* @returns none
function _create_image()
if ((!$this->cols) || (!$this->rows)) $this->_max_cells_width();
if ((!$this->dim_x) || (!$this->dim_y)) $this->_image_dimension();
//if calculated dimension of resulting image are bigger than
// max dimension, drop down font dimension and cellspacing
while (($this->dim_x > $this->max_x) or ($this->dim_y > $this->max_y)
and ($this->font > 1 or $this->cellspacing > 1 )) {
$this->cellspacing = ($this->cellspacing > 1) ? $this->cellspacing-1 : 1;
$this->font = ($this->font > 1) ? $this->font-1 : 1;
//now i can create the image
$this->image = imagecreate($this->dim_x, $this->dim_y);
} //end func _create_image
* Draw the table as image. Doesn't show any output.
* @access private
* @returns none
function _draw_table()
$y2 = 0;
$x2 = 0;
$y1 = 0;
$even = true;
while (list($rowKey,$row) = each($this->arr) ) {
$x1 = 0;
if ($rowKey =='width') continue;
/*'for' statement is necessary for draw cell's rectangle
* on empty cells
* This 'while' statement will not round empty cells:
* while (list($colKey,$element) = each ($row)) {
for ($colKey = 0; $colKey < $this->cols ; $colKey++) {
$element = $this->arr[$rowKey][$colKey];
$col_width = $this->arr['width'][$colKey] * $this->fontWidth + 2*$this->cellspacing;
$string = $element;
if ($this->center) {
$str_width = strlen($string) * $this->fontWidth;
$shift = ($col_width - $str_width) / 2 - $this->cellspacing;
$x2 = $x1 + $col_width;
$y2 = $y1 + $this->row_height;
//if index point to table's head apply style
if ($rowKey == 'head') {
imagefilledrectangle($this->image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->head_bgcolor);
ImageString($this->image, $this->font, $x1+$this->cellspacing+$shift, $y1+$this->cellspacing, $string, $this->head_txt_color);
} elseif ($even) {
imagefilledrectangle($this->image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->even_bgcolor);
ImageString($this->image, $this->font, $x1+$this->cellspacing+$shift, $y1+$this->cellspacing, $string, $this->even_txt_color);
} else {
imagefilledrectangle($this->image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->odd_bgcolor);
ImageString($this->image, $this->font, $x1+$this->cellspacing+$shift, $y1+$this->cellspacing, $string, $this->odd_txt_color);
imagerectangle($this->image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->line_color);
$x1 = $x2; //next column
$y1 = $y2; //next row
$even = !$even;
} //end func _draw_table
* Claculate the pixel lenght and widht of resulting image
* and set the parameters dim_x and dim_y
* @access private
* @return bool
function _image_dimension()
$this->fontWidth = imagefontwidth($this->font);
$font_height = imagefontheight($this->font);
$tot_char_width = 0; //total width of array in character
if (($this->cols == 0) || ($this->rows == 0)) {
while (list($i,$num_char) = each($this->arr['width'])) {
$tot_char_width += $num_char;
$this->row_height = $font_height + 2 * $this->cellspacing ;
//resulting image's dimension in pixel
$this->dim_x = $tot_char_width * $this->fontWidth + $this->cols * 2 * $this->cellspacing + 1;
$this->dim_y = ($this->rows-1) * ($this->row_height) + 1;
* Calculate the maximun width as number of character
* for each column of the original bidimensional array
* It adds a row to the array :
* $this->array[width] = array();
* and then sets the parameters $rows, $cols
* @access private
* @returns void
function _max_cells_width()
$this->arr['width'] = array();
$this->rows = 0;
$this->cols = 0;
while (list($row_key,$row) = each($this->arr)) {
while (list($col_key,$elem) = each($row)) {
$width = strlen($elem);
if (($this->arr['width'][$col_key] < $width) and ($row_key != 'width')) {
$this->arr['width'][$col_key] = $width;
$this->cols = count($this->arr['width']);
}//end func _max_cells_width
} //end of class array_to_image