// Make sre the varaiable settings are correct in dbConn.data.inc.php
require_once ('dbConn.class.php'); // Gimme the Class
$objConn= new dbConn; // New Instance
$objConn->setpersistent(false); // Defaults to false
$objConn->openConn(); // Open connection
/* ***************************************************************************** */
$query = 'SELECT 1'; // Create the query
//$objConn->openQuery($query); //
$result = $objConn->openQuery($query); // Run the query & Assign the result to your local variable
//echo mysql_num_fields($result ); // now you are free to use it as a regular result set
$row_RecordsetMain = mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo '1st:'.$row_RecordsetMain[1].'<br/>';
/* ***************************************************************************** */
$objConn->freeReuslt(); // you can free the result and still use the recordset (but why would you?
$query = 'SELECT 2'; // Create the query
$result2 = $objConn->openQuery($query);
$row_RecordsetMain2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
echo '1st again:'.$row_RecordsetMain[0].'<br/>';
echo '2nd:'.$row_RecordsetMain2[0].'<br/>';
//$objConn->freeReuslt(); // Close the result set
$objConn->closeConn(); // This will do nothing if the connection is persistent