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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../common/meta/js/dbGridFunctions.js"></script>
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<title>dbGrid Extreme - Example Page</title>
<h1>dbGrid Extreme - Example Page</h1>
<p>Click on 'Newsitems' in the Authors' table to see Newsitems from that author:</p>
## Set up the Data Connection
$hostname = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$Conn = mysql_pconnect($hostname, $username, $password) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);
$ActionCol = true; // Defaults to true - If true, will show a column with a link to EDIT/VIEW/DELETE current record =based on Primary Key)
$ActionView = true; // Defaults to true - If ActionCol is True, then will allow the 'VIEW' Link
$ActionSeeChildren = true; // Defaults to true - If ActionCol is True, then will allow the 'See <Children Data>' Link
$ActionEdit = false; // Defaults to true - If ActionCol is True, then will allow the 'EDIT' Link
$ActionDelete = false; // Defaults to true - If ActionCol is True, then will allow the 'DELETE' Link
$ActionInsert = false; // Defaults to true - If ActionCol is True, then will allow the 'INSERT' Link
## Require the dbGrid Class File
$Userlevel = 1;
function SetUserlevel($Userlevel) {
global $ActionEdit;
global $ActionDelete;
global $ActionInsert;
switch ($Userlevel) {
case 1:
$ActionEdit = true;
$ActionDelete = true;
$ActionInsert = true;
case 2:
$ActionEdit = true;
$ActionDelete = false;
$ActionInsert = false;
case 3:
$ActionEdit = false;
$ActionDelete = false;
$ActionInsert = false;
## If we want another grid, we should instatiate another object - so that previous settings do not intefere with this one
## 'EXTENDED' Settings for DBGrid
$GridName = 'MyGrid1';
$database = "test";
$GridSQL = 'SELECT *';
$GridSQL .= ' FROM author';
$GridSQL .= ' ORDER BY short_name ';
$MaindbTable = 'author';
$Title = 'Authors';
$FieldNameList = 'ID, Author, Full Name';
$ChildList = 'id=newsitems.author'; //<Field used in Child Table>=<ChildTable>.<Child Field>
$ActionSeeChildrenText = 'Newsitems';
$ParentList = '';
$Defaults = '';
$RowsPerPage = 2;
$BlobNumWords = 12;
$DateFormat = 'd-m-Y H:i';
$Validation="'short_name','#q','0',Field \'short_name\' is required'|'long_name','#q','0','Field \'long_name\' is required.'";
//$objGrid1 = new dbGrid($GridName,$Conn,$database,$GridSQL,false); // Instatiate Object
$objGrid1 = new dbGrid(); // Instatiate Object
##Minimum paratmeters:
$objGrid1->setMyName($GridName); // Set the Name
$objGrid1->setConn($Conn); // Pass the connection
$objGrid1->setDb($database); // Pass the database name
$objGrid1->setSQLMain($GridSQL); // Pass the SQL Statement
## Optional Parameters
$objGrid1->setActionCol($ActionCol); // Defaults to true - If true, will show a column with a link to EDIT/VIEW/DELETE current record (based on Primary Key)
$objGrid1->setActionView($ActionView ); // Defaults to true - If ActionCol is True, then will allow the 'VIEW' Link
$objGrid1->setActionSeeChildren($ActionSeeChildren); // Defaults to true - Will allow the 'See 'field's' Link
$objGrid1->setActionSeeChildrenText($ActionSeeChildrenText); // Defaults to 'Display <child_tablename>' - this is the text display in the action column for viewing 'children'. If not set the text will be 'Display <child_tablename>'
$objGrid1->setActionEdit($ActionEdit); // Defaults to true - If ActionCol is True, then will allow the 'EDIT' Link
$objGrid1->setActionDelete($ActionDelete); // Defaults to true - If ActionCol is True, then will allow the 'DELETE' Link
$objGrid1->setActionInsert($ActionInsert); // Defaults to true - Will allow the 'INSERT' Link
$objGrid1->setValidation($Validation); // the Validation for update/insert See Documentation on validation
$objGrid1->setMainDbTable($MaindbTable); // Main Table to be used for Insert /Edit - DEFAULTS to first table in SQL Statement
$objGrid1->setFieldNameList($FieldNameList); // Defaults to none - Column Headings
$objGrid1->setTitle($Title); // Defaults to MainDbTable -Title - Above the GridSQL
$objGrid1->setChildren($ChildList); // Defaults to none - For childGrids
$objGrid1->setParents($ParentList); // Defaults to none - Tables used for Dropdowns in Insert / Edit
$objGrid1->setRowsPerPage($RowsPerPage); // Defaults to 20 - How many Rows per page (invalid if HasPaging is false)
$objGrid1->setBlobNumWords($BlobNumWords); // Defaults to 25 - How many words to display whern a clumn is 'Blob' Data type
$objGrid1->setstrDateFormat($DateFormat); // Defaults to 'Y-m-d' - this affects the display of datatime or Date data - but insert & update forms still show the YYY-MM-DD format required by mysql
##The Following are just for this demonstration - they are the same as the default settings */
$objGrid1->setShowChildrenNoSelection(false); // Defaults to false - When there is a child table, Should I show this table unfiltered if a selection on the parent (me) has not been made
$objGrid1->setShowsFilter(false); // Defaults to false - Shows the Where Statement as a H3 Title
$objGrid1->setDefaultValues($Defaults); // Defaults to none - Values used in 'Insert from' as defaults....
$objGrid1->setDateDefaultsToNow(true); // Defaults to true - Specify if the datetime column (if any ) defaults to 'Now()' when inserting a record
$objGrid1->setbDebug(false); // Defaults to false - Set Debug Mode on/Off
$objGrid1->setColumnSort(true); // Defaults to true - Turns columns headings into sort links
$objGrid1->setShowSortBox(true); // Defaults to true - Allows a uuser to input his own order By clause
$objGrid1->setHasPaging(true); // Defaults to true - Has data set split into pages
$objGrid1->setShowNavigation(true); // Defaults to true
$objGrid1->setShowRecordInfo(true); // Defaults to true
$objGrid1->setShowPageNums(true); // Defaults to true - Shows a box with Page Number Links
$objGrid1->setShowGoToPageBox(true); // Defaults to true - Shows an input box to put a page number in
$objGrid1->setAlternateRowColors(true); // Defaults to true - Alternate Row colouring
$objGrid1->setPrimaryKey('ID'); // Defaults to none - If blank, the grid will try to identify the PK
$objGrid1->setShowPrimaryKey(false); // Defaults to false - Show the Primary Key Column?
$objGrid1->setShowRowCounter(true); // Defaults to true - Will Show a column with the row number
$objGrid1->setheaderwrap(false); // Defaults to false - Allow wrapping of Header?
$objGrid1->setdatawrap(false); // Defaults to false - Allow wrapping of non blob data?
$objGrid1->setDefaultStyleClass(true); // Defaults to true - If false, must be set after ->MyName
$objGrid1->setEditPage(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); // Defaults to basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) - Set the page to which any EDIT/DELETE/VIEW/INSERT Commands should be sent
$objGrid1->setDeletePage(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); // Defaults to basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) - Set the page to which any EDIT/DELETE/VIEW/INSERT Commands should be sent
$objGrid1->setViewPage(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); // Defaults to basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) - Set the page to which any EDIT/DELETE/VIEW/INSERT Commands should be sent
$objGrid1->setInsertPage(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); // Defaults to basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) - Set the page to which any EDIT/DELETE/VIEW/INSERT Commands should be sent
$ParentGrid = $GridName;
$GridName = 'MyGrid2';
$Title = 'News Items';
$GridSQL = 'SELECT newsitems.id, category.name,author.short_name,title, body, newsitems.status, posted';
$GridSQL .= ' FROM newsitems';
$GridSQL .= ' LEFT OUTER JOIN Category on newsitems.Category = Category.id';
$GridSQL .= ' LEFT OUTER JOIN Author on newsitems.Author=Author.id';
$GridSQL .= ' WHERE newsitems.Status = 1';
$GridSQL .= ' ORDER BY posted DESC';
$MaindbTable = 'NewsItems';
$FieldNameList = 'ID, Category, Author, Title, Body, Status, Posted';
$ParentList = 'author=author.short_name, category=category.name'; // MUST be <field(from this table)>=<table>.<DisplayField>
$ParentLink = 'author.id=short_name'; // MUST be <table>.<key>=<shownfield>
$ChildList = '';
$Validation="'title','#q','0','Field \'title\' is required.'|'body','10','1','Field \'body\' is required and must contain at east 10 words.'|'status','#q','0','Field \'status\' is required.'|'posted','#q','0','Field \'posted\' is required.'";
//$objGrid2 = new dbGrid($GridName,$Conn,$database,$GridSQL,false); // Instatiate Object
$objGrid2 = new dbGrid(); // Instatiate Object
$objGrid2->setMyName($GridName); // Set the Name
$objGrid2->setConn($Conn); // Pass the connection
$objGrid2->setDb($database); // Pass the database name
## Optional Parameters
$objGrid2->setActionCol($ActionCol); // Defaults to true - If true, will show a column with a link to EDIT/VIEW/DELETE current record (based on Primary Key)
$objGrid2->setActionView($ActionView ); // Defaults to true - If ActionCol is True, then will allow the 'VIEW' Link
$objGrid2->setActionSeeChildren($ActionSeeChildren ); // Defaults to true - Will allow the 'See 'field's' Link
$objGrid2->setActionEdit($ActionEdit); // Defaults to true - If ActionCol is True, then will allow the 'EDIT' Link
$objGrid2->setActionDelete($ActionDelete); // Defaults to true - If ActionCol is True, then will allow the 'DELETE' Link
$objGrid2->setActionInsert($ActionInsert); // Defaults to true - Will allow the 'INSERT' Link
$objGrid2->setMainDbTable($MaindbTable); // Main Table to be used for Insert /Edit - DEFAULTS to first table in SQL Statement
$objGrid2->setFieldNameList($FieldNameList); // Defaults to none - Column Headings
$objGrid2->setTitle($Title); // Defaults to MainDbTable -Title - Above the GridSQL
$objGrid2->setChildren($ChildList); // Defaults to none - For childGrids
$objGrid2->setParents($ParentList); // Defaults to none - Tables used for Dropdowns in Insert / Edit
$objGrid2->setRowsPerPage($RowsPerPage); // Defaults to 20 - How many Rows per page (invalid if HasPaging is false)
$objGrid2->setBlobNumWords($BlobNumWords); // Defaults to 25 - How many words to display whern a clumn is 'Blob' Data type
$objGrid2->setstrDateFormat($DateFormat); // Defaults to 'Y-m-d' - this affects the display of datatime or Date data - but insert & update forms still show the YYY-MM-DD format required by mysql
$objGrid2->setParentLink($ParentLink); // Defaults to none - Tables used for Dropdowns in Insert / Edit
$objGrid2->setActionSeeChildren(false); // Defaults to false - Will allow the 'See 'field's' Link
$objGrid2->setParents($ParentList); // Defaults to none - Tables used for Dropdowns in Insert / Edit
$objGrid2->setShowsFilter(true); // Defaults to false - Shows the Where Statement as a H3 Title
if ($objGrid1->ShowChildren) {
## 'QUICK' or 'BASIC' Settings for DBGrid
$GridName = 'MyGrid2';
$GridSQL = 'SELECT newsitems.id, category.name,author.short_name,title, body, status, posted';
$GridSQL .= ' FROM newsitems';
$GridSQL .= ' LEFT OUTER JOIN Category on newsitems.Category = Category.id';
$GridSQL .= ' LEFT OUTER JOIN Author on newsitems.Author=Author.id';
$GridSQL .= ' WHERE newsitems.status = 1 ';
if (isset($_GET['MyGrid1SeeChild'])) {$GridSQL .= ' AND author='.$_GET['MyGrid1SeeChild'];}
$GridSQL .= ' ORDER BY Author, posted DESC ';
$bDebug = false;
## Create an Instance, and pass the Name of the Grid, a connection object, and the SQL statement - 'QUICK MODE'
## If the Connection and SQL are VALID, this will run all the way to writeGrid()......
$objGrid2 = new dbGrid($GridName, $Conn, $database, $GridSQL, $bDebug); //NAME, CONNECTION, SQL, DEBUG