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File: docs/files/PhpApi.php.txt
Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation
Class: PHP API Framework
Handle API requests with annotated classes
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<?php namespace PhpApi; use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry; use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader; use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\SimpleAnnotationReader; use Saxulum\AnnotationManager\Manager\AnnotationManager; use PhpApi\Annotations\Api; use PhpApi\Annotations\HttpMethod; /** * This classe resolves URL routing by using annotations on methods. * It specifies a pattern that, when matched, triggers that operation. * * @package PhpApi * @copyright (c) 2017, Federal Institute of Rondonia * @license LGPL-3.0+ * @author Natanael Simoes <> * @since Release 0.1.0 * @link Github repository */ class PhpApi { use \FlorianWolters\Component\Util\Singleton\SingletonTrait; /** * The file path where the @Api annotation is setup * @var string */ const API_ANNOTATION_PATH = '/Annotations/Api.php'; /** * The file path where the @Method annotation is setup * @var string */ const METHOD_ANNOTATION_PATH = '/Annotations/HttpMethod.php'; /** * The directory this class will iterate looking for @Api annotation * @var string */ private $sourceDir; /** * The request string captured from URL * @var string */ private $request; /** * The request method (GET, PUT, DELETE...) * @var string */ private $requestMethod; /** * Holds all @Api routes. * It stores the <i>pattern</i> that triggers the route, <i>class</i> and * <i>function</i> that will be executed, moreover the specific HTTP * <i>method</i> used for that function * @var Route[] */ private $routes = array(); /** * Stores only the patterns that triggers routes (to improve search speed) * @var array */ private $patterns = array(); /** * Initilizes the object loading routes and patterns. Do not instantiate * this directly. Instead, use the * @param string $sourceDir The directory this class will iterate looking for @Api annotation * @uses PhpApi::generateRoutes */ protected function __construct($sourceDir) { Token::authenticate(); if (!file_exists($sourceDir)) { throw new \Exception('Source directory does not exists.'); } $this->sourceDir = $sourceDir; $serverPHPSelf = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF'); $serverPHPRequest = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI'); $this->requestMethod = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_METHOD'); $selfPart = substr($serverPHPSelf, 0, strrpos($serverPHPSelf, '/') + 1); $requestUri = str_replace($selfPart, '', $serverPHPRequest); $request = ($pos = strpos($requestUri, '?')) ? substr($requestUri, 0, $pos) : $requestUri; $this->request = (substr($request, -1) === '/') ? substr($request, 0, -1) : $request; $this->generateRoutes(); } /** * Start the PhpApi library and evaluates the actual URL * @param string $sourceDir The directory this class will iterate looking for @Api annotation * @uses PhpApi::getInstance * @uses PhpApi::evaluateURL */ public static function start($sourceDir) { self::getInstance($sourceDir)->evaluateURL(); } /** * Generates routes that triggers specific class methods * @uses PhpApi::getAllClasses * @uses \Saxulum\AnnotationManager\Helper\ClassInfo::getMethodInfos * @uses AnnotationReader::getMethodAnnotation * @uses PhpApi::addRoute */ private function generateRoutes() { AnnotationRegistry::registerFile(__DIR__ . self::API_ANNOTATION_PATH); AnnotationRegistry::registerFile(__DIR__ . self::METHOD_ANNOTATION_PATH); $annotationReader = new AnnotationReader(); foreach ($this->getAllClasses() as $class) { foreach ($class->getMethodInfos() as $method) { $method = new \ReflectionMethod($class->getName(), $method->getName()); $apiPattern = $annotationReader->getMethodAnnotation($method, new Api); $httpMethod = $annotationReader->getMethodAnnotation($method, new HttpMethod); if (!is_null($apiPattern)) { $this->addRoute($method, $apiPattern, $httpMethod); } } } } /** * Adds the route and pattern for a given $method using a specific * HTTP request method if available * @param \ReflectionMethod $method The class method that will be triggered * @param Api $api The $method @Api annotation * @param HttpMethod $httpMethod The $method @HttpMethod Annotation */ private function addRoute(\ReflectionMethod &$method, Api &$api, HttpMethod &$httpMethod = null) { if (!is_null($api) && self::validatePattern($api->pattern)) { $patterns = explode(';', $api->pattern); foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { array_push($this->routes, new Route($pattern, $method->class, $method->name, $httpMethod->name ?? null)); array_push($this->patterns, $pattern); } } } /** * Returns all classes within the source directory * @return \Saxulum\AnnotationManager\Helper\ClassInfo[] * @uses AnnotationManager::buildClassInfosBasedOnPath */ private function getAllClasses(): array { $annotationReader = new SimpleAnnotationReader(); $annotationManager = new AnnotationManager($annotationReader); return $annotationManager->buildClassInfosBasedOnPath($this->sourceDir); } /** * Validates @Api pattern string * @param string $pattern The pattern * @return boolean If the pattern is valid */ private static function validatePattern(string $pattern): bool { if (substr($pattern, -1) === '/' || strpos('\\', $pattern) !== false || strpos(' ', $pattern) !== false) { $patternRules = <<<EOT Route pattern $pattern not following routing rules: patterns cannot end with / and have any whitespaces or \\ EOT; http_response_code(400); echo json_encode(['message' => $patternRules]); exit; } return true; } /** * Returns the route for a given pattern * @param string $pattern The pattern * @return Route The route * @uses Route::acceptPatternAndHttpMethod */ private function getRoute(string $pattern): Route { $onlyRoute = false; foreach ($this->routes as $route) { if ($route->acceptPattern($pattern) && $route->acceptHttpMethod($this->requestMethod)) { return $route; } } http_response_code(501); // If reaches here, the real route does not accept the HTTP method requested echo json_encode(['message' => "The method $this->requestMethod is not implemented for this request."]); exit; } /** * Evaluates URL looking for a route/pattern that matches the request * @uses PhpApi::getUniquePatterns * @uses PhpApi::getRoute * @uses PhpApi::searchRequestPattern * @uses PhpApi::processRequestPattern */ private function evaluateURL() { if (empty($this->request)) { //index echo str_replace('\\', '', json_encode($this->getUniquePatterns())); exit; } elseif (in_array($this->request, $this->patterns)) { $this->getRoute($this->request)->execute(); } else { $pattern = $this->searchRequestPattern(); $this->processRequestPattern($pattern); } } /** * Returns all patterns used in @Api. This method returns just one ocurrence * of the pattern even if it is used in multiple locations (with distinctive * HTTP request methods) * @return array */ private function getUniquePatterns(): array { $pM = array(); foreach ($this->patterns as $pattern) { if (!in_array($pattern, $pM)) { array_push($pM, $pattern); } } return $pM; } /** * Executes the class method for the given pattern * @param string $pattern * @uses PhpApi::explodePattern * @uses PhpApi::getRoute * @uses Route::getMethodParams * @uses Route::execute */ private function processRequestPattern(string $pattern) { $arRequest = $this->explodePattern($this->request); $arPattern = $this->explodePattern($pattern); $route = $this->getRoute($pattern); $refParams = $route->getMethodParams(); $params = array(); for ($i = 0, $max = count($arPattern); $i < $max; $i++) { if (substr($arPattern[$i], 0, 1) === '$') { $index = array_search(substr($arPattern[$i], 1), $refParams); $params[$index] = $arRequest[$i]; } } array_multisort($params); $route->execute($params); } /** * Search for patterns that looks like the original request * @return string The pattern * @uses PhpApi::explodePattern */ private function searchRequestPattern(): string { $arRequest = $this->explodePattern($this->request); $countRequest = count($arRequest); $exPatterns = array_map('PhpApi\PhpApi::explodePattern', $this->patterns); // explode all patterns $coPatterns = array_filter($exPatterns, function ($elem) use ($countRequest) { // filter where count is equal to request return count($elem) === $countRequest; }); $index = 0; do { $coPatterns = array_filter($coPatterns, function ($elem) use ($arRequest, $index) { // filter where all position are equal, ignores when expecting variable return (substr($elem[$index], 0, 1) === '$') ? true : $elem[$index] === $arRequest[$index]; }); $index++; } while (array_key_exists($index, $arRequest)); if (count($coPatterns) === 0) { // found no patterns as requested http_response_code(404); echo json_encode(['message' => 'Resource not found.']); exit; } else { return $this->patterns[array_keys($coPatterns)[0]]; } } /** * Explodes a pattern or route into a array using a slash as delimiter * @param string $pattern The pattern or route * @return array The exploded string */ private static function explodePattern(string $pattern): array { return explode('/', $pattern); } }