// StateList 0.5
// make a popup list of states
// Paul Schreiber
// paul@magic.ca
// http://paulschreiber.com/
// parameters
// ----------
// popup_name: the name attribute you want for the <SELECT> tag
// javascript: javascript for the <SELECT> tag, i.e.
// onChange="this.form.submit()" [optional]
// sets: what states and provinces should be included. this works
// like the unix chmod command. [optional]
// Add up these numbers:
// 0 = include US states and Canadian provinces -- special default case
// 1 = include US states
// 2 = include US military "states"
// 4 = include US possessions
// 8 = include Canadian provinces
// So, to include US states and US possessions only, you would do this:
// stateList("state","",5);
// To include Canadian provinces and US military "states," you would to this
// stateList("state","",10);
if ( !defined('STATE_LIST_DEFINED') ) {
function stateList ($popup_name, $javascript="", $sets = 0) {
$us_states = array (
"AL" => "Alabama",
"AK" => "Alaska",
"AZ" => "Arizona",
"AR" => "Arkansas",
"CA" => "California",
"CO" => "Colorado",
"CT" => "Connecticut",
"DE" => "Delaware",
"DC" => "District of Columbia",
"FL" => "Florida",
"GA" => "Georgia",
"HI" => "Hawaii",
"ID" => "Idaho",
"IL" => "Illinois",
"IN" => "Indiana",
"IA" => "Iowa",
"KS" => "Kansas",
"KY" => "Kentucky",
"LA" => "Louisiana",
"ME" => "Maine",
"MD" => "Maryland",
"MA" => "Massachusetts",
"MI" => "Michigan",
"MN" => "Minnesota",
"MS" => "Mississippi",
"MO" => "Missouri",
"MT" => "Montana",
"NE" => "Nebraska",
"NV" => "Nevada",
"NH" => "New Hampshire",
"NJ" => "New Jersey",
"NM" => "New Mexico",
"NY" => "New York",
"NC" => "North Carolina",
"ND" => "North Dakota",
"OH" => "Ohio",
"OK" => "Oklahoma",
"OR" => "Oregon",
"PA" => "Pennsylvania",
"RI" => "Rhode Island",
"SC" => "South Carolina",
"SD" => "South Dakota",
"TN" => "Tenessee",
"TX" => "Texas",
"UT" => "Utah",
"VT" => "Vermont",
"VA" => "Virginia",
"WA" => "Washington",
"WV" => "West Virginia",
"WI" => "Wisconsin",
"WY" => "Wyoming"
$canadian_provinces = array (
"AB" => "Alberta",
"BC" => "British Columbia",
"MB" => "Manitoba",
"NF" => "Newfoundland",
"NB" => "New Brunswick",
"NS" => "Nova Scotia",
"NT" => "Northwest Territories",
"ON" => "Ontario",
"PE" => "Prince Edward Island",
"QC" => "Quebec",
"SK" => "Saskatchewan",
"YT" => "Yukon Territory"
$us_military = array (
"AA" => "Armed Forces Americas (except Canada)",
"AE" => "Armed Forces Africa",
"AE" => "Armed Forces Canada",
"AE" => "Armed Forces Europe",
"AE" => "Armed Forces Middle East",
"AP" => "Armed Forces Pacific"
$us_possessions = array (
"AS" => "American Samoa",
"FM" => "Federated States Of Micronesia",
"GU" => "Guam ",
"MH" => "Marshall Islands",
"MP" => "Northern Mariana Islands",
"PW" => "Palau",
"PR" => "Puerto Rico",
"VI" => "Virgin Islands"
// special default case -- North America only
if ($sets == 0) {
$state_list = $us_states + $canadian_provinces;
// figure out what's going on, and generate the appropriate hash
} else {
// must declare a blank array
$state_list = array ();
if ($sets >= 8) {
$sets -= 8;
$state_list += $canadian_provinces;
if ($sets >= 4) {
$sets -= 4;
$state_list += $us_possessions;
if ($sets >= 2) {
$sets -= 2;
$state_list += $us_military;
if ($sets >= 1) {
$sets -= 1;
$state_list += $us_states;
// we need popup_menu to generate the actual menu
popup_menu($popup_name, $state_list, $javascript);