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File: core/assets/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/resize/plugin.js

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File: core/assets/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/resize/plugin.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: RT Adminlte
Generate layout and menus for Adminlte
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 6,910 bytes


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/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see or */ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'resize', { init: function( editor ) { function dragHandler( evt ) { var dx =$.screenX - origin.x, dy =$.screenY - origin.y, width = startSize.width, height = startSize.height, internalWidth = width + dx * ( resizeDir == 'rtl' ? -1 : 1 ), internalHeight = height + dy; if ( resizeHorizontal ) width = Math.max( config.resize_minWidth, Math.min( internalWidth, config.resize_maxWidth ) ); if ( resizeVertical ) height = Math.max( config.resize_minHeight, Math.min( internalHeight, config.resize_maxHeight ) ); // DO NOT impose fixed size with single direction resize. (#6308) editor.resize( resizeHorizontal ? width : null, height ); } function dragEndHandler() { CKEDITOR.document.removeListener( 'mousemove', dragHandler ); CKEDITOR.document.removeListener( 'mouseup', dragEndHandler ); if ( editor.document ) { editor.document.removeListener( 'mousemove', dragHandler ); editor.document.removeListener( 'mouseup', dragEndHandler ); } } var config = editor.config; var spaceId = editor.ui.spaceId( 'resizer' ); // Resize in the same direction of chrome, // which is identical to dir of editor element. (#6614) var resizeDir = editor.element ? editor.element.getDirection( 1 ) : 'ltr'; !config.resize_dir && ( config.resize_dir = 'vertical' ); ( config.resize_maxWidth === undefined ) && ( config.resize_maxWidth = 3000 ); ( config.resize_maxHeight === undefined ) && ( config.resize_maxHeight = 3000 ); ( config.resize_minWidth === undefined ) && ( config.resize_minWidth = 750 ); ( config.resize_minHeight === undefined ) && ( config.resize_minHeight = 250 ); if ( config.resize_enabled !== false ) { var container = null, origin, startSize, resizeHorizontal = ( config.resize_dir == 'both' || config.resize_dir == 'horizontal' ) && ( config.resize_minWidth != config.resize_maxWidth ), resizeVertical = ( config.resize_dir == 'both' || config.resize_dir == 'vertical' ) && ( config.resize_minHeight != config.resize_maxHeight ); var mouseDownFn = function( $event ) { if ( !container ) container = editor.getResizable(); startSize = { width: container.$.offsetWidth || 0, height: container.$.offsetHeight || 0 }; origin = { x: $event.screenX, y: $event.screenY }; config.resize_minWidth > startSize.width && ( config.resize_minWidth = startSize.width ); config.resize_minHeight > startSize.height && ( config.resize_minHeight = startSize.height ); CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mousemove', dragHandler ); CKEDITOR.document.on( 'mouseup', dragEndHandler ); if ( editor.document ) { editor.document.on( 'mousemove', dragHandler ); editor.document.on( 'mouseup', dragEndHandler ); } $event.preventDefault && $event.preventDefault(); } ); editor.on( 'destroy', function() { mouseDownFn ); } ); editor.on( 'uiSpace', function( event ) { if ( == 'bottom' ) { var direction = ''; if ( resizeHorizontal && !resizeVertical ) direction = ' cke_resizer_horizontal'; if ( !resizeHorizontal && resizeVertical ) direction = ' cke_resizer_vertical'; var resizerHtml = '<span' + ' id="' + spaceId + '"' + ' class="cke_resizer' + direction + ' cke_resizer_' + resizeDir + '"' + ' title="' + editor.lang.common.resize ) + '"' + ' onmousedown="' + mouseDownFn + ', event)"' + '>' + // BLACK LOWER RIGHT TRIANGLE (ltr) // BLACK LOWER LEFT TRIANGLE (rtl) ( resizeDir == 'ltr' ? '\u25E2' : '\u25E3' ) + '</span>'; // Always sticks the corner of botttom space. resizeDir == 'ltr' && direction == 'ltr' ? += resizerHtml : = resizerHtml +; } }, editor, null, 100 ); // Toggle the visibility of the resizer when an editor is being maximized or minimized. editor.on( 'maximize', function( event ) { 'resizer' )[ == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? 'hide' : 'show' ](); } ); } } } ); /** * The minimum editor width, in pixels, when resizing the editor interface by using the resize handle. * Note: It falls back to editor's actual width if it is smaller than the default value. * * Read more in the [documentation](#!/guide/dev_resize) * and see the [SDK sample]( * * config.resize_minWidth = 500; * * @cfg {Number} [resize_minWidth=750] * @member CKEDITOR.config */ /** * The minimum editor height, in pixels, when resizing the editor interface by using the resize handle. * Note: It falls back to editor's actual height if it is smaller than the default value. * * Read more in the [documentation](#!/guide/dev_resize) * and see the [SDK sample]( * * config.resize_minHeight = 600; * * @cfg {Number} [resize_minHeight=250] * @member CKEDITOR.config */ /** * The maximum editor width, in pixels, when resizing the editor interface by using the resize handle. * * Read more in the [documentation](#!/guide/dev_resize) * and see the [SDK sample]( * * config.resize_maxWidth = 750; * * @cfg {Number} [resize_maxWidth=3000] * @member CKEDITOR.config */ /** * The maximum editor height, in pixels, when resizing the editor interface by using the resize handle. * * Read more in the [documentation](#!/guide/dev_resize) * and see the [SDK sample]( * * config.resize_maxHeight = 600; * * @cfg {Number} [resize_maxHeight=3000] * @member CKEDITOR.config */ /** * Whether to enable the resizing feature. If this feature is disabled, the resize handle will not be visible. * * Read more in the [documentation](#!/guide/dev_resize) * and see the [SDK sample]( * * config.resize_enabled = false; * * @cfg {Boolean} [resize_enabled=true] * @member CKEDITOR.config */ /** * The dimensions for which the editor resizing is enabled. Possible values * are `both`, `vertical`, and `horizontal`. * * Read more in the [documentation](#!/guide/dev_resize) * and see the [SDK sample]( * * config.resize_dir = 'both'; * * @since 3.3 * @cfg {String} [resize_dir='vertical'] * @member CKEDITOR.config */