* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'menubutton', {
requires: 'button,menu',
onLoad: function() {
var clickFn = function( editor ) {
var _ = this._,
menu = _.menu;
// Do nothing if this button is disabled.
if ( _.on && menu ) {
_.previousState = _.state;
// Check if we already have a menu for it, otherwise just create it.
if ( !menu ) {
menu = _.menu = new CKEDITOR.menu( editor, {
panel: {
className: 'cke_menu_panel',
attributes: { 'aria-label': editor.lang.common.options }
} );
menu.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function() {
var modes = this.command ? editor.getCommand( this.command ).modes : this.modes;
this.setState( !modes || modes[ editor.mode ] ? _.previousState : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
_.on = 0;
}, this );
// Initialize the menu items at this point.
if ( this.onMenu )
menu.addListener( this.onMenu );
this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
_.on = 1;
// This timeout is needed to give time for the panel get focus
// when JAWS is running. (#9842)
setTimeout( function() {
menu.show( CKEDITOR.document.getById( _.id ), 4 );
}, 0 );
* @class
* @extends CKEDITOR.ui.button
* @todo
CKEDITOR.ui.menuButton = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass( {
base: CKEDITOR.ui.button,
* Creates a menuButton class instance.
* @constructor
* @param Object definition
* @todo
$: function( definition ) {
// We don't want the panel definition in this object.
delete definition.panel;
this.base( definition );
this.hasArrow = true;
this.click = clickFn;
statics: {
handler: {
create: function( definition ) {
return new CKEDITOR.ui.menuButton( definition );
} );
beforeInit: function( editor ) {
editor.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_MENUBUTTON, CKEDITOR.ui.menuButton.handler );
} );
* Button UI element.
* @readonly
* @property {String} [='menubutton']
* @member CKEDITOR