* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
( function() {
var isMSSelection = typeof window.getSelection != 'function',
nextRev = 1,
// #13816
fillingCharSequence = CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( '\u200b', 7 ),
fillingCharSequenceRegExp = new RegExp( fillingCharSequence + '( )?', 'g' );
// #### checkSelectionChange : START
// The selection change check basically saves the element parent tree of
// the current node and check it on successive requests. If there is any
// change on the tree, then the selectionChange event gets fired.
function checkSelectionChange() {
// A possibly available fake-selection.
var sel = this._.fakeSelection,
if ( sel ) {
realSel = this.getSelection( 1 );
// If real (not locked/stored) selection was moved from hidden container,
// then the fake-selection must be invalidated.
if ( !realSel || !realSel.isHidden() ) {
// Remove the cache from fake-selection references in use elsewhere.
// Have the code using the native selection.
sel = 0;
// If not fake-selection is available then get the native selection.
if ( !sel ) {
sel = realSel || this.getSelection( 1 );
// Editor may have no selection at all.
if ( !sel || sel.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE )
this.fire( 'selectionCheck', sel );
var currentPath = this.elementPath();
if ( !currentPath.compare( this._.selectionPreviousPath ) ) {
// Handle case when dialog inserts new element but parent block and path (so also focus context) does not change. (#13362)
var sameBlockParent = this._.selectionPreviousPath && this._.selectionPreviousPath.blockLimit.equals( currentPath.blockLimit );
// Cache the active element, which we'll eventually lose on Webkit.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && !sameBlockParent )
this._.previousActive = this.document.getActive();
this._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath;
this.fire( 'selectionChange', { selection: sel, path: currentPath } );
var checkSelectionChangeTimer, checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending;
function checkSelectionChangeTimeout() {
// Firing the "OnSelectionChange" event on every key press started to
// be too slow. This function guarantees that there will be at least
// 200ms delay between selection checks.
checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending = true;
if ( checkSelectionChangeTimer )
checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec.call( this );
checkSelectionChangeTimer = CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec, 200, this );
function checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec() {
checkSelectionChangeTimer = null;
if ( checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending ) {
// Call this with a timeout so the browser properly moves the
// selection after the mouseup. It happened that the selection was
// being moved after the mouseup when clicking inside selected text
// with Firefox.
CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( checkSelectionChange, 0, this );
checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending = false;
// #### checkSelectionChange : END
var isVisible = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible( 1 );
// May absorb the caret if:
// * is a visible node,
// * is a non-empty element (this rule will accept elements like <strong></strong> because they
// they were not accepted by the isVisible() check, not not <br> which cannot absorb the caret).
// See #12621.
function mayAbsorbCaret( node ) {
if ( isVisible( node ) )
return true;
if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !node.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty ) )
return true;
return false;
function rangeRequiresFix( range ) {
// Whether we must prevent from absorbing caret by this context node.
// Also checks whether there's an editable position next to that node.
function ctxRequiresFix( node, isAtEnd ) {
// It's ok for us if a text node absorbs the caret, because
// the caret container element isn't changed then.
if ( !node || node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
return false;
var testRng = range.clone();
return testRng[ 'moveToElementEdit' + ( isAtEnd ? 'End' : 'Start' ) ]( node );
// Range root must be the editable element, it's to avoid creating filler char
// on any temporary internal selection.
if ( !( range.root instanceof CKEDITOR.editable ) )
return false;
var ct = range.startContainer;
var previous = range.getPreviousNode( mayAbsorbCaret, null, ct ),
next = range.getNextNode( mayAbsorbCaret, null, ct );
// Any adjacent text container may absorb the caret, e.g.
// <p><strong>text</strong>^foo</p>
// <p>foo^<strong>text</strong></p>
// <div>^<p>foo</p></div>
if ( ctxRequiresFix( previous ) || ctxRequiresFix( next, 1 ) )
return true;
// Empty block/inline element is also affected. <span>^</span>, <p>^</p> (#7222)
// If you found this line confusing check #12655.
if ( !( previous || next ) && !( ct.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ct.isBlockBoundary() && ct.getBogus() ) )
return true;
return false;
function createFillingCharSequenceNode( editable ) {
removeFillingCharSequenceNode( editable, false );
var fillingChar = editable.getDocument().createText( fillingCharSequence );
editable.setCustomData( 'cke-fillingChar', fillingChar );
return fillingChar;
// Checks if a filling char has been used, eventualy removing it (#1272).
function checkFillingCharSequenceNodeReady( editable ) {
var fillingChar = editable.getCustomData( 'cke-fillingChar' );
if ( fillingChar ) {
// Use this flag to avoid removing the filling char right after
// creating it.
if ( fillingChar.getCustomData( 'ready' ) ) {
removeFillingCharSequenceNode( editable );
} else {
fillingChar.setCustomData( 'ready', 1 );
function removeFillingCharSequenceNode( editable, keepSelection ) {
var fillingChar = editable && editable.removeCustomData( 'cke-fillingChar' );
if ( fillingChar ) {
// Text selection position might get mangled by
// subsequent dom modification, save it now for restoring. (#8617)
if ( keepSelection !== false ) {
var sel = editable.getDocument().getSelection().getNative(),
// Be error proof.
range = sel && sel.type != 'None' && sel.getRangeAt( 0 ),
fillingCharSeqLength = fillingCharSequence.length;
// If there's some text other than the sequence in the FC text node and the range
// intersects with that node...
if ( fillingChar.getLength() > fillingCharSeqLength && range && range.intersectsNode( fillingChar.$ ) ) {
var bm = createNativeSelectionBookmark( sel );
// Correct start offset anticipating the removal of FC.
if ( sel.anchorNode == fillingChar.$ && sel.anchorOffset > fillingCharSeqLength ) {
bm[ 0 ].offset -= fillingCharSeqLength;
// Correct end offset anticipating the removal of FC.
if ( sel.focusNode == fillingChar.$ && sel.focusOffset > fillingCharSeqLength ) {
bm[ 1 ].offset -= fillingCharSeqLength;
// We can't simply remove the filling node because the user
// will actually enlarge it when typing, so we just remove the
// invisible char from it.
fillingChar.setText( removeFillingCharSequenceString( fillingChar.getText(), 1 ) );
// Restore the bookmark preserving selection's direction.
if ( bm ) {
moveNativeSelectionToBookmark( editable.getDocument().$, bm );
// #13816
function removeFillingCharSequenceString( str, nbspAware ) {
if ( nbspAware ) {
return str.replace( fillingCharSequenceRegExp, function( m, p ) {
// #10291 if filling char is followed by a space replace it with NBSP.
return p ? '\xa0' : '';
} );
} else {
return str.replace( fillingCharSequence, '' );
function createNativeSelectionBookmark( sel ) {
return [
{ node: sel.anchorNode, offset: sel.anchorOffset },
{ node: sel.focusNode, offset: sel.focusOffset }
function moveNativeSelectionToBookmark( document, bm ) {
var sel = document.getSelection(),
range = document.createRange();
range.setStart( bm[ 0 ].node, bm[ 0 ].offset );
range.collapse( true );
sel.addRange( range );
sel.extend( bm[ 1 ].node, bm[ 1 ].offset );
// Creates cke_hidden_sel container and puts real selection there.
function hideSelection( editor, ariaLabel ) {
var content = ariaLabel || ' ',
style = CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 14 ? 'display:none' : 'position:fixed;top:0;left:-1000px',
hiddenEl = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
'<div data-cke-hidden-sel="1" data-cke-temp="1" style="' + style + '">' + content + '</div>',
editor.document );
editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot' );
editor.editable().append( hiddenEl );
// Always use real selection to avoid overriding locked one (http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11104#comment:13).
var sel = editor.getSelection( 1 ),
range = editor.createRange(),
// Cancel selectionchange fired by selectRanges - prevent from firing selectionChange.
listener = sel.root.on( 'selectionchange', function( evt ) {
}, null, null, 0 );
range.setStartAt( hiddenEl, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
range.setEndAt( hiddenEl, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
sel.selectRanges( [ range ] );
editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
// Set this value at the end, so reset() executed by selectRanges()
// will clean up old hidden selection container.
editor._.hiddenSelectionContainer = hiddenEl;
function removeHiddenSelectionContainer( editor ) {
var hiddenEl = editor._.hiddenSelectionContainer;
if ( hiddenEl ) {
var isDirty = editor.checkDirty();
editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot' );
editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
!isDirty && editor.resetDirty();
delete editor._.hiddenSelectionContainer;
// Object containing keystroke handlers for fake selection.
var fakeSelectionDefaultKeystrokeHandlers = ( function() {
function leave( right ) {
return function( evt ) {
var range = evt.editor.createRange();
// Move selection only if there's a editable place for it.
// It no, then do nothing (keystroke will be blocked, widget selection kept).
if ( range.moveToClosestEditablePosition( evt.selected, right ) )
evt.editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ range ] );
// Prevent default.
return false;
function del( right ) {
return function( evt ) {
var editor = evt.editor,
range = editor.createRange(),
// If haven't found place for caret on the default side,
// try to find it on the other side.
if ( !( found = range.moveToClosestEditablePosition( evt.selected, right ) ) )
found = range.moveToClosestEditablePosition( evt.selected, !right );
if ( found )
editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ range ] );
// Save the state before removing selected element.
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
// Haven't found any editable space before removing element,
// try to place the caret anywhere (most likely, in empty editable).
if ( !found ) {
range.moveToElementEditablePosition( editor.editable() );
editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ range ] );
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
// Prevent default.
return false;
var leaveLeft = leave(),
leaveRight = leave( 1 );
return {
37: leaveLeft, // LEFT
38: leaveLeft, // UP
39: leaveRight, // RIGHT
40: leaveRight, // DOWN
8: del(), // BACKSPACE
46: del( 1 ) // DELETE
} )();
// Handle left, right, delete and backspace keystrokes next to non-editable elements
// by faking selection on them.
function getOnKeyDownListener( editor ) {
var keystrokes = { 37: 1, 39: 1, 8: 1, 46: 1 };
return function( evt ) {
var keystroke = evt.data.getKeystroke();
// Handle only left/right/del/bspace keys.
if ( !keystrokes[ keystroke ] )
var sel = editor.getSelection(),
ranges = sel.getRanges(),
range = ranges[ 0 ];
// Handle only single range and it has to be collapsed.
if ( ranges.length != 1 || !range.collapsed )
var next = range[ keystroke < 38 ? 'getPreviousEditableNode' : 'getNextEditableNode' ]();
if ( next && next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && next.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'false' ) {
editor.getSelection().fake( next );
// If fake selection should be applied this function will return instance of
// CKEDITOR.dom.element which should gain fake selection.
function getNonEditableFakeSelectionReceiver( ranges ) {
var enclosedNode, shrinkedNode, clone, range;
if ( ranges.length == 1 && !( range = ranges[ 0 ] ).collapsed &&
( enclosedNode = range.getEnclosedNode() ) && enclosedNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
// So far we can't say that enclosed element is non-editable. Before checking,
// we'll shrink range (clone). Shrinking will stop on non-editable range, or
// innermost element (#11114).
clone = range.clone();
clone.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT, true );
// If shrinked range still encloses an element, check this one (shrink stops only on non-editable elements).
if ( ( shrinkedNode = clone.getEnclosedNode() ) && shrinkedNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
enclosedNode = shrinkedNode;
if ( enclosedNode.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'false' )
return enclosedNode;
// Fix ranges which may end after hidden selection container.
// Note: this function may only be used if hidden selection container
// is not in DOM any more.
function fixRangesAfterHiddenSelectionContainer( ranges, root ) {
var range;
for ( var i = 0; i < ranges.length; ++i ) {
range = ranges[ i ];
if ( range.endContainer.equals( root ) ) {
// We can use getChildCount() because hidden selection container is not in DOM.
range.endOffset = Math.min( range.endOffset, root.getChildCount() );
// Extract only editable part or ranges.
// Note: this function modifies ranges list!
// @param {CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList} ranges
function extractEditableRanges( ranges ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
var range = ranges[ i ];
// Drop range spans inside one ready-only node.
var parent = range.getCommonAncestor();
if ( parent.isReadOnly() )
ranges.splice( i, 1 );
if ( range.collapsed )
// Range may start inside a non-editable element,
// replace the range start after it.
if ( range.startContainer.isReadOnly() ) {
var current = range.startContainer,
while ( current ) {
isElement = current.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT;
if ( ( isElement && current.is( 'body' ) ) || !current.isReadOnly() )
if ( isElement && current.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'false' )
range.setStartAfter( current );
current = current.getParent();
var startContainer = range.startContainer,
endContainer = range.endContainer,
startOffset = range.startOffset,
endOffset = range.endOffset,
walkerRange = range.clone();
// Enlarge range start/end with text node to avoid walker
// being DOM destructive, it doesn't interfere our checking
// of elements below as well.
if ( startContainer && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
if ( startOffset >= startContainer.getLength() )
walkerRange.setStartAfter( startContainer );
walkerRange.setStartBefore( startContainer );
if ( endContainer && endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
if ( !endOffset )
walkerRange.setEndBefore( endContainer );
walkerRange.setEndAfter( endContainer );
// Looking for non-editable element inside the range.
var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
walker.evaluator = function( node ) {
if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.isReadOnly() ) {
var newRange = range.clone();
range.setEndBefore( node );
// Drop collapsed range around read-only elements,
// it make sure the range list empty when selecting
// only non-editable elements.
if ( range.collapsed )
ranges.splice( i--, 1 );
// Avoid creating invalid range.
if ( !( node.getPosition( walkerRange.endContainer ) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_CONTAINS ) ) {
newRange.setStartAfter( node );
if ( !newRange.collapsed )
ranges.splice( i + 1, 0, newRange );
return true;
return false;
return ranges;
// Setup all editor instances for the necessary selection hooks.
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceCreated', function( ev ) {
var editor = ev.editor;
editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
var doc = editor.document,
outerDoc = CKEDITOR.document,
editable = editor.editable(),
body = doc.getBody(),
html = doc.getDocumentElement();
var isInline = editable.isInline();
var restoreSel,
// Give the editable an initial selection on first focus,
// put selection at a consistent position at the start
// of the contents. (#9507)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
editable.attachListener( editable, 'focus', function( evt ) {
if ( restoreSel !== 0 ) {
var nativ = editor.getSelection().getNative();
// Do it only if the native selection is at an unwanted
// place (at the very start of the editable). #10119
if ( nativ && nativ.isCollapsed && nativ.anchorNode == editable.$ ) {
var rng = editor.createRange();
rng.moveToElementEditStart( editable );
}, null, null, -2 );
// Plays the magic here to restore/save dom selection on editable focus/blur.
editable.attachListener( editable, CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 'DOMFocusIn' : 'focus', function() {
// On Webkit we use DOMFocusIn which is fired more often than focus - e.g. when moving from main editable
// to nested editable (or the opposite). Unlock selection all, but restore only when it was locked
// for the same active element, what will e.g. mean restoring after displaying dialog.
if ( restoreSel && CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
restoreSel = editor._.previousActive && editor._.previousActive.equals( doc.getActive() );
// On Webkit when editor uses divarea, native focus causes editable viewport to scroll
// to the top (when there is no active selection inside while focusing) so the scroll
// position should be restored after focusing back editable area. (#14659)
if ( restoreSel && editor._.previousScrollTop != null && editor._.previousScrollTop != editable.$.scrollTop ) {
editable.$.scrollTop = editor._.previousScrollTop;
editor.unlockSelection( restoreSel );
restoreSel = 0;
}, null, null, -1 );
// Disable selection restoring when clicking in.
editable.attachListener( editable, 'mousedown', function() {
restoreSel = 0;
} );
// Save a cloned version of current selection.
function saveSel() {
lastSel = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( editor.getSelection() );
// Browsers could loose the selection once the editable lost focus,
// in such case we need to reproduce it by saving a locked selection
// and restoring it upon focus gain.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || isInline ) {
// For old IEs, we can retrieve the last correct DOM selection upon the "beforedeactivate" event.
// For the rest, a more frequent check is required for each selection change made.
if ( isMSSelection )
editable.attachListener( editable, 'beforedeactivate', saveSel, null, null, -1 );
editable.attachListener( editor, 'selectionCheck', saveSel, null, null, -1 );
// Lock the selection and mark it to be restored.
// On Webkit we use DOMFocusOut which is fired more often than blur. I.e. it will also be
// fired when nested editable is blurred.
editable.attachListener( editable, CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 'DOMFocusOut' : 'blur', function() {
editor.lockSelection( lastSel );
restoreSel = 1;
}, null, null, -1 );
// Disable selection restoring when clicking in.
editable.attachListener( editable, 'mousedown', function() {
restoreSel = 0;
} );
// The following selection-related fixes only apply to classic (`iframe`-based) editable.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !isInline ) {
var scroll;
editable.attachListener( editable, 'mousedown', function( evt ) {
// IE scrolls document to top on right mousedown
// when editor has no focus, remember this scroll
// position and revert it before context menu opens. (#5778)
if ( evt.data.$.button == 2 ) {
var sel = editor.document.getSelection();
if ( !sel || sel.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE )
scroll = editor.window.getScrollPosition();
} );
editable.attachListener( editable, 'mouseup', function( evt ) {
// Restore recorded scroll position when needed on right mouseup.
if ( evt.data.$.button == 2 && scroll ) {
editor.document.$.documentElement.scrollLeft = scroll.x;
editor.document.$.documentElement.scrollTop = scroll.y;
scroll = null;
} );
// When content doc is in standards mode, IE doesn't focus the editor when
// clicking at the region below body (on html element) content, we emulate
// the normal behavior on old IEs. (#1659, #7932)
if ( doc.$.compatMode != 'BackCompat' ) {
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) {
var textRng,
html.on( 'mousedown', function( evt ) {
evt = evt.data;
// Expand the text range along with mouse move.
function onHover( evt ) {
evt = evt.data.$;
if ( textRng ) {
// Read the current cursor.
var rngEnd = body.$.createTextRange();
moveRangeToPoint( rngEnd, evt.clientX, evt.clientY );
// Handle drag directions.
startRng.compareEndPoints( 'StartToStart', rngEnd ) < 0 ?
'EndToEnd' : 'StartToStart', rngEnd );
// Update selection with new range.
function removeListeners() {
outerDoc.removeListener( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
html.removeListener( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
function onSelectEnd() {
html.removeListener( 'mousemove', onHover );
// Make it in effect on mouse up. (#9022)
// We're sure that the click happens at the region
// below body, but not on scrollbar.
if ( evt.getTarget().is( 'html' ) &&
evt.$.y < html.$.clientHeight &&
evt.$.x < html.$.clientWidth ) {
// Start to build the text range.
textRng = body.$.createTextRange();
moveRangeToPoint( textRng, evt.$.clientX, evt.$.clientY );
// Records the dragging start of the above text range.
startRng = textRng.duplicate();
html.on( 'mousemove', onHover );
outerDoc.on( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
html.on( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
} );
// It's much simpler for IE8+, we just need to reselect the reported range.
// This hack does not work on IE>=11 because there's no old selection&range APIs.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.version > 7 && CKEDITOR.env.version < 11 ) {
html.on( 'mousedown', function( evt ) {
if ( evt.data.getTarget().is( 'html' ) ) {
// Limit the text selection mouse move inside of editable. (#9715)
outerDoc.on( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
html.on( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
} );
// We check the selection change:
// 1. Upon "selectionchange" event from the editable element. (which might be faked event fired by our code)
// 2. After the accomplish of keyboard and mouse events.
editable.attachListener( editable, 'selectionchange', checkSelectionChange, editor );
editable.attachListener( editable, 'keyup', checkSelectionChangeTimeout, editor );
// Always fire the selection change on focus gain.
// On Webkit do this on DOMFocusIn, because the selection is unlocked on it too and
// we need synchronization between those listeners to not lost cached editor._.previousActive property
// (which is updated on selectionCheck).
editable.attachListener( editable, CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 'DOMFocusIn' : 'focus', function() {
editor.selectionChange( 1 );
} );
// #9699: On Webkit&Gecko in inline editor we have to check selection when it was changed
// by dragging and releasing mouse button outside editable. Dragging (mousedown)
// has to be initialized in editable, but for mouseup we listen on document element.
if ( isInline && ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) ) {
var mouseDown;
editable.attachListener( editable, 'mousedown', function() {
mouseDown = 1;
} );
editable.attachListener( doc.getDocumentElement(), 'mouseup', function() {
if ( mouseDown )
checkSelectionChangeTimeout.call( editor );
mouseDown = 0;
} );
// In all other cases listen on simple mouseup over editable, as we did before #9699.
// Use document instead of editable in non-IEs for observing mouseup
// since editable won't fire the event if selection process started within iframe and ended out
// of the editor (#9851).
else {
editable.attachListener( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? editable : doc.getDocumentElement(), 'mouseup', checkSelectionChangeTimeout, editor );
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
// Before keystroke is handled by editor, check to remove the filling char.
editable.attachListener( doc, 'keydown', function( evt ) {
var key = evt.data.getKey();
// Remove the filling char before some keys get
// executed, so they'll not get blocked by it.
switch ( key ) {
case 13: // ENTER
case 33: // PAGEUP
case 34: // PAGEDOWN
case 35: // HOME
case 36: // END
case 37: // LEFT-ARROW
case 39: // RIGHT-ARROW
case 8: // BACKSPACE
case 45: // INS
case 46: // DEl
removeFillingCharSequenceNode( editable );
}, null, null, -1 );
// Automatically select non-editable element when navigating into
// it by left/right or backspace/del keys.
editable.attachListener( editable, 'keydown', getOnKeyDownListener( editor ), null, null, -1 );
function moveRangeToPoint( range, x, y ) {
// Error prune in IE7. (#9034, #9110)
try {
range.moveToPoint( x, y );
} catch ( e ) {}
function removeListeners() {
outerDoc.removeListener( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
html.removeListener( 'mouseup', onSelectEnd );
function onSelectEnd() {
// The event is not fired when clicking on the scrollbars,
// so we can safely check the following to understand
// whether the empty space following <body> has been clicked.
var sel = CKEDITOR.document.$.selection,
range = sel.createRange();
// The selection range is reported on host, but actually it should applies to the content doc.
if ( sel.type != 'None' && range.parentElement().ownerDocument == doc.$ )
} );
editor.on( 'setData', function() {
// Invalidate locked selection when unloading DOM.
// (#9521, #5217#comment:32 and #11500#comment:11)
// Webkit's selection will mess up after the data loading.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
} );
// Catch all the cases which above setData listener couldn't catch.
// For example: switching to source mode and destroying editor.
editor.on( 'contentDomUnload', function() {
} );
// IE9 might cease to work if there's an object selection inside the iframe (#7639).
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie9Compat )
editor.on( 'beforeDestroy', clearSelection, null, null, 9 );
// Check selection change on data reload.
editor.on( 'dataReady', function() {
// Clean up fake selection after setting data.
delete editor._.fakeSelection;
delete editor._.hiddenSelectionContainer;
editor.selectionChange( 1 );
} );
// When loaded data are ready check whether hidden selection container was not loaded.
editor.on( 'loadSnapshot', function() {
var isElement = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.nodeType( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ),
// TODO replace with el.find() which will be introduced in #9764,
// because it may happen that hidden sel container won't be the last element.
last = editor.editable().getLast( isElement );
if ( last && last.hasAttribute( 'data-cke-hidden-sel' ) ) {
// Firefox does a very unfortunate thing. When a non-editable element is the only
// element in the editable, when we remove the hidden selection container, Firefox
// will insert a bogus <br> at the beginning of the editable...
// See: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=911201
// This behavior is never desired because this <br> pushes the content lower, but in
// this case it is especially dangerous, because it happens when a bookmark is being restored.
// Since this <br> is inserted at the beginning it changes indexes and thus breaks the bookmark2
// what results in errors.
// So... let's revert what Firefox broke.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
var first = editor.editable().getFirst( isElement );
if ( first && first.is( 'br' ) && first.getAttribute( '_moz_editor_bogus_node' ) ) {
}, null, null, 100 );
editor.on( 'key', function( evt ) {
if ( editor.mode != 'wysiwyg' )
var sel = editor.getSelection();
if ( !sel.isFake )
var handler = fakeSelectionDefaultKeystrokeHandlers[ evt.data.keyCode ];
if ( handler )
return handler( { editor: editor, selected: sel.getSelectedElement(), selection: sel, keyEvent: evt } );
} );
function clearSelection() {
var sel = editor.getSelection();
sel && sel.removeAllRanges();
} );
// On WebKit only, we need a special "filling" char on some situations
// (#1272). Here we set the events that should invalidate that char.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( evt ) {
var editor = evt.editor;
editor.on( 'selectionChange', function() {
checkFillingCharSequenceNodeReady( editor.editable() );
}, null, null, -1 );
editor.on( 'beforeSetMode', function() {
removeFillingCharSequenceNode( editor.editable() );
}, null, null, -1 );
// Filter Undo snapshot's HTML to get rid of Filling Char Sequence.
// Note: CKEDITOR.dom.range.createBookmark2() normalizes snapshot's
// bookmarks to anticipate the removal of FCSeq from the snapshot's HTML (#13816).
editor.on( 'getSnapshot', function( evt ) {
if ( evt.data ) {
evt.data = removeFillingCharSequenceString( evt.data );
}, editor, null, 20 );
// Filter data to get rid of Filling Char Sequence. Filter on #toDataFormat
// instead of #getData because once removed, FCSeq may leave an empty element,
// which should be pruned by the dataProcessor (#13816).
// Note: Used low priority to filter when dataProcessor works on strings,
// not pseudo–DOM.
editor.on( 'toDataFormat', function( evt ) {
evt.data.dataValue = removeFillingCharSequenceString( evt.data.dataValue );
}, null, null, 0 );
} );
* Check the selection change in editor and potentially fires
* the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#event-selectionChange} event.
* @method
* @member CKEDITOR.editor
* @param {Boolean} [checkNow=false] Force the check to happen immediately
* instead of coming with a timeout delay (default).
CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.selectionChange = function( checkNow ) {
( checkNow ? checkSelectionChange : checkSelectionChangeTimeout ).call( this );
* Retrieve the editor selection in scope of editable element.
* **Note:** Since the native browser selection provides only one single
* selection at a time per document, so if editor's editable element has lost focus,
* this method will return a null value unless the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#lockSelection}
* has been called beforehand so the saved selection is retrieved.
* var selection = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelection();
* alert( selection.getType() );
* @method
* @member CKEDITOR.editor
* @param {Boolean} forceRealSelection Return real selection, instead of saved or fake one.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} A selection object or null if not available for the moment.
CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getSelection = function( forceRealSelection ) {
// Check if there exists a locked or fake selection.
if ( ( this._.savedSelection || this._.fakeSelection ) && !forceRealSelection )
return this._.savedSelection || this._.fakeSelection;
// Editable element might be absent or editor might not be in a wysiwyg mode.
var editable = this.editable();
return editable && this.mode == 'wysiwyg' ? new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( editable ) : null;
* Locks the selection made in the editor in order to make it possible to
* manipulate it without browser interference. A locked selection is
* cached and remains unchanged until it is released with the
* {@link CKEDITOR.editor#unlockSelection} method.
* @method
* @member CKEDITOR.editor
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} [sel] Specify the selection to be locked.
* @returns {Boolean} `true` if selection was locked.
CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.lockSelection = function( sel ) {
sel = sel || this.getSelection( 1 );
if ( sel.getType() != CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE ) {
!sel.isLocked && sel.lock();
this._.savedSelection = sel;
return true;
return false;
* Unlocks the selection made in the editor and locked with the
* {@link CKEDITOR.editor#unlockSelection} method. An unlocked selection
* is no longer cached and can be changed.
* @method
* @member CKEDITOR.editor
* @param {Boolean} [restore] If set to `true`, the selection is
* restored back to the selection saved earlier by using the
* {@link CKEDITOR.dom.selection#lock} method.
CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.unlockSelection = function( restore ) {
var sel = this._.savedSelection;
if ( sel ) {
sel.unlock( restore );
delete this._.savedSelection;
return true;
return false;
* @method
* @member CKEDITOR.editor
* @todo
CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.forceNextSelectionCheck = function() {
delete this._.selectionPreviousPath;
* Gets the current selection in context of the document's body element.
* var selection = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.document.getSelection();
* alert( selection.getType() );
* @method
* @member CKEDITOR.dom.document
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} A selection object.
CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype.getSelection = function() {
return new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( this );
* Select this range as the only one with {@link CKEDITOR.dom.selection#selectRanges}.
* @method
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection}
* @member CKEDITOR.dom.range
CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.select = function() {
var sel = this.root instanceof CKEDITOR.editable ? this.root.editor.getSelection() : new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( this.root );
sel.selectRanges( [ this ] );
return sel;
* No selection.
* if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE )
* alert( 'Nothing is selected' );
* @readonly
* @property {Number} [=1]
* @member CKEDITOR
* A text or a collapsed selection.
* if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT )
* alert( 'A text is selected' );
* @readonly
* @property {Number} [=2]
* @member CKEDITOR
* Element selection.
* if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT )
* alert( 'An element is selected' );
* @readonly
* @property {Number} [=3]
* @member CKEDITOR
* Manipulates the selection within a DOM element. If the current browser selection
* spans outside of the element, an empty selection object is returned.
* Despite the fact that selection's constructor allows to create selection instances,
* usually it's better to get selection from the editor instance:
* var sel = editor.getSelection();
* See {@link CKEDITOR.editor#getSelection}.
* @class
* @constructor Creates a selection class instance.
* // Selection scoped in document.
* var sel = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( CKEDITOR.document );
* // Selection scoped in element with 'editable' id.
* var sel = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'editable' ) );
* // Cloning selection.
* var clone = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( sel );
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document/CKEDITOR.dom.element/CKEDITOR.dom.selection} target
* The DOM document/element that the DOM selection is restrained to. Only selection which spans
* within the target element is considered as valid.
* If {@link CKEDITOR.dom.selection} is passed, then its clone will be created.
CKEDITOR.dom.selection = function( target ) {
// Target is a selection - clone it.
if ( target instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.selection ) {
var selection = target;
target = target.root;
var isElement = target instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element,
this.rev = selection ? selection.rev : nextRev++;
this.document = target instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.document ? target : target.getDocument();
this.root = root = isElement ? target : this.document.getBody();
this.isLocked = 0;
this._ = {
cache: {}
// Clone selection.
if ( selection ) {
CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this._.cache, selection._.cache );
this.isFake = selection.isFake;
this.isLocked = selection.isLocked;
return this;
// Check whether browser focus is really inside of the editable element.
var nativeSel = this.getNative(),
if ( nativeSel ) {
if ( nativeSel.getRangeAt ) {
range = nativeSel.rangeCount && nativeSel.getRangeAt( 0 );
rangeParent = range && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( range.commonAncestorContainer );
// For old IEs.
else {
// Sometimes, mostly when selection is close to the table or hr,
// IE throws "Unspecified error".
try {
range = nativeSel.createRange();
} catch ( err ) {}
rangeParent = range && CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( range.item && range.item( 0 ) || range.parentElement() );
// Selection out of concerned range, empty the selection.
// TODO check whether this condition cannot be reverted to its old
// form (commented out) after we closed #10438.
//if ( !( rangeParent && ( root.equals( rangeParent ) || root.contains( rangeParent ) ) ) ) {
if ( !(
rangeParent &&
( rangeParent.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || rangeParent.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) &&
( this.root.equals( rangeParent ) || this.root.contains( rangeParent ) )
) ) {
this._.cache.type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE;
this._.cache.startElement = null;
this._.cache.selectedElement = null;
this._.cache.selectedText = '';
this._.cache.ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList();
return this;
var styleObjectElements = { img: 1, hr: 1, li: 1, table: 1, tr: 1, td: 1, th: 1, embed: 1, object: 1, ol: 1, ul: 1,
a: 1, input: 1, form: 1, select: 1, textarea: 1, button: 1, fieldset: 1, thead: 1, tfoot: 1 };
CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.selection, {
_removeFillingCharSequenceString: removeFillingCharSequenceString,
_createFillingCharSequenceNode: createFillingCharSequenceNode,
* The sequence used in a WebKit-based browser to create a Filling Character. By default it is
* a string of 7 zero-width space characters (U+200B).
* @since 4.5.7
* @readonly
* @property {String}
FILLING_CHAR_SEQUENCE: fillingCharSequence
} );
CKEDITOR.dom.selection.prototype = {
* Gets the native selection object from the browser.
* var selection = editor.getSelection().getNative();
* @returns {Object} The native browser selection object.
getNative: function() {
if ( this._.cache.nativeSel !== undefined )
return this._.cache.nativeSel;
return ( this._.cache.nativeSel = isMSSelection ? this.document.$.selection : this.document.getWindow().$.getSelection() );
* Gets the type of the current selection. The following values are
* available:
* * {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_NONE} (1): No selection.
* * {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_TEXT} (2): A text or a collapsed selection is selected.
* * {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_ELEMENT} (3): An element is selected.
* Example:
* if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT )
* alert( 'A text is selected' );
* @method
* @returns {Number} One of the following constant values: {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_NONE},
getType: isMSSelection ?
function() {
var cache = this._.cache;
if ( cache.type )
return cache.type;
try {
var sel = this.getNative(),
ieType = sel.type;
if ( ieType == 'Text' )
if ( ieType == 'Control' )
// It is possible that we can still get a text range
// object even when type == 'None' is returned by IE.
// So we'd better check the object returned by
// createRange() rather than by looking at the type.
if ( sel.createRange().parentElement() )
} catch ( e ) {}
return ( cache.type = type );
} : function() {
var cache = this._.cache;
if ( cache.type )
return cache.type;
var sel = this.getNative();
if ( !( sel && sel.rangeCount ) )
else if ( sel.rangeCount == 1 ) {
// Check if the actual selection is a control (IMG,
// TABLE, HR, etc...).
var range = sel.getRangeAt( 0 ),
startContainer = range.startContainer;
if ( startContainer == range.endContainer && startContainer.nodeType == 1 &&
( range.endOffset - range.startOffset ) == 1 &&
styleObjectElements[ startContainer.childNodes[ range.startOffset ].nodeName.toLowerCase() ] ) {
return ( cache.type = type );
* Retrieves the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range} instances that represent the current selection.
* Note: Some browsers return multiple ranges even for a continuous selection. Firefox, for example, returns
* one range for each table cell when one or more table rows are selected.
* var ranges = selection.getRanges();
* alert( ranges.length );
* @method
* @param {Boolean} [onlyEditables] If set to `true`, this function retrives editable ranges only.
* @returns {Array} Range instances that represent the current selection.
getRanges: ( function() {
var func = isMSSelection ? ( function() {
function getNodeIndex( node ) {
return new CKEDITOR.dom.node( node ).getIndex();
// Finds the container and offset for a specific boundary
// of an IE range.
var getBoundaryInformation = function( range, start ) {
// Creates a collapsed range at the requested boundary.
range = range.duplicate();
range.collapse( start );
// Gets the element that encloses the range entirely.
var parent = range.parentElement();
// Empty parent element, e.g. <i>^</i>
if ( !parent.hasChildNodes() )
return { container: parent, offset: 0 };
var siblings = parent.children,
child, sibling,
testRange = range.duplicate(),
startIndex = 0,
endIndex = siblings.length - 1,
index = -1,
position, distance, container;
// Binary search over all element childs to test the range to see whether
// range is right on the boundary of one element.
while ( startIndex <= endIndex ) {
index = Math.floor( ( startIndex + endIndex ) / 2 );
child = siblings[ index ];
testRange.moveToElementText( child );
position = testRange.compareEndPoints( 'StartToStart', range );
if ( position > 0 )
endIndex = index - 1;
else if ( position < 0 )
startIndex = index + 1;
return { container: parent, offset: getNodeIndex( child ) };
// All childs are text nodes,
// or to the right hand of test range are all text nodes. (#6992)
if ( index == -1 || index == siblings.length - 1 && position < 0 ) {
// Adapt test range to embrace the entire parent contents.
testRange.moveToElementText( parent );
testRange.setEndPoint( 'StartToStart', range );
// IE report line break as CRLF with range.text but
// only LF with textnode.nodeValue, normalize them to avoid
// breaking character counting logic below. (#3949)
distance = testRange.text.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' ).length;
siblings = parent.childNodes;
// Actual range anchor right beside test range at the boundary of text node.
if ( !distance ) {
child = siblings[ siblings.length - 1 ];
if ( child.nodeType != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
return { container: parent, offset: siblings.length };
return { container: child, offset: child.nodeValue.length };
// Start the measuring until distance overflows, meanwhile count the text nodes.
var i = siblings.length;
while ( distance > 0 && i > 0 ) {
sibling = siblings[ --i ];
if ( sibling.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
container = sibling;
distance -= sibling.nodeValue.length;
return { container: container, offset: -distance };
// Test range was one offset beyond OR behind the anchored text node.
else {
// Adapt one side of test range to the actual range
// for measuring the offset between them.
testRange.collapse( position > 0 ? true : false );
testRange.setEndPoint( position > 0 ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToStart', range );
// IE report line break as CRLF with range.text but
// only LF with textnode.nodeValue, normalize them to avoid
// breaking character counting logic below. (#3949)
distance = testRange.text.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' ).length;
// Actual range anchor right beside test range at the inner boundary of text node.
if ( !distance )
return { container: parent, offset: getNodeIndex( child ) + ( position > 0 ? 0 : 1 ) };
// Start the measuring until distance overflows, meanwhile count the text nodes.
while ( distance > 0 ) {
try {
sibling = child[ position > 0 ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling' ];
if ( sibling.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
distance -= sibling.nodeValue.length;
container = sibling;
child = sibling;
// Measurement in IE could be somtimes wrong because of <select> element. (#4611)
catch ( e ) {
return { container: parent, offset: getNodeIndex( child ) };
return { container: container, offset: position > 0 ? -distance : container.nodeValue.length + distance };
return function() {
// IE doesn't have range support (in the W3C way), so we
// need to do some magic to transform selections into
// CKEDITOR.dom.range instances.
var sel = this.getNative(),
nativeRange = sel && sel.createRange(),
type = this.getType(),
if ( !sel )
return [];
range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
var boundaryInfo = getBoundaryInformation( nativeRange, true );
range.setStart( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( boundaryInfo.container ), boundaryInfo.offset );
boundaryInfo = getBoundaryInformation( nativeRange );
range.setEnd( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( boundaryInfo.container ), boundaryInfo.offset );
// Correct an invalid IE range case on empty list item. (#5850)
if ( range.endContainer.getPosition( range.startContainer ) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING && range.endOffset <= range.startContainer.getIndex() )
return [ range ];
} else if ( type == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT ) {
var retval = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < nativeRange.length; i++ ) {
var element = nativeRange.item( i ),
parentElement = element.parentNode,
j = 0;
range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
for ( ; j < parentElement.childNodes.length && parentElement.childNodes[ j ] != element; j++ ) {
range.setStart( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( parentElement ), j );
range.setEnd( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( parentElement ), j + 1 );
retval.push( range );
return retval;
return [];
} )() :
function() {
// On browsers implementing the W3C range, we simply
// tranform the native ranges in CKEDITOR.dom.range
// instances.
var ranges = [],
sel = this.getNative();
if ( !sel )
return ranges;
for ( var i = 0; i < sel.rangeCount; i++ ) {
var nativeRange = sel.getRangeAt( i );
range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
range.setStart( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( nativeRange.startContainer ), nativeRange.startOffset );
range.setEnd( new CKEDITOR.dom.node( nativeRange.endContainer ), nativeRange.endOffset );
ranges.push( range );
return ranges;
return function( onlyEditables ) {
var cache = this._.cache,
ranges = cache.ranges;
if ( !ranges )
cache.ranges = ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList( func.call( this ) );
if ( !onlyEditables )
return ranges;
// Split range into multiple by read-only nodes.
// Clone ranges array to avoid changing cached ranges (#11493).
return extractEditableRanges( new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList( ranges.slice() ) );
} )(),
* Gets the DOM element in which the selection starts.
* var element = editor.getSelection().getStartElement();
* alert( element.getName() );
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The element at the beginning of the selection.
getStartElement: function() {
var cache = this._.cache;
if ( cache.startElement !== undefined )
return cache.startElement;
var node;
switch ( this.getType() ) {
return this.getSelectedElement();
var range = this.getRanges()[ 0 ];
if ( range ) {
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
// Decrease the range content to exclude particial
// selected node on the start which doesn't have
// visual impact. ( #3231 )
while ( 1 ) {
var startContainer = range.startContainer,
startOffset = range.startOffset;
// Limit the fix only to non-block elements.(#3950)
if ( startOffset == ( startContainer.getChildCount ? startContainer.getChildCount() : startContainer.getLength() ) && !startContainer.isBlockBoundary() )
range.setStartAfter( startContainer );
node = range.startContainer;
if ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
return node.getParent();
node = node.getChild( range.startOffset );
if ( !node || node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
node = range.startContainer;
else {
var child = node.getFirst();
while ( child && child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
node = child;
child = child.getFirst();
} else {
node = range.startContainer;
if ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
node = node.getParent();
node = node.$;
return cache.startElement = ( node ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( node ) : null );
* Gets the currently selected element.
* var element = editor.getSelection().getSelectedElement();
* alert( element.getName() );
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The selected element. Null if no
* selection is available or the selection type is not {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_ELEMENT}.
getSelectedElement: function() {
var cache = this._.cache;
if ( cache.selectedElement !== undefined )
return cache.selectedElement;
var self = this;
var node = CKEDITOR.tools.tryThese(
// Is it native IE control type selection?
function() {
return self.getNative().createRange().item( 0 );
// Figure it out by checking if there's a single enclosed
// node of the range.
function() {
var range = self.getRanges()[ 0 ].clone(),
enclosed, selected;
// Check first any enclosed element, e.g. <ul>[<li><a href="#">item</a></li>]</ul>
for ( var i = 2; i && !( ( enclosed = range.getEnclosedNode() ) && ( enclosed.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) && styleObjectElements[ enclosed.getName() ] && ( selected = enclosed ) ); i-- ) {
// Then check any deep wrapped element, e.g. [<b><i><img /></i></b>]
return selected && selected.$;
return cache.selectedElement = ( node ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( node ) : null );
* Retrieves the text contained within the range. An empty string is returned for non-text selection.
* var text = editor.getSelection().getSelectedText();
* alert( text );
* @since 3.6.1
* @returns {String} A string of text within the current selection.
getSelectedText: function() {
var cache = this._.cache;
if ( cache.selectedText !== undefined )
return cache.selectedText;
var nativeSel = this.getNative(),
text = isMSSelection ? nativeSel.type == 'Control' ? '' : nativeSel.createRange().text : nativeSel.toString();
return ( cache.selectedText = text );
* Locks the selection made in the editor in order to make it possible to
* manipulate it without browser interference. A locked selection is
* cached and remains unchanged until it is released with the {@link #unlock} method.
* editor.getSelection().lock();
lock: function() {
// Call all cacheable function.
// The native selection is not available when locked.
this._.cache.nativeSel = null;
this.isLocked = 1;
* @todo
unlock: function( restore ) {
if ( !this.isLocked )
if ( restore ) {
var selectedElement = this.getSelectedElement(),
ranges = !selectedElement && this.getRanges(),
faked = this.isFake;
this.isLocked = 0;
if ( restore ) {
// Saved selection may be outdated (e.g. anchored in offline nodes).
// Avoid getting broken by such.
var common = selectedElement || ranges[ 0 ] && ranges[ 0 ].getCommonAncestor();
if ( !( common && common.getAscendant( 'body', 1 ) ) )
if ( faked )
this.fake( selectedElement );
else if ( selectedElement )
this.selectElement( selectedElement );
this.selectRanges( ranges );
* Clears the selection cache.
* editor.getSelection().reset();
reset: function() {
this._.cache = {};
this.isFake = 0;
var editor = this.root.editor;
// Invalidate any fake selection available in the editor.
if ( editor && editor._.fakeSelection ) {
// Test whether this selection is the one that was
// faked or its clone.
if ( this.rev == editor._.fakeSelection.rev ) {
delete editor._.fakeSelection;
removeHiddenSelectionContainer( editor );
else {
CKEDITOR.warn( 'selection-fake-reset' );
this.rev = nextRev++;
* Makes the current selection of type {@link CKEDITOR#SELECTION_ELEMENT} by enclosing the specified element.
* var element = editor.document.getById( 'sampleElement' );
* editor.getSelection().selectElement( element );
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element to enclose in the selection.
selectElement: function( element ) {
var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
range.setStartBefore( element );
range.setEndAfter( element );
this.selectRanges( [ range ] );
* Clears the original selection and adds the specified ranges to the document selection.
* // Move selection to the end of the editable element.
* var range = editor.createRange();
* range.moveToPosition( range.root, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
* editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ ranges ] );
* @param {Array} ranges An array of {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range} instances
* representing ranges to be added to the document.
selectRanges: function( ranges ) {
var editor = this.root.editor,
hadHiddenSelectionContainer = editor && editor._.hiddenSelectionContainer;
// Check if there's a hiddenSelectionContainer in editable at some index.
// Some ranges may be anchored after the hiddenSelectionContainer and,
// once the container is removed while resetting the selection, they
// may need new endOffset (one element less within the range) (#11021 #11393).
if ( hadHiddenSelectionContainer )
fixRangesAfterHiddenSelectionContainer( ranges, this.root );
if ( !ranges.length )
// Refresh the locked selection.
if ( this.isLocked ) {
// making a new DOM selection will force the focus on editable in certain situation,
// we have to save the currently focused element for later recovery.
var focused = CKEDITOR.document.getActive();
this.selectRanges( ranges );
// Return to the previously focused element.
focused && !focused.equals( this.root ) && focused.focus();
// Handle special case - automatic fake selection on non-editable elements.
var receiver = getNonEditableFakeSelectionReceiver( ranges );
if ( receiver ) {
this.fake( receiver );
if ( isMSSelection ) {
var notWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
fillerTextRegex = /\ufeff|\u00a0/,
nonCells = { table: 1, tbody: 1, tr: 1 };
if ( ranges.length > 1 ) {
// IE doesn't accept multiple ranges selection, so we join all into one.
var last = ranges[ ranges.length - 1 ];
ranges[ 0 ].setEnd( last.endContainer, last.endOffset );
var range = ranges[ 0 ];
var collapsed = range.collapsed,
isStartMarkerAlone, dummySpan, ieRange;
// Try to make a object selection, be careful with selecting phase element in IE
// will breaks the selection in non-framed environment.
var selected = range.getEnclosedNode();
if ( selected && selected.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && selected.getName() in styleObjectElements &&
!( selected.is( 'a' ) && selected.getText() ) ) {
try {
ieRange = selected.$.createControlRange();
ieRange.addElement( selected.$ );
} catch ( er ) {}
// IE doesn't support selecting the entire table row/cell, move the selection into cells, e.g.
// <table><tbody><tr>[<td>cell</b></td>... => <table><tbody><tr><td>[cell</td>...
if ( range.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && range.startContainer.getName() in nonCells ||
range.endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && range.endContainer.getName() in nonCells ) {
range.shrink( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true );
// The range might get collapsed (#7975). Update cached variable.
collapsed = range.collapsed;
var bookmark = range.createBookmark();
// Create marker tags for the start and end boundaries.
var startNode = bookmark.startNode;
var endNode;
if ( !collapsed )
endNode = bookmark.endNode;
// Create the main range which will be used for the selection.
ieRange = range.document.$.body.createTextRange();
// Position the range at the start boundary.
ieRange.moveToElementText( startNode.$ );
ieRange.moveStart( 'character', 1 );
if ( endNode ) {
// Create a tool range for the end.
var ieRangeEnd = range.document.$.body.createTextRange();
// Position the tool range at the end.
ieRangeEnd.moveToElementText( endNode.$ );
// Move the end boundary of the main range to match the tool range.
ieRange.setEndPoint( 'EndToEnd', ieRangeEnd );
ieRange.moveEnd( 'character', -1 );
} else {
// The isStartMarkerAlone logic comes from V2. It guarantees that the lines
// will expand and that the cursor will be blinking on the right place.
// Actually, we are using this flag just to avoid using this hack in all
// situations, but just on those needed.
var next = startNode.getNext( notWhitespaces );
var inPre = startNode.hasAscendant( 'pre' );
isStartMarkerAlone = ( !( next && next.getText && next.getText().match( fillerTextRegex ) ) && // already a filler there?
( inPre || !startNode.hasPrevious() || ( startNode.getPrevious().is && startNode.getPrevious().is( 'br' ) ) ) );
// Append a temporary <span></span> before the selection.
// This is needed to avoid IE destroying selections inside empty
// inline elements, like <b></b> (#253).
// It is also needed when placing the selection right after an inline
// element to avoid the selection moving inside of it.
dummySpan = range.document.createElement( 'span' );
dummySpan.setHtml( '' ); // Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF). See #1359.
dummySpan.insertBefore( startNode );
if ( isStartMarkerAlone ) {
// To expand empty blocks or line spaces after <br>, we need
// instead to have any char, which will be later deleted using the
// selection.
// \ufeff = Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF). (#1359)
range.document.createText( '\ufeff' ).insertBefore( startNode );
// Remove the markers (reset the position, because of the changes in the DOM tree).
range.setStartBefore( startNode );
if ( collapsed ) {
if ( isStartMarkerAlone ) {
// Move the selection start to include the temporary \ufeff.
ieRange.moveStart( 'character', -1 );
// Remove our temporary stuff.
} else {
range.moveToPosition( dummySpan, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
} else {
range.setEndBefore( endNode );
} else {
var sel = this.getNative();
// getNative() returns null if iframe is "display:none" in FF. (#6577)
if ( !sel )
for ( var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
// Joining sequential ranges introduced by
// readonly elements protection.
if ( i < ranges.length - 1 ) {
var left = ranges[ i ],
right = ranges[ i + 1 ],
between = left.clone();
between.setStart( left.endContainer, left.endOffset );
between.setEnd( right.startContainer, right.startOffset );
// Don't confused by Firefox adjancent multi-ranges
// introduced by table cells selection.
if ( !between.collapsed ) {
between.shrink( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true );
var ancestor = between.getCommonAncestor(),
enclosed = between.getEnclosedNode();
// The following cases has to be considered:
// 1. <span contenteditable="false">[placeholder]</span>
// 2. <input contenteditable="false" type="radio"/> (#6621)
if ( ancestor.isReadOnly() || enclosed && enclosed.isReadOnly() ) {
right.setStart( left.startContainer, left.startOffset );
ranges.splice( i--, 1 );
range = ranges[ i ];
var nativeRange = this.document.$.createRange();
if ( range.collapsed && CKEDITOR.env.webkit && rangeRequiresFix( range ) ) {
// Append a zero-width space so WebKit will not try to
// move the selection by itself (#1272).
var fillingChar = createFillingCharSequenceNode( this.root );
range.insertNode( fillingChar );
next = fillingChar.getNext();
// If the filling char is followed by a <br>, whithout
// having something before it, it'll not blink.
// Let's remove it in this case.
if ( next && !fillingChar.getPrevious() && next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && next.getName() == 'br' ) {
removeFillingCharSequenceNode( this.root );
range.moveToPosition( next, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
} else {
range.moveToPosition( fillingChar, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
nativeRange.setStart( range.startContainer.$, range.startOffset );
try {
nativeRange.setEnd( range.endContainer.$, range.endOffset );
} catch ( e ) {
// There is a bug in Firefox implementation (it would be too easy
// otherwise). The new start can't be after the end (W3C says it can).
// So, let's create a new range and collapse it to the desired point.
if ( e.toString().indexOf( 'NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE' ) >= 0 ) {
range.collapse( 1 );
nativeRange.setEnd( range.endContainer.$, range.endOffset );
} else {
throw e;
// Select the range.
sel.addRange( nativeRange );
// Fakes the IE DOM event "selectionchange" on editable.
this.root.fire( 'selectionchange' );
* Makes a "fake selection" of an element.
* A fake selection does not render UI artifacts over the selected
* element. Additionally, the browser native selection system is not
* aware of the fake selection. In practice, the native selection is
* moved to a hidden place where no native selection UI artifacts are
* displayed to the user.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element to be "selected".
* @param {String} [ariaLabel] A string to be used by the screen reader to describe the selection.
fake: function( element, ariaLabel ) {
var editor = this.root.editor;
// Attempt to retreive aria-label if possible (#14539).
if ( ariaLabel === undefined && element.hasAttribute( 'aria-label' ) ) {
ariaLabel = element.getAttribute( 'aria-label' );
// Cleanup after previous selection - e.g. remove hidden sel container.
hideSelection( editor, ariaLabel );
// Set this value after executing hiseSelection, because it may
// cause reset() which overwrites cache.
var cache = this._.cache;
// Caches a range than holds the element.
var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
range.setStartBefore( element );
range.setEndAfter( element );
cache.ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList( range );
// Put this element in the cache.
cache.selectedElement = cache.startElement = element;
// Properties that will not be available when isFake.
cache.selectedText = cache.nativeSel = null;
this.isFake = 1;
this.rev = nextRev++;
// Save this selection, so it can be returned by editor.getSelection().
editor._.fakeSelection = this;
// Fire selectionchange, just like a normal selection.
this.root.fire( 'selectionchange' );
* Checks whether selection is placed in hidden element.
* This method is to be used to verify whether fake selection
* (see {@link #fake}) is still hidden.
* **Note:** this method should be executed on real selection - e.g.:
* editor.getSelection( true ).isHidden();
* @returns {Boolean}
isHidden: function() {
var el = this.getCommonAncestor();
if ( el && el.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
el = el.getParent();
return !!( el && el.data( 'cke-hidden-sel' ) );
* Creates a bookmark for each range of this selection (from {@link #getRanges})
* by calling the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#createBookmark} method,
* with extra care taken to avoid interference among those ranges. The arguments
* received are the same as with the underlying range method.
* var bookmarks = editor.getSelection().createBookmarks();
* @returns {Array} Array of bookmarks for each range.
createBookmarks: function( serializable ) {
var bookmark = this.getRanges().createBookmarks( serializable );
this.isFake && ( bookmark.isFake = 1 );
return bookmark;
* Creates a bookmark for each range of this selection (from {@link #getRanges})
* by calling the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range#createBookmark2} method,
* with extra care taken to avoid interference among those ranges. The arguments
* received are the same as with the underlying range method.
* var bookmarks = editor.getSelection().createBookmarks2();
* @returns {Array} Array of bookmarks for each range.
createBookmarks2: function( normalized ) {
var bookmark = this.getRanges().createBookmarks2( normalized );
this.isFake && ( bookmark.isFake = 1 );
return bookmark;
* Selects the virtual ranges denoted by the bookmarks by calling {@link #selectRanges}.
* var bookmarks = editor.getSelection().createBookmarks();
* editor.getSelection().selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
* @param {Array} bookmarks The bookmarks representing ranges to be selected.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} This selection object, after the ranges were selected.
selectBookmarks: function( bookmarks ) {
var ranges = [],
for ( var i = 0; i < bookmarks.length; i++ ) {
var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.root );
range.moveToBookmark( bookmarks[ i ] );
ranges.push( range );
// It may happen that the content change during loading, before selection is set so bookmark leads to text node.
if ( bookmarks.isFake ) {
node = ranges[ 0 ].getEnclosedNode();
if ( !node || node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
CKEDITOR.warn( 'selection-not-fake' );
bookmarks.isFake = 0;
if ( bookmarks.isFake )
this.fake( node );
this.selectRanges( ranges );
return this;
* Retrieves the common ancestor node of the first range and the last range.
* var ancestor = editor.getSelection().getCommonAncestor();
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The common ancestor of the selection or `null` if selection is empty.
getCommonAncestor: function() {
var ranges = this.getRanges();
if ( !ranges.length )
return null;
var startNode = ranges[ 0 ].startContainer,
endNode = ranges[ ranges.length - 1 ].endContainer;
return startNode.getCommonAncestor( endNode );
* Moves the scrollbar to the starting position of the current selection.
* editor.getSelection().scrollIntoView();
scrollIntoView: function() {
// Scrolls the first range into view.
if ( this.type != CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE )
this.getRanges()[ 0 ].scrollIntoView();
* Remove all the selection ranges from the document.
removeAllRanges: function() {
// Don't clear selection outside this selection's root (#11500).
if ( this.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE )
var nativ = this.getNative();
try {
nativ && nativ[ isMSSelection ? 'empty' : 'removeAllRanges' ]();
} catch ( er ) {}
} )();
* Fired when selection inside editor has been changed. Note that this event
* is fired only when selection's start element (container of a selecion start)
* changes, not on every possible selection change. Thanks to that `selectionChange`
* is fired less frequently, but on every context
* (the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#elementPath elements path} holding selection's start) change.
* @event selectionChange
* @member CKEDITOR.editor
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor This editor instance.
* @param data
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} data.selection
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath} data.path
* Selection's revision. This value is incremented every time new
* selection is created or existing one is modified.
* @since 4.3
* @readonly
* @property {Number} rev
* Document in which selection is anchored.
* @readonly
* @property {CKEDITOR.dom.document} document
* Selection's root element.
* @readonly
* @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element} root
* Whether selection is locked (cannot be modified).
* See {@link #lock} and {@link #unlock} methods.
* @readonly
* @property {Boolean} isLocked
* Whether selection is a fake selection.
* See {@link #fake} method.
* @readonly
* @property {Boolean} isFake