* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
( function() {
var isNotWhitespace, isNotBookmark, isEmpty, isBogus, emptyParagraphRegexp,
insert, fixTableAfterContentsDeletion, fixListAfterContentsDelete, getHtmlFromRangeHelpers, extractHtmlFromRangeHelpers;
* Editable class which provides all editing related activities by
* the `contenteditable` element, dynamically get attached to editor instance.
* @class CKEDITOR.editable
* @extends CKEDITOR.dom.element
CKEDITOR.editable = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass( {
base: CKEDITOR.dom.element,
* The constructor only stores generic editable creation logic that is commonly shared among
* all different editable elements.
* @constructor Creates an editable class instance.
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance on which the editable operates.
* @param {HTMLElement/CKEDITOR.dom.element} element Any DOM element that was as the editor's
* editing container, e.g. it could be either an HTML element with the `contenteditable` attribute
* set to the `true` that handles WYSIWYG editing or a `<textarea>` element that handles source editing.
$: function( editor, element ) {
// Transform the element into a CKEDITOR.dom.element instance.
this.base( element.$ || element );
this.editor = editor;
* Indicates the initialization status of the editable element. The following statuses are available:
* * **unloaded** – the initial state. The editable's instance was created but
* is not fully loaded (in particular it has no data).
* * **ready** – the editable is fully initialized. The `ready` status is set after
* the first {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-setData} is called.
* * **detached** – the editable was detached.
* @since 4.3.3
* @readonly
* @property {String}
this.status = 'unloaded';
* Indicates whether the editable element gained focus.
* @property {Boolean} hasFocus
this.hasFocus = false;
// The bootstrapping logic.
proto: {
focus: function() {
var active;
// [Webkit] When DOM focus is inside of nested contenteditable elements,
// apply focus on the main editable will compromise it's text selection.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && !this.hasFocus ) {
// Restore focus on element which we cached (on selectionCheck) as previously active.
active = this.editor._.previousActive || this.getDocument().getActive();
if ( this.contains( active ) ) {
// [Edge] Starting from EdgeHTML 14.14393, it does not support `setActive`. We need to use focus which
// causes unexpected scroll. Store scrollTop value so it can be restored after focusing editor.
// Scroll only happens if the editor is focused for the first time. (#14825)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.edge && CKEDITOR.env.version > 14 && !this.hasFocus && this.getDocument().equals( CKEDITOR.document ) ) {
this.editor._.previousScrollTop = this.$.scrollTop;
// [IE] Use instead "setActive" method to focus the editable if it belongs to the host page document,
// to avoid bringing an unexpected scroll.
try {
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !( CKEDITOR.env.edge && CKEDITOR.env.version > 14 ) && this.getDocument().equals( CKEDITOR.document ) ) {
} else {
} catch ( e ) {
// IE throws unspecified error when focusing editable after closing dialog opened on nested editable.
if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie )
throw e;
// Remedy if Safari doens't applies focus properly. (#279)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.safari && !this.isInline() ) {
active = CKEDITOR.document.getActive();
if ( !active.equals( this.getWindow().getFrame() ) )
* Overrides {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element#on} to have special `focus/blur` handling.
* The `focusin/focusout` events are used in IE to replace regular `focus/blur` events
* because we want to avoid the asynchronous nature of later ones.
on: function( name, fn ) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 0 );
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( /^focus|blur$/ ).exec( name ) ) {
name = name == 'focus' ? 'focusin' : 'focusout';
// The "focusin/focusout" events bubbled, e.g. If there are elements with layout
// they fire this event when clicking in to edit them but it must be ignored
// to allow edit their contents. (#4682)
fn = isNotBubbling( fn, this );
args[ 0 ] = name;
args[ 1 ] = fn;
return CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.on.apply( this, args );
* Registers an event listener that needs to be removed when detaching this editable.
* This means that it will be automatically removed when {@link #detach} is executed,
* for example on {@link CKEDITOR.editor#setMode changing editor mode} or destroying editor.
* Except for `obj` all other arguments have the same meaning as in {@link CKEDITOR.event#on}.
* This method is strongly related to the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#contentDom} and
* {@link CKEDITOR.editor#contentDomUnload} events, because they are fired
* when an editable is being attached and detached. Therefore, this method is usually used
* in the following way:
* editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
* var editable = editor.editable();
* editable.attachListener( editable, 'mousedown', function() {
* // ...
* } );
* } );
* This code will attach the `mousedown` listener every time a new editable is attached
* to the editor, which in classic (`iframe`-based) editor happens every time the
* data or the mode is set. This listener will also be removed when that editable is detached.
* It is also possible to attach a listener to another object (e.g. to a document).
* editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
* editor.editable().attachListener( editor.document, 'mousedown', function() {
* // ...
* } );
* } );
* @param {CKEDITOR.event} obj The element/object to which the listener will be attached. Every object
* which inherits from {@link CKEDITOR.event} may be used including {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element},
* {@link CKEDITOR.dom.document}, and {@link CKEDITOR.editable}.
* @param {String} eventName The name of the event that will be listened to.
* @param {Function} listenerFunction The function listening to the
* event. A single {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo} object instance
* containing all the event data is passed to this function.
* @param {Object} [scopeObj] The object used to scope the listener
* call (the `this` object). If omitted, the current object is used.
* @param {Object} [listenerData] Data to be sent as the
* {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo#listenerData} when calling the listener.
* @param {Number} [priority=10] The listener priority. Lower priority
* listeners are called first. Listeners with the same priority
* value are called in the registration order.
* @returns {Object} An object containing the `removeListener`
* function that can be used to remove the listener at any time.
attachListener: function( obj /*, event, fn, scope, listenerData, priority*/ ) {
!this._.listeners && ( this._.listeners = [] );
// Register the listener.
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ),
listener = obj.on.apply( obj, args );
this._.listeners.push( listener );
return listener;
* Remove all event listeners registered from {@link #attachListener}.
clearListeners: function() {
var listeners = this._.listeners;
// Don't get broken by this.
try {
while ( listeners.length )
} catch ( e ) {}
* Restore all attribution changes made by {@link #changeAttr }.
restoreAttrs: function() {
var changes = this._.attrChanges, orgVal;
for ( var attr in changes ) {
if ( changes.hasOwnProperty( attr ) ) {
orgVal = changes[ attr ];
// Restore original attribute.
orgVal !== null ? this.setAttribute( attr, orgVal ) : this.removeAttribute( attr );
* Adds a CSS class name to this editable that needs to be removed on detaching.
* @param {String} className The class name to be added.
* @see CKEDITOR.dom.element#addClass
attachClass: function( cls ) {
var classes = this.getCustomData( 'classes' );
if ( !this.hasClass( cls ) ) {
!classes && ( classes = [] ), classes.push( cls );
this.setCustomData( 'classes', classes );
this.addClass( cls );
* Make an attribution change that would be reverted on editable detaching.
* @param {String} attr The attribute name to be changed.
* @param {String} val The value of specified attribute.
changeAttr: function( attr, val ) {
var orgVal = this.getAttribute( attr );
if ( val !== orgVal ) {
!this._.attrChanges && ( this._.attrChanges = {} );
// Saved the original attribute val.
if ( !( attr in this._.attrChanges ) )
this._.attrChanges[ attr ] = orgVal;
this.setAttribute( attr, val );
* Low-level method for inserting text into the editable.
* See the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-insertText} method which is the editor-level API
* for this purpose.
* @param {String} text
insertText: function( text ) {
// Focus the editor before calling transformPlainTextToHtml. (#12726)
this.insertHtml( this.transformPlainTextToHtml( text ), 'text' );
* Transforms plain text to HTML based on current selection and {@link CKEDITOR.editor#activeEnterMode}.
* @since 4.5
* @param {String} text Text to transform.
* @returns {String} HTML generated from the text.
transformPlainTextToHtml: function( text ) {
var enterMode = this.editor.getSelection().getStartElement().hasAscendant( 'pre', true ) ?
return CKEDITOR.tools.transformPlainTextToHtml( text, enterMode );
* Low-level method for inserting HTML into the editable.
* See the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-insertHtml} method which is the editor-level API
* for this purpose.
* This method will insert HTML into the current selection or a given range. It also creates an undo snapshot,
* scrolls the viewport to the insertion and selects the range next to the inserted content.
* If you want to insert HTML without additional operations use {@link #method-insertHtmlIntoRange}.
* Fires the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#event-afterInsertHtml} event.
* @param {String} data The HTML to be inserted.
* @param {String} [mode='html'] See {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-insertHtml}'s param.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} [range] If specified, the HTML will be inserted into the range
* instead of into the selection. The selection will be placed at the end of the insertion (like in the normal case).
* Introduced in CKEditor 4.5.
insertHtml: function( data, mode, range ) {
var editor = this.editor;
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
if ( !range ) {
// HTML insertion only considers the first range.
// Note: getRanges will be overwritten for tests since we want to test
// custom ranges and bypass native selections.
range = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ];
// Default mode is 'html'.
insert( this, mode || 'html', data, range );
// Make the final range selection.
afterInsert( this );
this.editor.fire( 'afterInsertHtml', {} );
* Inserts HTML into the position in the editor determined by the range.
* **Note:** This method does not {@link CKEDITOR.editor#saveSnapshot save undo snapshots} nor selects inserted
* HTML. If you want to do it, use {@link #method-insertHtml}.
* Fires the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#event-afterInsertHtml} event.
* @since 4.5
* @param {String} data HTML code to be inserted into the editor.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range The range as a place of insertion.
* @param {String} [mode='html'] Mode in which HTML will be inserted.
* See {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-insertHtml}.
insertHtmlIntoRange: function( data, range, mode ) {
// Default mode is 'html'
insert( this, mode || 'html', data, range );
this.editor.fire( 'afterInsertHtml', { intoRange: range } );
* Low-level method for inserting an element into the editable.
* See the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-insertElement} method which is the editor-level API
* for this purpose.
* This method will insert the element into the current selection or a given range. It also creates an undo
* snapshot, scrolls the viewport to the insertion and selects the range next to the inserted content.
* If you want to insert an element without additional operations use {@link #method-insertElementIntoRange}.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element to insert.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} [range] If specified, the element will be inserted into the range
* instead of into the selection.
insertElement: function( element, range ) {
var editor = this.editor;
// Prepare for the insertion. For example - focus editor (#11848).
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
var enterMode = editor.activeEnterMode,
selection = editor.getSelection(),
elementName = element.getName(),
isBlock = CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ elementName ];
if ( !range ) {
range = selection.getRanges()[ 0 ];
// Insert element into first range only and ignore the rest (#11183).
if ( this.insertElementIntoRange( element, range ) ) {
range.moveToPosition( element, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
// If we're inserting a block element, the new cursor position must be
// optimized. (#3100,#5436,#8950)
if ( isBlock ) {
// Find next, meaningful element.
var next = element.getNext( function( node ) {
return isNotEmpty( node ) && !isBogus( node );
} );
if ( next && next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && next.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ) ) {
// If the next one is a text block, move cursor to the start of it's content.
if ( next.getDtd()[ '#' ] )
range.moveToElementEditStart( next );
// Otherwise move cursor to the before end of the last element.
range.moveToElementEditEnd( element );
// Open a new line if the block is inserted at the end of parent.
else if ( !next && enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) {
next = range.fixBlock( true, enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p' );
range.moveToElementEditStart( next );
// Set up the correct selection.
selection.selectRanges( [ range ] );
afterInsert( this );
* Alias for {@link #insertElement}.
* @deprecated
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element to be inserted.
insertElementIntoSelection: function( element ) {
this.insertElement( element );
* Inserts an element into the position in the editor determined by the range.
* **Note:** This method does not {@link CKEDITOR.editor#saveSnapshot save undo snapshots} nor selects the inserted
* element. If you want to do it, use the {@link #method-insertElement} method.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element to be inserted.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range The range as a place of insertion.
* @returns {Boolean} Informs whether the insertion was successful.
insertElementIntoRange: function( element, range ) {
var editor = this.editor,
enterMode = editor.config.enterMode,
elementName = element.getName(),
isBlock = CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ elementName ];
if ( range.checkReadOnly() )
return false;
// Remove the original contents, merge split nodes.
range.deleteContents( 1 );
if ( range.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
// If range is placed in intermediate element (not td or th), we need to do three things:
// * fill emptied <td/th>s with if browser needs them,
// * remove empty text nodes so IE8 won't crash
// (http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11183#comment:8),
// * fix structure and move range into the <td/th> element.
if ( range.startContainer.is( { tr: 1, table: 1, tbody: 1, thead: 1, tfoot: 1 } ) ) {
fixTableAfterContentsDeletion( range );
} else if ( range.startContainer.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ) ) {
// Similarly there's a need for lists.
fixListAfterContentsDelete( range );
// If we're inserting a block at dtd-violated position, split
// the parent blocks until we reach blockLimit.
var current, dtd;
if ( isBlock ) {
while ( ( current = range.getCommonAncestor( 0, 1 ) ) &&
( dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ current.getName() ] ) &&
!( dtd && dtd[ elementName ] ) ) {
// Split up inline elements.
if ( current.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.span )
range.splitElement( current );
// If we're in an empty block which indicate a new paragraph,
// simply replace it with the inserting block.(#3664)
else if ( range.checkStartOfBlock() && range.checkEndOfBlock() ) {
range.setStartBefore( current );
range.collapse( true );
} else {
range.splitBlock( enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p', editor.editable() );
// Insert the new node.
range.insertNode( element );
// Return true if insertion was successful.
return true;
* @see CKEDITOR.editor#setData
setData: function( data, isSnapshot ) {
if ( !isSnapshot )
data = this.editor.dataProcessor.toHtml( data );
this.setHtml( data );
// Editable is ready after first setData.
if ( this.status == 'unloaded' )
this.status = 'ready';
this.editor.fire( 'dataReady' );
* @see CKEDITOR.editor#getData
getData: function( isSnapshot ) {
var data = this.getHtml();
if ( !isSnapshot )
data = this.editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat( data );
return data;
* Changes the read-only state of this editable.
* @param {Boolean} isReadOnly
setReadOnly: function( isReadOnly ) {
this.setAttribute( 'contenteditable', !isReadOnly );
* Detaches this editable object from the DOM (removes classes, listeners, etc.)
detach: function() {
// Cleanup the element.
this.removeClass( 'cke_editable' );
this.status = 'detached';
// Save the editor reference which will be lost after
// calling detach from super class.
var editor = this.editor;
delete editor.document;
delete editor.window;
* Checks if the editable is one of the host page elements, indicates
* an inline editing environment.
* @returns {Boolean}
isInline: function() {
return this.getDocument().equals( CKEDITOR.document );
* Fixes the selection and focus which may be in incorrect state after
* editable's inner HTML was overwritten.
* If the editable did not have focus, then the selection will be fixed when the editable
* is focused for the first time. If the editable already had focus, then the selection will
* be fixed immediately.
* To understand the problem see:
* * http://tests.ckeditor.dev:1030/tests/core/selection/manual/focusaftersettingdata
* * http://tests.ckeditor.dev:1030/tests/core/selection/manual/focusafterundoing
* * http://tests.ckeditor.dev:1030/tests/core/selection/manual/selectionafterfocusing
* * http://tests.ckeditor.dev:1030/tests/plugins/newpage/manual/selectionafternewpage
* @since 4.4.6
* @private
fixInitialSelection: function() {
var that = this;
// Deal with IE8- IEQM (the old MS selection) first.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 || CKEDITOR.env.quirks ) ) {
if ( this.hasFocus ) {
// If editable did not have focus, fix the selection when it is first focused.
if ( !this.hasFocus ) {
this.once( 'focus', function() {
}, null, null, -999 );
// If editable had focus, fix the selection immediately.
} else {
function fixSelection() {
var $doc = that.getDocument().$,
$sel = $doc.getSelection();
if ( requiresFix( $sel ) ) {
var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( that );
range.moveToElementEditStart( that );
var $range = $doc.createRange();
$range.setStart( range.startContainer.$, range.startOffset );
$range.collapse( true );
$sel.addRange( $range );
function requiresFix( $sel ) {
// This condition covers most broken cases after setting data.
if ( $sel.anchorNode && $sel.anchorNode == that.$ ) {
return true;
// Fix for:
// http://tests.ckeditor.dev:1030/tests/core/selection/manual/focusaftersettingdata
// (the inline editor TC)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
var active = that.getDocument().getActive();
if ( active && active.equals( that ) && !$sel.anchorNode ) {
return true;
function fixMSSelection() {
var $doc = that.getDocument().$,
$sel = $doc.selection,
active = that.getDocument().getActive();
if ( $sel.type == 'None' && active.equals( that ) ) {
var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( that ),
$range = $doc.body.createTextRange();
range.moveToElementEditStart( that );
parentElement = range.startContainer;
if ( parentElement.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
parentElement = parentElement.getParent();
$range.moveToElementText( parentElement.$ );
$range.collapse( true );
* The base of the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#getSelectedHtml} method.
* @since 4.5
* @method getHtmlFromRange
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment}
getHtmlFromRange: function( range ) {
// There's nothing to return if range is collapsed.
if ( range.collapsed )
return new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( range.document );
// Info object passed between methods.
var that = {
doc: this.getDocument(),
// Leave original range object untouched.
range: range.clone()
getHtmlFromRangeHelpers.eol.detect( that, this );
getHtmlFromRangeHelpers.bogus.exclude( that );
getHtmlFromRangeHelpers.cell.shrink( that );
that.fragment = that.range.cloneContents();
getHtmlFromRangeHelpers.tree.rebuild( that, this );
getHtmlFromRangeHelpers.eol.fix( that, this );
return new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( that.fragment.$ );
* The base of the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#extractSelectedHtml} method.
* **Note:** The range is modified so it matches the desired selection after extraction
* even though the selection is not made.
* @since 4.5
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range
* @param {Boolean} [removeEmptyBlock=false] See {@link CKEDITOR.editor#extractSelectedHtml}'s parameter.
* Note that the range will not be modified if this parameter is set to `true`.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment} The extracted fragment of the editable content.
extractHtmlFromRange: function( range, removeEmptyBlock ) {
var helpers = extractHtmlFromRangeHelpers,
that = {
range: range,
doc: range.document
// Since it is quite hard to build a valid documentFragment
// out of extracted contents because DOM changes, let's mimic
// extracted HTML with #getHtmlFromRange. Yep. It's a hack.
extractedFragment = this.getHtmlFromRange( range );
// Collapsed range means that there's nothing to extract.
if ( range.collapsed ) {
return extractedFragment;
// Include inline element if possible.
range.enlarge( CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_INLINE, 1 );
// This got to be done before bookmarks are created because purging
// depends on the position of the range at the boundaries of the table,
// usually distorted by bookmark spans.
helpers.table.detectPurge( that );
// We'll play with DOM, let's hold the position of the range.
that.bookmark = range.createBookmark();
// While bookmarked, make unaccessible, to make sure that none of the methods
// will try to use it (they should use that.bookmark).
// This is done because ranges get desynchronized with the DOM when more bookmarks
// is created (as for instance that.targetBookmark).
delete that.range;
// The range to be restored after extraction should be kept
// outside of the range, so it's not removed by range.extractContents.
var targetRange = this.editor.createRange();
targetRange.moveToPosition( that.bookmark.startNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
that.targetBookmark = targetRange.createBookmark();
// Execute content-specific detections.
helpers.list.detectMerge( that, this );
helpers.table.detectRanges( that, this );
helpers.block.detectMerge( that, this );
// Simply, do the job.
if ( that.tableContentsRanges ) {
helpers.table.deleteRanges( that );
// Done here only to remove bookmark's spans.
range.moveToBookmark( that.bookmark );
that.range = range;
} else {
// To use the range we need to restore the bookmark and make
// the range accessible again.
range.moveToBookmark( that.bookmark );
that.range = range;
range.extractContents( helpers.detectExtractMerge( that ) );
// Move working range to desired, pre-computed position.
range.moveToBookmark( that.targetBookmark );
// Make sure range is always anchored in an element. For consistency.
// It my happen that the uncollapsed range which referred to a valid selection,
// will be placed in an uneditable location after being collapsed:
// <tr>[<td>x</td>]</tr> -> <tr>[]<td>x</td></tr> -> <tr><td>[]x</td></tr>
helpers.fixUneditableRangePosition( range );
// Execute content-specific post-extract routines.
helpers.list.merge( that, this );
helpers.table.purge( that, this );
helpers.block.merge( that, this );
// Remove empty block, duh!
if ( removeEmptyBlock ) {
var path = range.startPath();
// <p><b>^</b></p> is empty block.
if (
range.checkStartOfBlock() &&
range.checkEndOfBlock() &&
path.block &&
!range.root.equals( path.block ) &&
// Do not remove a block with bookmarks. (#13465)
!hasBookmarks( path.block ) ) {
range.moveToPosition( path.block, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
} else {
// Auto paragraph, if needed.
helpers.autoParagraph( this.editor, range );
// Let's have a bogus next to the caret, if needed.
if ( isEmpty( range.startContainer ) )
// Merge inline siblings if any around the caret.
return extractedFragment;
* Editable element bootstrapping.
* @private
setup: function() {
var editor = this.editor;
// Handle the load/read of editor data/snapshot.
this.attachListener( editor, 'beforeGetData', function() {
var data = this.getData();
// Post processing html output of wysiwyg editable.
if ( !this.is( 'textarea' ) ) {
// Reset empty if the document contains only one empty paragraph.
if ( editor.config.ignoreEmptyParagraph !== false )
data = data.replace( emptyParagraphRegexp, function( match, lookback ) {
return lookback;
} );
editor.setData( data, null, 1 );
}, this );
this.attachListener( editor, 'getSnapshot', function( evt ) {
evt.data = this.getData( 1 );
}, this );
this.attachListener( editor, 'afterSetData', function() {
this.setData( editor.getData( 1 ) );
}, this );
this.attachListener( editor, 'loadSnapshot', function( evt ) {
this.setData( evt.data, 1 );
}, this );
// Delegate editor focus/blur to editable.
this.attachListener( editor, 'beforeFocus', function() {
var sel = editor.getSelection(),
ieSel = sel && sel.getNative();
// IE considers control-type element as separate
// focus host when selected, avoid destroying the
// selection in such case. (#5812) (#8949)
if ( ieSel && ieSel.type == 'Control' )
}, this );
this.attachListener( editor, 'insertHtml', function( evt ) {
this.insertHtml( evt.data.dataValue, evt.data.mode, evt.data.range );
}, this );
this.attachListener( editor, 'insertElement', function( evt ) {
this.insertElement( evt.data );
}, this );
this.attachListener( editor, 'insertText', function( evt ) {
this.insertText( evt.data );
}, this );
// Update editable state.
this.setReadOnly( editor.readOnly );
// The editable class.
this.attachClass( 'cke_editable' );
// The element mode css class.
if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ) {
this.attachClass( 'cke_editable_inline' );
} else if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE ||
editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO ) {
this.attachClass( 'cke_editable_themed' );
this.attachClass( 'cke_contents_' + editor.config.contentsLangDirection );
// Setup editor keystroke handlers on this element.
var keystrokeHandler = editor.keystrokeHandler;
// If editor is read-only, then make sure that BACKSPACE key
// is blocked to prevent browser history navigation.
keystrokeHandler.blockedKeystrokes[ 8 ] = +editor.readOnly;
editor.keystrokeHandler.attach( this );
// Update focus states.
this.on( 'blur', function() {
this.hasFocus = false;
}, null, null, -1 );
this.on( 'focus', function() {
this.hasFocus = true;
}, null, null, -1 );
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
// [WebKit] Save scrollTop value so it can be used when restoring locked selection. (#14659)
this.on( 'scroll', function() {
editor._.previousScrollTop = editor.editable().$.scrollTop;
}, null, null, -1 );
// [Edge] This is the other part of the workaround for Edge which restores saved
// scrollTop value and removes listener which is not needed anymore. (#14825)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.edge && CKEDITOR.env.version > 14 ) {
var fixScrollOnFocus = function() {
var editable = editor.editable();
if ( editor._.previousScrollTop != null && editable.getDocument().equals( CKEDITOR.document ) ) {
editable.$.scrollTop = editor._.previousScrollTop;
editor._.previousScrollTop = null;
this.removeListener( 'scroll', fixScrollOnFocus );
this.on( 'scroll', fixScrollOnFocus );
// Register to focus manager.
editor.focusManager.add( this );
// Inherit the initial focus on editable element.
if ( this.equals( CKEDITOR.document.getActive() ) ) {
this.hasFocus = true;
// Pending until this editable has attached.
editor.once( 'contentDom', function() {
editor.focusManager.focus( this );
}, this );
// Apply tab index on demand, with original direction saved.
if ( this.isInline() ) {
// tabIndex of the editable is different than editor's one.
// Update the attribute of the editable.
this.changeAttr( 'tabindex', editor.tabIndex );
// The above is all we'll be doing for a <textarea> editable.
if ( this.is( 'textarea' ) )
// The DOM document which the editing acts upon.
editor.document = this.getDocument();
editor.window = this.getWindow();
var doc = editor.document;
this.changeAttr( 'spellcheck', !editor.config.disableNativeSpellChecker );
// Apply contents direction on demand, with original direction saved.
var dir = editor.config.contentsLangDirection;
if ( this.getDirection( 1 ) != dir )
this.changeAttr( 'dir', dir );
// Create the content stylesheet for this document.
var styles = CKEDITOR.getCss();
if ( styles ) {
var head = doc.getHead(),
stylesElement = head.getCustomData( 'stylesheet' );
if ( !stylesElement ) {
var sheet = doc.appendStyleText( styles );
sheet = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( sheet.ownerNode || sheet.owningElement );
head.setCustomData( 'stylesheet', sheet );
sheet.data( 'cke-temp', 1 );
} else if ( styles != stylesElement.getText() ) {
CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 ? stylesElement.$.styleSheet.cssText = styles : stylesElement.setText( styles );
// Update the stylesheet sharing count.
var ref = doc.getCustomData( 'stylesheet_ref' ) || 0;
doc.setCustomData( 'stylesheet_ref', ref + 1 );
// Pass this configuration to styles system.
this.setCustomData( 'cke_includeReadonly', !editor.config.disableReadonlyStyling );
// Prevent the browser opening read-only links. (#6032 & #10912)
this.attachListener( this, 'click', function( evt ) {
evt = evt.data;
var link = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( evt.getTarget(), this ).contains( 'a' );
if ( link && evt.$.button != 2 && link.isReadOnly() )
} );
var backspaceOrDelete = { 8: 1, 46: 1 };
// Override keystrokes which should have deletion behavior
// on fully selected element . (#4047) (#7645)
this.attachListener( editor, 'key', function( evt ) {
if ( editor.readOnly )
return true;
// Use getKey directly in order to ignore modifiers.
// Justification: http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11861#comment:13
var keyCode = evt.data.domEvent.getKey(),
// Backspace OR Delete.
if ( keyCode in backspaceOrDelete ) {
var sel = editor.getSelection(),
range = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ],
path = range.startPath(),
rtl = keyCode == 8;
if (
// [IE<11] Remove selected image/anchor/etc here to avoid going back in history. (#10055)
( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 11 && ( selected = sel.getSelectedElement() ) ) ||
// Remove the entire list/table on fully selected content. (#7645)
( selected = getSelectedTableList( sel ) ) ) {
// Make undo snapshot.
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
// Delete any element that 'hasLayout' (e.g. hr,table) in IE8 will
// break up the selection, safely manage it here. (#4795)
range.moveToPosition( selected, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
// Remove the control manually.
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
isHandled = 1;
} else if ( range.collapsed ) {
// Handle the following special cases: (#6217)
// 1. Del/Backspace key before/after table;
// 2. Backspace Key after start of table.
if ( ( block = path.block ) &&
( next = block[ rtl ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]( isNotWhitespace ) ) &&
( next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) &&
next.is( 'table' ) &&
range[ rtl ? 'checkStartOfBlock' : 'checkEndOfBlock' ]() ) {
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
// Remove the current empty block.
if ( range[ rtl ? 'checkEndOfBlock' : 'checkStartOfBlock' ]() )
// Move cursor to the beginning/end of table cell.
range[ 'moveToElementEdit' + ( rtl ? 'End' : 'Start' ) ]( next );
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
isHandled = 1;
else if ( path.blockLimit && path.blockLimit.is( 'td' ) &&
( parent = path.blockLimit.getAscendant( 'table' ) ) &&
range.checkBoundaryOfElement( parent, rtl ? CKEDITOR.START : CKEDITOR.END ) &&
( next = parent[ rtl ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext' ]( isNotWhitespace ) ) ) {
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
// Move cursor to the end of previous block.
range[ 'moveToElementEdit' + ( rtl ? 'End' : 'Start' ) ]( next );
// Remove any previous empty block.
if ( range.checkStartOfBlock() && range.checkEndOfBlock() )
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
isHandled = 1;
// BACKSPACE/DEL pressed at the start/end of table cell.
else if ( ( parent = path.contains( [ 'td', 'th', 'caption' ] ) ) &&
range.checkBoundaryOfElement( parent, rtl ? CKEDITOR.START : CKEDITOR.END ) ) {
isHandled = 1;
return !isHandled;
} );
// On IE>=11 we need to fill blockless editable with <br> if it was deleted.
if ( editor.blockless && CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ) {
this.attachListener( this, 'keyup', function( evt ) {
if ( evt.data.getKeystroke() in backspaceOrDelete && !this.getFirst( isNotEmpty ) ) {
// Set the selection before bogus, because IE tends to put it after.
var range = editor.createRange();
range.moveToPosition( this, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
} );
this.attachListener( this, 'dblclick', function( evt ) {
if ( editor.readOnly )
return false;
var data = { element: evt.data.getTarget() };
editor.fire( 'doubleclick', data );
} );
// Prevent automatic submission in IE #6336
CKEDITOR.env.ie && this.attachListener( this, 'click', blockInputClick );
// Gecko/Webkit need some help when selecting control type elements. (#3448)
// We apply same behavior for IE Edge. (#13386)
if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.edge ) {
this.attachListener( this, 'mousedown', function( ev ) {
var control = ev.data.getTarget();
// #11727. Note: htmlDP assures that input/textarea/select have contenteditable=false
// attributes. However, they also have data-cke-editable attribute, so isReadOnly() returns false,
// and therefore those elements are correctly selected by this code.
if ( control.is( 'img', 'hr', 'input', 'textarea', 'select' ) && !control.isReadOnly() ) {
editor.getSelection().selectElement( control );
// Prevent focus from stealing from the editable. (#9515)
if ( control.is( 'input', 'textarea', 'select' ) )
} );
// For some reason, after click event is done, IE Edge loses focus on the selected element. (#13386)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.edge ) {
this.attachListener( this, 'mouseup', function( ev ) {
var selectedElement = ev.data.getTarget();
if ( selectedElement && selectedElement.is( 'img' ) ) {
editor.getSelection().selectElement( selectedElement );
} );
// Prevent right click from selecting an empty block even
// when selection is anchored inside it. (#5845)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
this.attachListener( this, 'mouseup', function( ev ) {
if ( ev.data.$.button == 2 ) {
var target = ev.data.getTarget();
if ( !target.getOuterHtml().replace( emptyParagraphRegexp, '' ) ) {
var range = editor.createRange();
range.moveToElementEditStart( target );
range.select( true );
} );
// Webkit: avoid from editing form control elements content.
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
// Prevent from tick checkbox/radiobox/select
this.attachListener( this, 'click', function( ev ) {
if ( ev.data.getTarget().is( 'input', 'select' ) )
} );
// Prevent from editig textfield/textarea value.
this.attachListener( this, 'mouseup', function( ev ) {
if ( ev.data.getTarget().is( 'input', 'textarea' ) )
} );
// Prevent Webkit/Blink from going rogue when joining
// blocks on BACKSPACE/DEL (#11861,#9998).
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
this.attachListener( editor, 'key', function( evt ) {
if ( editor.readOnly ) {
return true;
// Use getKey directly in order to ignore modifiers.
// Justification: http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11861#comment:13
var key = evt.data.domEvent.getKey();
if ( !( key in backspaceOrDelete ) )
var backspace = key == 8,
range = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ],
startPath = range.startPath();
if ( range.collapsed ) {
if ( !mergeBlocksCollapsedSelection( editor, range, backspace, startPath ) )
} else {
if ( !mergeBlocksNonCollapsedSelection( editor, range, startPath ) )
// Scroll to the new position of the caret (#11960).
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
return false;
}, this, null, 100 ); // Later is better – do not override existing listeners.
_: {
detach: function() {
// Update the editor cached data with current data.
this.editor.setData( this.editor.getData(), 0, 1 );
// Cleanup our custom classes.
var classes;
if ( ( classes = this.removeCustomData( 'classes' ) ) ) {
while ( classes.length )
this.removeClass( classes.pop() );
// Remove contents stylesheet from document if it's the last usage.
if ( !this.is( 'textarea' ) ) {
var doc = this.getDocument(),
head = doc.getHead();
if ( head.getCustomData( 'stylesheet' ) ) {
var refs = doc.getCustomData( 'stylesheet_ref' );
if ( !( --refs ) ) {
doc.removeCustomData( 'stylesheet_ref' );
var sheet = head.removeCustomData( 'stylesheet' );
} else {
doc.setCustomData( 'stylesheet_ref', refs );
this.editor.fire( 'contentDomUnload' );
// Free up the editor reference.
delete this.editor;
} );
* Creates, retrieves or detaches an editable element of the editor.
* This method should always be used instead of calling {@link CKEDITOR.editable} directly.
* @method editable
* @member CKEDITOR.editor
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element/CKEDITOR.editable} [elementOrEditable] The
* DOM element to become the editable or a {@link CKEDITOR.editable} object.
CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.editable = function( element ) {
var editable = this._.editable;
// This editor has already associated with
// an editable element, silently fails.
if ( editable && element )
return 0;
if ( arguments.length ) {
editable = this._.editable = element ? ( element instanceof CKEDITOR.editable ? element : new CKEDITOR.editable( this, element ) ) :
// Detach the editable from editor.
( editable && editable.detach(), null );
// Just retrieve the editable.
return editable;
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceLoaded', function( evt ) {
var editor = evt.editor;
// and flag that the element was locked by our code so it'll be editable by the editor functions (#6046).
editor.on( 'insertElement', function( evt ) {
var element = evt.data;
if ( element.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ( element.is( 'input' ) || element.is( 'textarea' ) ) ) {
// // The element is still not inserted yet, force attribute-based check.
if ( element.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) != 'false' )
element.data( 'cke-editable', element.hasAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) ? 'true' : '1' );
element.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', false );
} );
editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( evt ) {
if ( editor.readOnly )
// Auto fixing on some document structure weakness to enhance usabilities. (#3190 and #3189)
var sel = editor.getSelection();
// Do it only when selection is not locked. (#8222)
if ( sel && !sel.isLocked ) {
var isDirty = editor.checkDirty();
// Lock undoM before touching DOM to prevent
// recording these changes as separate snapshot.
editor.fire( 'lockSnapshot' );
fixDom( evt );
editor.fire( 'unlockSnapshot' );
!isDirty && editor.resetDirty();
} );
} );
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceCreated', function( evt ) {
var editor = evt.editor;
editor.on( 'mode', function() {
var editable = editor.editable();
// Setup proper ARIA roles and properties for inline editable, classic
// (iframe-based) editable is instead handled by plugin.
if ( editable && editable.isInline() ) {
var ariaLabel = editor.title;
editable.changeAttr( 'role', 'textbox' );
editable.changeAttr( 'aria-label', ariaLabel );
if ( ariaLabel )
editable.changeAttr( 'title', ariaLabel );
var helpLabel = editor.fire( 'ariaEditorHelpLabel', {} ).label;
if ( helpLabel ) {
// Put the voice label in different spaces, depending on element mode, so
// the DOM element get auto detached on mode reload or editor destroy.
var ct = this.ui.space( this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? 'top' : 'contents' );
if ( ct ) {
var ariaDescId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(),
desc = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span id="' + ariaDescId + '" class="cke_voice_label">' + helpLabel + '</span>' );
ct.append( desc );
editable.changeAttr( 'aria-describedby', ariaDescId );
} );
} );
// #9222: Show text cursor in Gecko.
// Show default cursor over control elements on all non-IEs.
CKEDITOR.addCss( '.cke_editable{cursor:text}.cke_editable img,.cke_editable input,.cke_editable textarea{cursor:default}' );
// Bazillion helpers for the editable class and above listeners.
isNotWhitespace = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
isNotBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false, true ),
isEmpty = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.empty(),
isBogus = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus(),
// Matching an empty paragraph at the end of document.
emptyParagraphRegexp = /(^|<body\b[^>]*>)\s*<(p|div|address|h\d|center|pre)[^>]*>\s*(?:<br[^>]*>| |\u00A0| )?\s*(:?<\/\2>)?\s*(?=$|<\/body>)/gi;
// Auto-fixing block-less content by wrapping paragraph (#3190), prevent
// non-exitable-block by padding extra br.(#3189)
// Returns truly value when dom was changed, falsy otherwise.
function fixDom( evt ) {
var editor = evt.editor,
path = evt.data.path,
blockLimit = path.blockLimit,
selection = evt.data.selection,
range = selection.getRanges()[ 0 ],
if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko || ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ) ) {
var blockNeedsFiller = needsBrFiller( selection, path );
if ( blockNeedsFiller ) {
// IE tends to place selection after appended bogus, so we need to
// select the original range (placed before bogus).
selectionUpdateNeeded = CKEDITOR.env.ie;
// When we're in block enter mode, a new paragraph will be established
// to encapsulate inline contents inside editable. (#3657)
// Don't autoparagraph if browser (namely - IE) incorrectly anchored selection
// inside non-editable content. This happens e.g. if non-editable block is the only
// content of editable.
if ( shouldAutoParagraph( editor, path.block, blockLimit ) && range.collapsed && !range.getCommonAncestor().isReadOnly() ) {
var testRng = range.clone();
var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( testRng );
walker.guard = function( node ) {
return !isNotEmpty( node ) ||
// 1. Inline content discovered under cursor;
// 2. Empty editable.
if ( !walker.checkForward() || testRng.checkStartOfBlock() && testRng.checkEndOfBlock() ) {
var fixedBlock = range.fixBlock( true, editor.activeEnterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p' );
// For IE<11, we should remove any filler node which was introduced before.
if ( !CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ) {
var first = fixedBlock.getFirst( isNotEmpty );
if ( first && isNbsp( first ) )
selectionUpdateNeeded = 1;
// Cancel this selection change in favor of the next (correct). (#6811)
if ( selectionUpdateNeeded )
// Checks whether current selection requires br filler to be appended.
// @returns Block which needs filler or falsy value.
function needsBrFiller( selection, path ) {
// Fake selection does not need filler, because it is fake.
if ( selection.isFake )
return 0;
// Ensure bogus br could help to move cursor (out of styles) to the end of block. (#7041)
var pathBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit,
lastNode = pathBlock && pathBlock.getLast( isNotEmpty );
// Check some specialities of the current path block:
// 1. It is really displayed as block; (#7221)
// 2. It doesn't end with one inner block; (#7467)
// 3. It doesn't have bogus br yet.
if (
pathBlock && pathBlock.isBlockBoundary() &&
!( lastNode && lastNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && lastNode.isBlockBoundary() ) &&
!pathBlock.is( 'pre' ) && !pathBlock.getBogus()
return pathBlock;
function blockInputClick( evt ) {
var element = evt.data.getTarget();
if ( element.is( 'input' ) ) {
var type = element.getAttribute( 'type' );
if ( type == 'submit' || type == 'reset' )
function isNotEmpty( node ) {
return isNotWhitespace( node ) && isNotBookmark( node );
function isNbsp( node ) {
return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() ).match( /^(?: |\xa0)$/ );
function isNotBubbling( fn, src ) {
return function( evt ) {
var other = evt.data.$.toElement || evt.data.$.fromElement || evt.data.$.relatedTarget;
// First of all, other may simply be null/undefined.
// Second of all, at least early versions of Spartan returned empty objects from evt.relatedTarget,
// so let's also check the node type.
other = ( other && other.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( other ) : null;
if ( !( other && ( src.equals( other ) || src.contains( other ) ) ) )
fn.call( this, evt );
function hasBookmarks( element ) {
// We use getElementsByTag() instead of find() to retain compatibility with IE quirks mode.
var potentialBookmarks = element.getElementsByTag( 'span' ),
i = 0,
if ( potentialBookmarks ) {
while ( ( child = potentialBookmarks.getItem( i++ ) ) ) {
if ( !isNotBookmark( child ) ) {
return true;
return false;
// Check if the entire table/list contents is selected.
function getSelectedTableList( sel ) {
var selected,
range = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ],
editable = sel.root,
path = range.startPath(),
structural = { table: 1, ul: 1, ol: 1, dl: 1 };
if ( path.contains( structural ) ) {
// Clone the original range.
var walkerRng = range.clone();
// Enlarge the range: X<ul><li>[Y]</li></ul>X => [X<ul><li>]Y</li></ul>X
walkerRng.collapse( 1 );
walkerRng.setStartAt( editable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
// Create a new walker.
var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRng );
// Assign a new guard to the walker.
walker.guard = guard();
// Go backwards checking for selected structural node.
// If there's a selected structured element when checking backwards,
// then check the same forwards.
if ( selected ) {
// Clone the original range.
walkerRng = range.clone();
// Enlarge the range (assuming <ul> is selected element from guard):
// X<ul><li>[Y]</li></ul>X => X<ul><li>Y[</li></ul>]X
// If the walker went deeper down DOM than a while ago when traversing
// backwards, then it doesn't make sense: an element must be selected
// symmetrically. By placing range end **after previously selected node**,
// we make sure we don't go no deeper in DOM when going forwards.
walkerRng.setEndAt( selected, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
// Create a new walker.
walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRng );
// Assign a new guard to the walker.
walker.guard = guard( true );
// Reset selected node.
selected = false;
// Go forwards checking for selected structural node.
return selected;
return null;
function guard( forwardGuard ) {
return function( node, isWalkOut ) {
// Save the encountered node as selected if going down the DOM structure
// and the node is structured element.
if ( isWalkOut && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( structural ) )
selected = node;
// Stop the walker when either traversing another non-empty node at the same
// DOM level as in previous step.
// NOTE: When going forwards, stop if encountered a bogus.
if ( !isWalkOut && isNotEmpty( node ) && !( forwardGuard && isBogus( node ) ) )
return false;
// Whether in given context (pathBlock, pathBlockLimit and editor settings)
// editor should automatically wrap inline contents with blocks.
function shouldAutoParagraph( editor, pathBlock, pathBlockLimit ) {
// Check whether pathBlock equals pathBlockLimit to support nested editable (#12162).
return editor.config.autoParagraph !== false &&
editor.activeEnterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR &&
( editor.editable().equals( pathBlockLimit ) && !pathBlock ) ||
( pathBlock && pathBlock.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'true' )
function autoParagraphTag( editor ) {
return ( editor.activeEnterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && editor.config.autoParagraph !== false ) ? editor.activeEnterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p' : false;
// Functions related to insertXXX methods
insert = ( function() {
'use strict';
var DTD = CKEDITOR.dtd;
// Inserts the given (valid) HTML into the range position (with range content deleted),
// guarantee it's result to be a valid DOM tree.
function insert( editable, type, data, range ) {
var editor = editable.editor,
dontFilter = false;
if ( type == 'unfiltered_html' ) {
type = 'html';
dontFilter = true;
// Check range spans in non-editable.
if ( range.checkReadOnly() )
var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer, range.root ),
// Let root be the nearest block that's impossible to be split
// during html processing.
blockLimit = path.blockLimit || range.root,
// The "state" value.
that = {
type: type,
dontFilter: dontFilter,
editable: editable,
editor: editor,
range: range,
blockLimit: blockLimit,
// During pre-processing / preparations startContainer of affectedRange should be placed
// in this element in which inserted or moved (in case when we merge blocks) content
// could create situation that will need merging inline elements.
// Examples:
// <div><b>A</b>^B</div> + <b>C</b> => <div><b>A</b><b>C</b>B</div> - affected container is <div>.
// <p><b>A[B</b></p><p><b>C]D</b></p> + E => <p><b>AE</b></p><p><b>D</b></p> =>
// <p><b>AE</b><b>D</b></p> - affected container is <p> (in text mode).
mergeCandidates: [],
zombies: []
prepareRangeToDataInsertion( that );
// Select range and stop execution.
// If data has been totally emptied after the filtering,
// any insertion is pointless (#10339).
if ( data && processDataForInsertion( that, data ) ) {
insertDataIntoRange( that );
// Set final range position and clean up.
cleanupAfterInsertion( that );
// Prepare range to its data deletion.
// Delete its contents.
// Prepare it to insertion.
function prepareRangeToDataInsertion( that ) {
var range = that.range,
mergeCandidates = that.mergeCandidates,
node, marker, path, startPath, endPath, previous, bm;
// If range starts in inline element then insert a marker, so empty
// inline elements won't be removed while range.deleteContents
// and we will be able to move range back into this element.
// E.g. 'aa<b>[bb</b>]cc' -> (after deleting) 'aa<b><span/></b>cc'
if ( that.type == 'text' && range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT, true, false ) ) {
marker = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<span> </span>', range.document );
range.insertNode( marker );
range.setStartAfter( marker );
// By using path we can recover in which element was startContainer
// before deleting contents.
// Start and endPathElements will be used to squash selected blocks, after removing
// selection contents. See rule 5.
startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer );
that.endPath = endPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.endContainer );
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
// Anticipate the possibly empty block at the end of range after deletion.
node = endPath.block || endPath.blockLimit;
var ancestor = range.getCommonAncestor();
if ( node && !( node.equals( ancestor ) || node.contains( ancestor ) ) && range.checkEndOfBlock() ) {
that.zombies.push( node );
// Rule 4.
// Move range into the previous block.
while (
( previous = getRangePrevious( range ) ) && checkIfElement( previous ) && previous.isBlockBoundary() &&
// Check if previousNode was parent of range's startContainer before deleteContents.
startPath.contains( previous )
range.moveToPosition( previous, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
// Rule 5.
mergeAncestorElementsOfSelectionEnds( range, that.blockLimit, startPath, endPath );
// Rule 1.
if ( marker ) {
// If marker was created then move collapsed range into its place.
range.setEndBefore( marker );
// Split inline elements so HTML will be inserted with its own styles.
path = range.startPath();
if ( ( node = path.contains( isInline, false, 1 ) ) ) {
range.splitElement( node );
that.inlineStylesRoot = node;
that.inlineStylesPeak = path.lastElement;
// Record inline merging candidates for later cleanup in place.
bm = range.createBookmark();
// 1. Inline siblings.
node = bm.startNode.getPrevious( isNotEmpty );
node && checkIfElement( node ) && isInline( node ) && mergeCandidates.push( node );
node = bm.startNode.getNext( isNotEmpty );
node && checkIfElement( node ) && isInline( node ) && mergeCandidates.push( node );
// 2. Inline parents.
node = bm.startNode;
while ( ( node = node.getParent() ) && isInline( node ) )
mergeCandidates.push( node );
range.moveToBookmark( bm );
function processDataForInsertion( that, data ) {
var range = that.range;
// Rule 8. - wrap entire data in inline styles.
// (e.g. <p><b>x^z</b></p> + <p>a</p><p>b</p> -> <b><p>a</p><p>b</p></b>)
// Incorrect tags order will be fixed by htmlDataProcessor.
if ( that.type == 'text' && that.inlineStylesRoot )
data = wrapDataWithInlineStyles( data, that );
var context = that.blockLimit.getName();
// Wrap data to be inserted, to avoid losing leading whitespaces
// when going through the below procedure.
if ( /^\s+|\s+$/.test( data ) && 'span' in CKEDITOR.dtd[ context ] ) {
var protect = '<span data-cke-marker="1"> </span>';
data = protect + data + protect;
// Process the inserted html, in context of the insertion root.
// Don't use the "fix for body" feature as auto paragraphing must
// be handled during insertion.
data = that.editor.dataProcessor.toHtml( data, {
context: null,
fixForBody: false,
protectedWhitespaces: !!protect,
dontFilter: that.dontFilter,
// Use the current, contextual settings.
filter: that.editor.activeFilter,
enterMode: that.editor.activeEnterMode
} );
// Build the node list for insertion.
var doc = range.document,
wrapper = doc.createElement( 'body' );
wrapper.setHtml( data );
// Eventually remove the temporaries.
if ( protect ) {
// Rule 7.
var block = range.startPath().block;
if ( block && // Apply when there exists path block after deleting selection's content...
!( block.getChildCount() == 1 && block.getBogus() ) ) { // ... and the only content of this block isn't a bogus.
stripBlockTagIfSingleLine( wrapper );
that.dataWrapper = wrapper;
return data;
function insertDataIntoRange( that ) {
var range = that.range,
doc = range.document,
blockLimit = that.blockLimit,
nodesData, nodeData, node,
nodeIndex = 0,
bogusNeededBlocks = [],
pathBlock, fixBlock,
splittingContainer = 0,
dontMoveCaret = 0,
insertionContainer, toSplit, newContainer,
startContainer = range.startContainer,
endContainer = that.endPath.elements[ 0 ],
// If endContainer was merged into startContainer: <p>a[b</p><p>c]d</p>
// or it's equal to startContainer: <p>a^b</p>
// or different situation happened :P
// then there's no separate container for the end of selection.
pos = endContainer.getPosition( startContainer ),
separateEndContainer = !!endContainer.getCommonAncestor( startContainer ) && // endC is not detached.
nodesData = extractNodesData( that.dataWrapper, that );
removeBrsAdjacentToPastedBlocks( nodesData, range );
for ( ; nodeIndex < nodesData.length; nodeIndex++ ) {
nodeData = nodesData[ nodeIndex ];
// Ignore trailing <brs>
if ( nodeData.isLineBreak && splitOnLineBreak( range, blockLimit, nodeData ) ) {
// Do not move caret towards the text (in cleanupAfterInsertion),
// because caret was placed after a line break.
dontMoveCaret = nodeIndex > 0;
path = range.startPath();
// Auto paragraphing.
if ( !nodeData.isBlock && shouldAutoParagraph( that.editor, path.block, path.blockLimit ) && ( fixBlock = autoParagraphTag( that.editor ) ) ) {
fixBlock = doc.createElement( fixBlock );
range.insertNode( fixBlock );
if ( CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller && ( bogus = fixBlock.getBogus() ) )
range.moveToPosition( fixBlock, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
node = range.startPath().block;
// Remove any bogus element on the current path block for now, and mark
// it for later compensation.
if ( node && !node.equals( pathBlock ) ) {
bogus = node.getBogus();
if ( bogus ) {
bogusNeededBlocks.push( node );
pathBlock = node;
// First not allowed node reached - start splitting original container
if ( nodeData.firstNotAllowed )
splittingContainer = 1;
if ( splittingContainer && nodeData.isElement ) {
insertionContainer = range.startContainer;
toSplit = null;
// Find the first ancestor that can contain current node.
// This one won't be split.
while ( insertionContainer && !DTD[ insertionContainer.getName() ][ nodeData.name ] ) {
if ( insertionContainer.equals( blockLimit ) ) {
insertionContainer = null;
toSplit = insertionContainer;
insertionContainer = insertionContainer.getParent();
// If split has to be done - do it and mark both ends as a possible zombies.
if ( insertionContainer ) {
if ( toSplit ) {
newContainer = range.splitElement( toSplit );
that.zombies.push( newContainer );
that.zombies.push( toSplit );
// Unable to make the insertion happen in place, resort to the content filter.
else {
// If everything worked fine insertionContainer == blockLimit here.
filteredNodes = filterElement( nodeData.node, blockLimit.getName(), !nodeIndex, nodeIndex == nodesData.length - 1 );
if ( filteredNodes ) {
while ( ( node = filteredNodes.pop() ) )
range.insertNode( node );
filteredNodes = 0;
} else {
// Insert current node at the start of range.
range.insertNode( nodeData.node );
// Move range to the endContainer for the final allowed elements.
if ( nodeData.lastNotAllowed && nodeIndex < nodesData.length - 1 ) {
// If separateEndContainer exists move range there.
// Otherwise try to move range to container created during splitting.
// If this doesn't work - don't move range.
newContainer = separateEndContainer ? endContainer : newContainer;
newContainer && range.setEndAt( newContainer, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
splittingContainer = 0;
// Collapse range after insertion to end.
// Rule 9. Non-editable content should be selected as a whole.
if ( isSingleNonEditableElement( nodesData ) ) {
dontMoveCaret = true;
node = nodesData[ 0 ].node;
range.setEndAt( node, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
that.dontMoveCaret = dontMoveCaret;
that.bogusNeededBlocks = bogusNeededBlocks;
function cleanupAfterInsertion( that ) {
var range = that.range,
node, testRange, movedIntoInline,
bogusNeededBlocks = that.bogusNeededBlocks,
// Create a bookmark to defend against the following range deconstructing operations.
bm = range.createBookmark();
// Remove all elements that could be created while splitting nodes
// with ranges at its start|end.
// E.g. remove <div><p></p></div>
// But not <div><p> </p></div>
// And replace <div><p><span data="cke-bookmark"/></p></div> with found bookmark.
while ( ( node = that.zombies.pop() ) ) {
// Detached element.
if ( !node.getParent() )
testRange = range.clone();
testRange.moveToElementEditStart( node );
if ( bogusNeededBlocks ) {
// Bring back all block bogus nodes.
while ( ( node = bogusNeededBlocks.pop() ) ) {
if ( CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller )
node.append( range.document.createText( '\u00a0' ) );
// Eventually merge identical inline elements.
while ( ( node = that.mergeCandidates.pop() ) )
range.moveToBookmark( bm );
// Rule 3.
// Shrink range to the BEFOREEND of previous innermost editable node in source order.
if ( !that.dontMoveCaret ) {
node = getRangePrevious( range );
while ( node && checkIfElement( node ) && !node.is( DTD.$empty ) ) {
if ( node.isBlockBoundary() )
range.moveToPosition( node, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
else {
// Don't move into inline element (which ends with a text node)
// found which contains white-space at its end.
// If not - move range's end to the end of this element.
if ( isInline( node ) && node.getHtml().match( /(\s| )$/g ) ) {
movedIntoInline = null;
movedIntoInline = range.clone();
movedIntoInline.moveToPosition( node, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
node = node.getLast( isNotEmpty );
movedIntoInline && range.moveToRange( movedIntoInline );
// HELPERS ------------------------------------------------------------
function checkIfElement( node ) {
return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT;
function extractNodesData( dataWrapper, that ) {
var node, sibling, nodeName, allowed,
nodesData = [],
startContainer = that.range.startContainer,
path = that.range.startPath(),
allowedNames = DTD[ startContainer.getName() ],
nodeIndex = 0,
nodesList = dataWrapper.getChildren(),
nodesCount = nodesList.count(),
firstNotAllowed = -1,
lastNotAllowed = -1,
lineBreak = 0,
// Selection start within a list.
var insideOfList = path.contains( DTD.$list );
for ( ; nodeIndex < nodesCount; ++nodeIndex ) {
node = nodesList.getItem( nodeIndex );
if ( checkIfElement( node ) ) {
nodeName = node.getName();
// Extract only the list items, when insertion happens
// inside of a list, reads as rearrange list items. (#7957)
if ( insideOfList && nodeName in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ) {
nodesData = nodesData.concat( extractNodesData( node, that ) );
allowed = !!allowedNames[ nodeName ];
// Mark <brs data-cke-eol="1"> at the beginning and at the end.
if ( nodeName == 'br' && node.data( 'cke-eol' ) && ( !nodeIndex || nodeIndex == nodesCount - 1 ) ) {
sibling = nodeIndex ? nodesData[ nodeIndex - 1 ].node : nodesList.getItem( nodeIndex + 1 );
// Line break has to have sibling which is not an <br>.
lineBreak = sibling && ( !checkIfElement( sibling ) || !sibling.is( 'br' ) );
// Line break has block element as a sibling.
blockSibling = sibling && checkIfElement( sibling ) && DTD.$block[ sibling.getName() ];
if ( firstNotAllowed == -1 && !allowed )
firstNotAllowed = nodeIndex;
if ( !allowed )
lastNotAllowed = nodeIndex;
nodesData.push( {
isElement: 1,
isLineBreak: lineBreak,
isBlock: node.isBlockBoundary(),
hasBlockSibling: blockSibling,
node: node,
name: nodeName,
allowed: allowed
} );
lineBreak = 0;
blockSibling = 0;
} else {
nodesData.push( { isElement: 0, node: node, allowed: 1 } );
// Mark first node that cannot be inserted directly into startContainer
// and last node for which startContainer has to be split.
if ( firstNotAllowed > -1 )
nodesData[ firstNotAllowed ].firstNotAllowed = 1;
if ( lastNotAllowed > -1 )
nodesData[ lastNotAllowed ].lastNotAllowed = 1;
return nodesData;
// TODO: Review content transformation rules on filtering element.
function filterElement( element, parentName, isFirst, isLast ) {
var nodes = filterElementInner( element, parentName ),
nodes2 = [],
nodesCount = nodes.length,
nodeIndex = 0,
afterSpace = 0,
lastSpaceIndex = -1;
// Remove duplicated spaces and spaces at the:
// * beginnig if filtered element isFirst (isFirst that's going to be inserted)
// * end if filtered element isLast.
for ( ; nodeIndex < nodesCount; nodeIndex++ ) {
node = nodes[ nodeIndex ];
if ( node == ' ' ) {
// Don't push doubled space and if it's leading space for insertion.
if ( !afterSpace && !( isFirst && !nodeIndex ) ) {
nodes2.push( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( ' ' ) );
lastSpaceIndex = nodes2.length;
afterSpace = 1;
} else {
nodes2.push( node );
afterSpace = 0;
// Remove trailing space.
if ( isLast && lastSpaceIndex == nodes2.length )
return nodes2;
function filterElementInner( element, parentName ) {
var nodes = [],
children = element.getChildren(),
childrenCount = children.count(),
childIndex = 0,
allowedNames = DTD[ parentName ],
surroundBySpaces = !element.is( DTD.$inline ) || element.is( 'br' );
if ( surroundBySpaces )
nodes.push( ' ' );
for ( ; childIndex < childrenCount; childIndex++ ) {
child = children.getItem( childIndex );
if ( checkIfElement( child ) && !child.is( allowedNames ) )
nodes = nodes.concat( filterElementInner( child, parentName ) );
nodes.push( child );
if ( surroundBySpaces )
nodes.push( ' ' );
return nodes;
function getRangePrevious( range ) {
return checkIfElement( range.startContainer ) && range.startContainer.getChild( range.startOffset - 1 );
function isInline( node ) {
return node && checkIfElement( node ) && ( node.is( DTD.$removeEmpty ) || node.is( 'a' ) && !node.isBlockBoundary() );
// Checks if only non-editable element is being inserted.
function isSingleNonEditableElement( nodesData ) {
if ( nodesData.length != 1 )
return false;
var nodeData = nodesData[ 0 ];
return nodeData.isElement && ( nodeData.node.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'false' );
var blockMergedTags = { p: 1, div: 1, h1: 1, h2: 1, h3: 1, h4: 1, h5: 1, h6: 1, ul: 1, ol: 1, li: 1, pre: 1, dl: 1, blockquote: 1 };
// See rule 5. in TCs.
// Initial situation:
// <ul><li>AA^</li></ul><ul><li>BB</li></ul>
// We're looking for 2nd <ul>, comparing with 1st <ul> and merging.
// We're not merging if caret is between these elements.
function mergeAncestorElementsOfSelectionEnds( range, blockLimit, startPath, endPath ) {
var walkerRange = range.clone(),
walker, nextNode, previousNode;
walkerRange.setEndAt( blockLimit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
if ( ( nextNode = walker.next() ) && // Find next source node
checkIfElement( nextNode ) && // which is an element
blockMergedTags[ nextNode.getName() ] && // that can be merged.
( previousNode = nextNode.getPrevious() ) && // Take previous one
checkIfElement( previousNode ) && // which also has to be an element.
!previousNode.getParent().equals( range.startContainer ) && // Fail if caret is on the same level.
// This means that caret is between these nodes.
startPath.contains( previousNode ) && // Elements path of start of selection has
endPath.contains( nextNode ) && // to contain prevNode and vice versa.
nextNode.isIdentical( previousNode ) // Check if elements are identical.
) {
// Merge blocks and repeat.
nextNode.moveChildren( previousNode );
mergeAncestorElementsOfSelectionEnds( range, blockLimit, startPath, endPath );
// If last node that will be inserted is a block (but not a <br>)
// and it will be inserted right before <br> remove this <br>.
// Do the same for the first element that will be inserted and preceding <br>.
function removeBrsAdjacentToPastedBlocks( nodesData, range ) {
var succeedingNode = range.endContainer.getChild( range.endOffset ),
precedingNode = range.endContainer.getChild( range.endOffset - 1 );
if ( succeedingNode )
remove( succeedingNode, nodesData[ nodesData.length - 1 ] );
if ( precedingNode && remove( precedingNode, nodesData[ 0 ] ) ) {
// If preceding <br> was removed - move range left.
range.setEnd( range.endContainer, range.endOffset - 1 );
function remove( maybeBr, maybeBlockData ) {
if ( maybeBlockData.isBlock && maybeBlockData.isElement && !maybeBlockData.node.is( 'br' ) &&
checkIfElement( maybeBr ) && maybeBr.is( 'br' ) ) {
return 1;
// Return 1 if <br> should be skipped when inserting, 0 otherwise.
function splitOnLineBreak( range, blockLimit, nodeData ) {
var firstBlockAscendant, pos;
if ( nodeData.hasBlockSibling )
return 1;
firstBlockAscendant = range.startContainer.getAscendant( DTD.$block, 1 );
if ( !firstBlockAscendant || !firstBlockAscendant.is( { div: 1, p: 1 } ) )
return 0;
pos = firstBlockAscendant.getPosition( blockLimit );
return 0;
var newContainer = range.splitElement( firstBlockAscendant );
range.moveToPosition( newContainer, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
return 1;
var stripSingleBlockTags = { p: 1, div: 1, h1: 1, h2: 1, h3: 1, h4: 1, h5: 1, h6: 1 },
inlineButNotBr = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, DTD.$inline );
delete inlineButNotBr.br;
// Rule 7.
function stripBlockTagIfSingleLine( dataWrapper ) {
var block, children;
if ( dataWrapper.getChildCount() == 1 && // Only one node bein inserted.
checkIfElement( block = dataWrapper.getFirst() ) && // And it's an element.
block.is( stripSingleBlockTags ) && // That's <p> or <div> or header.
!block.hasAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) // It's not a non-editable block or nested editable.
) {
// Check children not containing block.
children = block.getElementsByTag( '*' );
for ( var i = 0, child, count = children.count(); i < count; i++ ) {
child = children.getItem( i );
if ( !child.is( inlineButNotBr ) )
block.moveChildren( block.getParent( 1 ) );
function wrapDataWithInlineStyles( data, that ) {
var element = that.inlineStylesPeak,
doc = element.getDocument(),
wrapper = doc.createText( '{cke-peak}' ),
limit = that.inlineStylesRoot.getParent();
while ( !element.equals( limit ) ) {
wrapper = wrapper.appendTo( element.clone() );
element = element.getParent();
// Don't use String.replace because it fails in IE7 if special replacement
// characters ($$, $&, etc.) are in data (#10367).
return wrapper.getOuterHtml().split( '{cke-peak}' ).join( data );
return insert;
} )();
function afterInsert( editable ) {
var editor = editable.editor;
// Scroll using selection, not ranges, to affect native pastes.
// Save snaps after the whole execution completed.
// This's a workaround for make DOM modification's happened after
// 'insertElement' to be included either, e.g. Form-based dialogs' 'commitContents'
// call.
setTimeout( function() {
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
}, 0 );
// 1. Fixes a range which is a result of deleteContents() and is placed in an intermediate element (see dtd.$intermediate),
// inside a table. A goal is to find a closest <td> or <th> element and when this fails, recreate the structure of the table.
// 2. Fixes empty cells by appending bogus <br>s or deleting empty text nodes in IE<=8 case.
fixTableAfterContentsDeletion = ( function() {
// Creates an element walker which can only "go deeper". It won't
// move out from any element. Therefore it can be used to find <td>x</td> in cases like:
// <table><tbody><tr><td>x</td></tr></tbody>^<tfoot>...
function getFixTableSelectionWalker( testRange ) {
var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( testRange );
walker.guard = function( node, isMovingOut ) {
if ( isMovingOut )
return false;
if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
return node.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$tableContent );
walker.evaluator = function( node ) {
return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT;
return walker;
function fixTableStructure( element, newElementName, appendToStart ) {
var temp = element.getDocument().createElement( newElementName );
element.append( temp, appendToStart );
return temp;
// Fix empty cells. This means:
// * add bogus <br> if browser needs it
// * remove empty text nodes on IE8, because it will crash (http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11183#comment:8).
function fixEmptyCells( cells ) {
var i = cells.count(),
for ( i; i-- > 0; ) {
cell = cells.getItem( i );
if ( !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( cell.getHtml() ) ) {
if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 && cell.getChildCount() )
return function( range ) {
var container = range.startContainer,
table = container.getAscendant( 'table', 1 ),
appendToStart = false;
fixEmptyCells( table.getElementsByTag( 'td' ) );
fixEmptyCells( table.getElementsByTag( 'th' ) );
// Look left.
testRange = range.clone();
testRange.setStart( container, 0 );
deeperSibling = getFixTableSelectionWalker( testRange ).lastBackward();
// If left is empty, look right.
if ( !deeperSibling ) {
testRange = range.clone();
testRange.setEndAt( container, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
deeperSibling = getFixTableSelectionWalker( testRange ).lastForward();
appendToStart = true;
// If there's no deeper nested element in both direction - container is empty - we'll use it then.
if ( !deeperSibling )
deeperSibling = container;
// Fix structure...
// We found a table what means that it's empty - remove it completely.
if ( deeperSibling.is( 'table' ) ) {
range.setStartAt( deeperSibling, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
range.collapse( true );
// Found an empty txxx element - append tr.
if ( deeperSibling.is( { tbody: 1, thead: 1, tfoot: 1 } ) )
deeperSibling = fixTableStructure( deeperSibling, 'tr', appendToStart );
// Found an empty tr element - append td/th.
if ( deeperSibling.is( 'tr' ) )
deeperSibling = fixTableStructure( deeperSibling, deeperSibling.getParent().is( 'thead' ) ? 'th' : 'td', appendToStart );
// To avoid setting selection after bogus, remove it from the current cell.
// We can safely do that, because we'll insert element into that cell.
var bogus = deeperSibling.getBogus();
if ( bogus )
range.moveToPosition( deeperSibling, appendToStart ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
} )();
fixListAfterContentsDelete = ( function() {
// Creates an element walker which operates only within lists.
function getFixListSelectionWalker( testRange ) {
var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( testRange );
walker.guard = function( node, isMovingOut ) {
if ( isMovingOut )
return false;
if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
return node.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ) || node.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem );
walker.evaluator = function( node ) {
return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem );
return walker;
return function( range ) {
var container = range.startContainer,
appendToStart = false,
// Look left.
testRange = range.clone();
testRange.setStart( container, 0 );
deeperSibling = getFixListSelectionWalker( testRange ).lastBackward();
// If left is empty, look right.
if ( !deeperSibling ) {
testRange = range.clone();
testRange.setEndAt( container, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
deeperSibling = getFixListSelectionWalker( testRange ).lastForward();
appendToStart = true;
// If there's no deeper nested element in both direction - container is empty - we'll use it then.
if ( !deeperSibling )
deeperSibling = container;
// We found a list what means that it's empty - remove it completely.
if ( deeperSibling.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ) ) {
range.setStartAt( deeperSibling, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
range.collapse( true );
// To avoid setting selection after bogus, remove it from the target list item.
// We can safely do that, because we'll insert element into that cell.
var bogus = deeperSibling.getBogus();
if ( bogus )
range.moveToPosition( deeperSibling, appendToStart ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
} )();
function mergeBlocksCollapsedSelection( editor, range, backspace, startPath ) {
var startBlock = startPath.block;
// Selection must be collapsed and to be anchored in a block.
if ( !startBlock )
return false;
// Exclude cases where, i.e. if pressed arrow key, selection
// would move within the same block (merge inside a block).
if ( !range[ backspace ? 'checkStartOfBlock' : 'checkEndOfBlock' ]() )
return false;
// Make sure, there's an editable position to put selection,
// which i.e. would be used if pressed arrow key, but abort
// if such position exists but means a selected non-editable element.
if ( !range.moveToClosestEditablePosition( startBlock, !backspace ) || !range.collapsed )
return false;
// Handle special case, when block's sibling is a <hr>. Delete it and keep selection
// in the same place (http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11861#comment:9).
if ( range.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
var touched = range.startContainer.getChild( range.startOffset - ( backspace ? 1 : 0 ) );
if ( touched && touched.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && touched.is( 'hr' ) ) {
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
return true;
var siblingBlock = range.startPath().block;
// Abort if an editable position exists, but either it's not
// in a block or that block is the parent of the start block
// (merging child into parent).
if ( !siblingBlock || ( siblingBlock && siblingBlock.contains( startBlock ) ) )
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
// Remove bogus to avoid duplicated boguses.
var bogus;
if ( ( bogus = ( backspace ? siblingBlock : startBlock ).getBogus() ) )
// Save selection. It will be restored.
var selection = editor.getSelection(),
bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks();
// Merge blocks.
( backspace ? startBlock : siblingBlock ).moveChildren( backspace ? siblingBlock : startBlock, false );
// Also merge children along with parents.
// Cut off removable branch of the DOM tree.
pruneEmptyDisjointAncestors( startBlock, siblingBlock, !backspace );
// Restore selection.
selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
return true;
function mergeBlocksNonCollapsedSelection( editor, range, startPath ) {
var startBlock = startPath.block,
endPath = range.endPath(),
endBlock = endPath.block;
// Selection must be anchored in two different blocks.
if ( !startBlock || !endBlock || startBlock.equals( endBlock ) )
return false;
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
// Remove bogus to avoid duplicated boguses.
var bogus;
if ( ( bogus = startBlock.getBogus() ) )
// Changing end container to element from text node (#12503).
// Delete range contents. Do NOT merge. Merging is weird.
// If something has left of the block to be merged, clean it up.
// It may happen when merging with list items.
if ( endBlock.getParent() ) {
// Move children to the first block.
endBlock.moveChildren( startBlock, false );
// ...and merge them if that's possible.
// If expanded selection, things are always merged like with BACKSPACE.
pruneEmptyDisjointAncestors( startBlock, endBlock, true );
// Make sure the result selection is collapsed.
range = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ];
range.collapse( 1 );
// Optimizing range containers from text nodes to elements (#12503).
if ( range.startContainer.getHtml() === '' ) {
return true;
// Finds the innermost child of common parent, which,
// if removed, removes nothing but the contents of the element.
// before: <div><p><strong>first</strong></p><p>second</p></div>
// after: <div><p>second</p></div>
// before: <div><p>x<strong>first</strong></p><p>second</p></div>
// after: <div><p>x</p><p>second</p></div>
// isPruneToEnd=true
// before: <div><p><strong>first</strong></p><p>second</p></div>
// after: <div><p><strong>first</strong></p></div>
// @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} first
// @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} second
// @param {Boolean} isPruneToEnd
function pruneEmptyDisjointAncestors( first, second, isPruneToEnd ) {
var commonParent = first.getCommonAncestor( second ),
node = isPruneToEnd ? second : first,
removableParent = node;
while ( ( node = node.getParent() ) && !commonParent.equals( node ) && node.getChildCount() == 1 )
removableParent = node;
// Helpers for editable.getHtmlFromRange.
getHtmlFromRangeHelpers = {
eol: {
detect: function( that, editable ) {
var range = that.range,
rangeStart = range.clone(),
rangeEnd = range.clone(),
startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer, editable ),
endPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.endContainer, editable );
// Note: checkBoundaryOfElement will not work on original range as CKEDITOR.START|END
// means that range start|end must be literally anchored at block start|end, e.g.
// <p>a{</p><p>}b</p>
// will return false for both paragraphs but two similar ranges
// <p>a{}</p><p>{}b</p>
// will return true if checked separately.
rangeStart.collapse( 1 );
if ( startPath.block && rangeStart.checkBoundaryOfElement( startPath.block, CKEDITOR.END ) ) {
range.setStartAfter( startPath.block );
that.prependEolBr = 1;
if ( endPath.block && rangeEnd.checkBoundaryOfElement( endPath.block, CKEDITOR.START ) ) {
range.setEndBefore( endPath.block );
that.appendEolBr = 1;
fix: function( that, editable ) {
var doc = editable.getDocument(),
// Append <br data-cke-eol="1"> to the fragment.
if ( that.appendEolBr ) {
appended = this.createEolBr( doc );
that.fragment.append( appended );
// Prepend <br data-cke-eol="1"> to the fragment but avoid duplicates. Such
// elements should never follow each other in DOM.
if ( that.prependEolBr && ( !appended || appended.getPrevious() ) ) {
that.fragment.append( this.createEolBr( doc ), 1 );
createEolBr: function( doc ) {
return doc.createElement( 'br', {
attributes: {
'data-cke-eol': 1
} );
bogus: {
exclude: function( that ) {
var boundaryNodes = that.range.getBoundaryNodes(),
startNode = boundaryNodes.startNode,
endNode = boundaryNodes.endNode;
// If bogus is the last node in range but not the only node, exclude it.
if ( endNode && isBogus( endNode ) && ( !startNode || !startNode.equals( endNode ) ) )
that.range.setEndBefore( endNode );
tree: {
rebuild: function( that, editable ) {
var range = that.range,
node = range.getCommonAncestor(),
// A path relative to the common ancestor.
commonPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( node, editable ),
startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer, editable ),
endPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.endContainer, editable ),
if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
node = node.getParent();
// Fix DOM of partially enclosed tables
// <table><tbody><tr><td>a{b</td><td>c}d</td></tr></tbody></table>
// Full table is returned
// <table><tbody><tr><td>b</td><td>c</td></tr></tbody></table>
// instead of
// <td>b</td><td>c</td>
if ( commonPath.blockLimit.is( { tr: 1, table: 1 } ) ) {
var tableParent = commonPath.contains( 'table' ).getParent();
limit = function( node ) {
return !node.equals( tableParent );
// Fix DOM in the following case
// <ol><li>a{b<ul><li>c}d</li></ul></li></ol>
// Full list is returned
// <ol><li>b<ul><li>c</li></ul></li></ol>
// instead of
// b<ul><li>c</li></ul>
else if ( commonPath.block && commonPath.block.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem ) ) {
var startList = startPath.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ),
endList = endPath.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$list );
if ( !startList.equals( endList ) ) {
var listParent = commonPath.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ).getParent();
limit = function( node ) {
return !node.equals( listParent );
// If not defined, use generic limit function.
if ( !limit ) {
limit = function( node ) {
return !node.equals( commonPath.block ) && !node.equals( commonPath.blockLimit );
this.rebuildFragment( that, editable, node, limit );
rebuildFragment: function( that, editable, node, checkLimit ) {
var clone;
while ( node && !node.equals( editable ) && checkLimit( node ) ) {
// Don't clone children. Preserve element ids.
clone = node.clone( 0, 1 );
that.fragment.appendTo( clone );
that.fragment = clone;
node = node.getParent();
cell: {
// Handle range anchored in table row with a single cell enclosed:
// <table><tbody><tr>[<td>a</td>]</tr></tbody></table>
// becomes
// <table><tbody><tr><td>{a}</td></tr></tbody></table>
shrink: function( that ) {
var range = that.range,
startContainer = range.startContainer,
endContainer = range.endContainer,
startOffset = range.startOffset,
endOffset = range.endOffset;
if ( startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && startContainer.equals( endContainer ) && startContainer.is( 'tr' ) && ++startOffset == endOffset ) {
range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT );
// Helpers for editable.extractHtmlFromRange.
extractHtmlFromRangeHelpers = ( function() {
function optimizeBookmarkNode( node, toStart ) {
var parent = node.getParent();
if ( parent.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline ) )
node[ toStart ? 'insertBefore' : 'insertAfter' ]( parent );
function mergeElements( merged, startBookmark, endBookmark ) {
optimizeBookmarkNode( startBookmark );
optimizeBookmarkNode( endBookmark, 1 );
var next;
while ( ( next = endBookmark.getNext() ) ) {
next.insertAfter( startBookmark );
// Update startBookmark after insertion to avoid the reversal of nodes (#13449).
startBookmark = next;
if ( isEmpty( merged ) )
function getPath( startElement, root ) {
return new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( startElement, root );
// Creates a range from a bookmark without removing the bookmark.
function createRangeFromBookmark( root, bookmark ) {
var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( root );
range.setStartAfter( bookmark.startNode );
range.setEndBefore( bookmark.endNode );
return range;
var list = {
detectMerge: function( that, editable ) {
var range = createRangeFromBookmark( editable, that.bookmark ),
startPath = range.startPath(),
endPath = range.endPath(),
startList = startPath.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ),
endList = endPath.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$list );
that.mergeList =
// Both lists must exist
startList && endList &&
// ...and be of the same type
// startList.getName() == endList.getName() &&
// ...and share the same parent (same level in the tree)
startList.getParent().equals( endList.getParent() ) &&
// ...and must be different.
!startList.equals( endList );
that.mergeListItems =
startPath.block && endPath.block &&
// Both containers must be list items
startPath.block.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem ) && endPath.block.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem );
// Create merge bookmark.
if ( that.mergeList || that.mergeListItems ) {
var rangeClone = range.clone();
rangeClone.setStartBefore( that.bookmark.startNode );
rangeClone.setEndAfter( that.bookmark.endNode );
that.mergeListBookmark = rangeClone.createBookmark();
merge: function( that, editable ) {
if ( !that.mergeListBookmark )
var startNode = that.mergeListBookmark.startNode,
endNode = that.mergeListBookmark.endNode,
startPath = getPath( startNode, editable ),
endPath = getPath( endNode, editable );
if ( that.mergeList ) {
var firstList = startPath.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ),
secondList = endPath.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$list );
if ( !firstList.equals( secondList ) ) {
secondList.moveChildren( firstList );
if ( that.mergeListItems ) {
var firstListItem = startPath.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem ),
secondListItem = endPath.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem );
if ( !firstListItem.equals( secondListItem ) ) {
mergeElements( secondListItem, startNode, endNode );
// Remove bookmark nodes.
var block = {
// Detects whether blocks should be merged once contents are extracted.
detectMerge: function( that, editable ) {
// Don't merge blocks if lists or tables are already involved.
if ( that.tableContentsRanges || that.mergeListBookmark )
var rangeClone = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editable );
rangeClone.setStartBefore( that.bookmark.startNode );
rangeClone.setEndAfter( that.bookmark.endNode );
that.mergeBlockBookmark = rangeClone.createBookmark();
merge: function( that, editable ) {
if ( !that.mergeBlockBookmark || that.purgeTableBookmark )
var startNode = that.mergeBlockBookmark.startNode,
endNode = that.mergeBlockBookmark.endNode,
startPath = getPath( startNode, editable ),
endPath = getPath( endNode, editable ),
firstBlock = startPath.block,
secondBlock = endPath.block;
if ( firstBlock && secondBlock && !firstBlock.equals( secondBlock ) ) {
mergeElements( secondBlock, startNode, endNode );
// Remove bookmark nodes.
var table = ( function() {
var tableEditable = { td: 1, th: 1, caption: 1 };
// Returns an array of ranges which should be entirely extracted.
// <table><tr>[<td>xx</td><td>y}y</td></tr></table>
// will find:
// <table><tr><td>[xx]</td><td>[y}y</td></tr></table>
function findTableContentsRanges( range ) {
// Leaving the below for debugging purposes.
// console.log( 'findTableContentsRanges' );
// console.log( bender.tools.range.getWithHtml( range.root, range ) );
var contentsRanges = [],
walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ),
startCell = range.startPath().contains( tableEditable ),
endCell = range.endPath().contains( tableEditable ),
database = {};
walker.guard = function( node, leaving ) {
// Guard may be executed on some node boundaries multiple times,
// what results in creating more than one range for each selected cell. (#12964)
if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
var key = 'visited_' + ( leaving ? 'out' : 'in' );
if ( node.getCustomData( key ) ) {
CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, node, key, 1 );
// Handle partial selection in a cell in which the range starts:
// <td><p>x{xx</p></td>...
// will store:
// <td><p>x{xx</p>]</td>
if ( leaving && startCell && node.equals( startCell ) ) {
editableRange = range.clone();
editableRange.setEndAt( startCell, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
contentsRanges.push( editableRange );
// Handle partial selection in a cell in which the range ends.
if ( !leaving && endCell && node.equals( endCell ) ) {
editableRange = range.clone();
editableRange.setStartAt( endCell, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
contentsRanges.push( editableRange );
// Handle all other cells visited by the walker.
// We need to check whether the cell is disjoint with
// the start and end cells to correctly handle case like:
// <td>x{x</td><td><table>..<td>y}y</td>..</table></td>
// without the check the second cell's content would be entirely removed.
if ( !leaving && checkRemoveCellContents( node ) ) {
editableRange = range.clone();
editableRange.selectNodeContents( node );
contentsRanges.push( editableRange );
// Clear all markers so next extraction will not be affected by this one.
CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers( database );
return contentsRanges;
function checkRemoveCellContents( node ) {
return (
// Must be a cell.
node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( tableEditable ) &&
// Must be disjoint with the range's startCell if exists.
( !startCell || checkDisjointNodes( node, startCell ) ) &&
// Must be disjoint with the range's endCell if exists.
( !endCell || checkDisjointNodes( node, endCell ) )
// Returns a normalized common ancestor of a range.
// If the real common ancestor is located somewhere in between a table and a td/th/caption,
// then the table will be returned.
function getNormalizedAncestor( range ) {
var common = range.getCommonAncestor();
if ( common.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$tableContent ) && !common.is( tableEditable ) ) {
common = common.getAscendant( 'table', true );
return common;
// Check whether node1 and node2 are disjoint, so are:
// * not identical,
// * not contained in each other.
function checkDisjointNodes( node1, node2 ) {
pos = node1.getPosition( node2 );
// Baaah... IDENTICAL is 0, so we can't simplify this ;/.
false :
( ( pos & disallowedPositions ) === 0 );
return {
// Detects whether to purge entire list.
detectPurge: function( that ) {
var range = that.range,
walkerRange = range.clone();
walkerRange.enlarge( CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT );
var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange ),
editablesCount = 0;
// Count the number of table editables in the range. If there's more than one,
// table MAY be removed completely (it's a cross-cell range). Otherwise, only
// the contents of the cell are usually removed.
walker.evaluator = function( node ) {
if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( tableEditable ) ) {
if ( editablesCount > 1 ) {
var startTable = range.startPath().contains( 'table' ),
endTable = range.endPath().contains( 'table' );
if ( startTable && endTable && range.checkBoundaryOfElement( startTable, CKEDITOR.START ) && range.checkBoundaryOfElement( endTable, CKEDITOR.END ) ) {
var rangeClone = that.range.clone();
rangeClone.setStartBefore( startTable );
rangeClone.setEndAfter( endTable );
that.purgeTableBookmark = rangeClone.createBookmark();
// The magic.
// This method tries to discover whether the range starts or ends somewhere in a table
// (it is not interested whether the range contains a table, because in such case
// the extractContents() methods does the job correctly).
// If the range meets these criteria, then the method tries to discover and store the following:
// * that.tableSurroundingRange - a part of the range which is located outside of any table which
// will be touched (note: when range is located in a single cell it does not touch the table).
// This range can be placed at:
// * at the beginning: <p>he{re</p><table>..]..</table>
// * in the middle: <table>..[..</table><p>here</p><table>..]..</table>
// * at the end: <table>..[..</table><p>he}re</p>
// * that.tableContentsRanges - an array of ranges with contents of td/th/caption that should be removed.
// This assures that calling extractContents() does not change the structure of the table(s).
detectRanges: function( that, editable ) {
var range = createRangeFromBookmark( editable, that.bookmark ),
surroundingRange = range.clone(),
// Find a common ancestor and normalize it (so the following paths contain tables).
commonAncestor = getNormalizedAncestor( range ),
// Create paths using the normalized ancestor, so tables beyond the context
// of the input range are not found.
startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer, commonAncestor ),
endPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.endContainer, commonAncestor ),
startTable = startPath.contains( 'table' ),
endTable = endPath.contains( 'table' ),
// Nothing to do here - the range doesn't touch any table or
// it contains a table, but that table is fully selected so it will be simply fully removed
// by the normal algorithm.
if ( !startTable && !endTable ) {
// Handle two disjoint tables case:
// <table>..[..</table><p>ab</p><table>..]..</table>
// is handled as (respectively: findTableContents( left ), surroundingRange, findTableContents( right )):
// <table>..[..</table>][<p>ab</p>][<table>..]..</table>
// Check that tables are disjoint to exclude a case when start equals end or one is contained
// in the other.
if ( startTable && endTable && checkDisjointNodes( startTable, endTable ) ) {
that.tableSurroundingRange = surroundingRange;
surroundingRange.setStartAt( startTable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
surroundingRange.setEndAt( endTable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
leftRange = range.clone();
leftRange.setEndAt( startTable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
rightRange = range.clone();
rightRange.setStartAt( endTable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
tableContentsRanges = findTableContentsRanges( leftRange ).concat( findTableContentsRanges( rightRange ) );
// Divide the initial range into two parts:
// * range which contains the part containing the table,
// * surroundingRange which contains the part outside the table.
// The surroundingRange exists only if one of the range ends is
// located outside the table.
// <p>a{b</p><table>..]..</table><p>cd</p>
// becomes (respectively: surroundingRange, range):
// <p>a{b</p>][<table>..]..</table><p>cd</p>
else if ( !startTable ) {
that.tableSurroundingRange = surroundingRange;
surroundingRange.setEndAt( endTable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
range.setStartAt( endTable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
// <p>ab</p><table>..[..</table><p>c}d</p>
// becomes (respectively range, surroundingRange):
// <p>ab</p><table>..[..</table>][<p>c}d</p>
else if ( !endTable ) {
that.tableSurroundingRange = surroundingRange;
surroundingRange.setStartAt( startTable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
range.setEndAt( startTable, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
// Use already calculated or calculate for the remaining range.
that.tableContentsRanges = tableContentsRanges ? tableContentsRanges : findTableContentsRanges( range );
// Leaving the below for debugging purposes.
// if ( that.tableSurroundingRange ) {
// console.log( 'tableSurroundingRange' );
// console.log( bender.tools.range.getWithHtml( that.tableSurroundingRange.root, that.tableSurroundingRange ) );
// }
// console.log( 'tableContentsRanges' );
// that.tableContentsRanges.forEach( function( range ) {
// console.log( bender.tools.range.getWithHtml( range.root, range ) );
// } );
deleteRanges: function( that ) {
var range;
// Delete table cell contents.
while ( ( range = that.tableContentsRanges.pop() ) ) {
if ( isEmpty( range.startContainer ) )
// Finally delete surroundings of the table.
if ( that.tableSurroundingRange ) {
purge: function( that ) {
if ( !that.purgeTableBookmark )
var doc = that.doc,
range = that.range,
rangeClone = range.clone(),
// How about different enter modes?
block = doc.createElement( 'p' );
block.insertBefore( that.purgeTableBookmark.startNode );
rangeClone.moveToBookmark( that.purgeTableBookmark );
that.range.moveToPosition( block, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
} )();
return {
list: list,
block: block,
table: table,
// Detects whether use "mergeThen" argument in range.extractContents().
detectExtractMerge: function( that ) {
// Don't merge if playing with lists.
return !(
that.range.startPath().contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem ) &&
that.range.endPath().contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem )
fixUneditableRangePosition: function( range ) {
if ( !range.startContainer.getDtd()[ '#' ] ) {
range.moveToClosestEditablePosition( null, true );
// Perform auto paragraphing if needed.
autoParagraph: function( editor, range ) {
var path = range.startPath(),
if ( shouldAutoParagraph( editor, path.block, path.blockLimit ) && ( fixBlock = autoParagraphTag( editor ) ) ) {
fixBlock = range.document.createElement( fixBlock );
range.insertNode( fixBlock );
range.moveToPosition( fixBlock, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
} )();
} )();
* Whether the editor must output an empty value (`''`) if its content only consists
* of an empty paragraph.
* config.ignoreEmptyParagraph = false;
* @cfg {Boolean} [ignoreEmptyParagraph=true]
* @member CKEDITOR.config
* Event fired by the editor in order to get accessibility help label.
* The event is responded to by a component which provides accessibility
* help (i.e. the `a11yhelp` plugin) hence the editor is notified whether
* accessibility help is available.
* Providing info:
* editor.on( 'ariaEditorHelpLabel', function( evt ) {
* evt.data.label = editor.lang.common.editorHelp;
* } );
* Getting label:
* var helpLabel = editor.fire( 'ariaEditorHelpLabel', {} ).label;
* @since 4.4.3
* @event ariaEditorHelpLabel
* @param {String} label The label to be used.
* @member CKEDITOR.editor
* Event fired when the user double-clicks in the editable area.
* The event allows to open a dialog window for a clicked element in a convenient way:
* editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) {
* var element = evt.data.element;
* if ( element.is( 'table' ) )
* evt.data.dialog = 'tableProperties';
* } );
* **Note:** To handle double-click on a widget use {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#doubleclick}.
* @event doubleclick
* @param data
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} data.element The double-clicked element.
* @param {String} data.dialog The dialog window to be opened. If set by the listener,
* the specified dialog window will be opened.
* @member CKEDITOR.editor