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File: core/assets/css/RTadminlte.css

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File: core/assets/css/RTadminlte.css
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: RT Adminlte
Generate layout and menus for Adminlte
Author: By
Last change: Add files via upload
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 7,591 bytes


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input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; } .scrollToTop{ width:40px; height: 40px; color:rgb(238, 238, 238); line-height:40px; text-align:center; background-color:rgb(34, 45, 50); cursor:pointer; border-radius:5px; z-index:99999; opacity: 0.3; position:fixed; right:25px; bottom:55px; display:none; } { border-top-color: #555299; } { border: 1px solid #555299; } > .box-header { color: #ffffff; background: #555299; background-color: #555299; } > .box-header a, > .box-header .btn { color: #ffffff; } { border-top-color: #d81b60; } { border: 1px solid #d81b60; } > .box-header { color: #ffffff; background: #d81b60; background-color: #d81b60; } > .box-header a, > .box-header .btn { color: #ffffff; } { border-top-color: #ff7701; } { border: 1px solid #ff7701; } > .box-header { color: #ffffff; background: #ff7701; background-color: #ff7701; } > .box-header a, > .box-header .btn { color: #ffffff; } { border-top-color: #30bbbb; } { border: 1px solid #30bbbb; } > .box-header { color: #ffffff; background: #30bbbb; background-color: #30bbbb; } > .box-header a, > .box-header .btn { color: #ffffff; } { border-top-color: #001a35; } { border: 1px solid #001a35; } > .box-header { color: #ffffff; background: #001a35; background-color: #001a35; } > .box-header a, > .box-header .btn { color: #ffffff; } { border-top-color: #368763; } { border: 1px solid #368763; } > .box-header { color: #ffffff; background: #368763; background-color: #368763; } > .box-header a, > .box-header .btn { color: #ffffff; } { border-top-color: #db0ead; } { border: 1px solid #db0ead; } > .box-header { color: #ffffff; background: #db0ead; background-color: #db0ead; } > .box-header a, > .box-header .btn { color: #ffffff; } .label-purple, .label-maroon, .label-orange, .label-teal, .label-navy, .label-olive, .label-fuchsia, .callout.callout-purple, .callout.callout-maroon, .callout.callout-orange, .callout.callout-teal, .callout.callout-navy, .callout.callout-olive, .callout.callout-fuchsia, .alert-purple, .alert-maroon, .alert-orange, .alert-teal, .alert-navy, .alert-olive, .alert-fuchsia, .modal-purple, .modal-maroon, .modal-orange, .modal-teal, .modal-navy, .modal-olive, .modal-fuchsia { color: #fff !important; } .callout.callout-purple, .modal-purple .modal-header, .modal-purple .modal-footer { border-color: #484682; } .callout.callout-purple, .alert-purple, .label-purple, .modal-purple .modal-body { background-color: #605ca8 !important; } .modal-purple .modal-header, .modal-purple .modal-footer { background-color: #555299 !important; } .callout.callout-maroon, .modal-maroon .modal-header, .modal-maroon .modal-footer { border-color: #af164f; } .callout.callout-maroon, .alert-maroon, .label-maroon, .modal-maroon .modal-body { background-color: #d81b60 !important; } .modal-maroon .modal-header, .modal-maroon .modal-footer { background-color: #ca195a !important; } .callout.callout-orange, .modal-orange .modal-header, .modal-orange .modal-footer { border-color: #e56a00; } .callout.callout-orange, .alert-orange, .label-orange, .modal-orange .modal-body { background-color: #ff851b !important; } .modal-orange .modal-header, .modal-orange .modal-footer { background-color: #ff7701 !important; } .callout.callout-teal, .modal-teal .modal-header, .modal-teal .modal-footer { border-color: #2faaaa; } .callout.callout-teal, .alert-teal, .label-teal, .modal-teal .modal-body { background-color: #39cccc !important; } .modal-teal .modal-header, .modal-teal .modal-footer { background-color: #30bbbb !important; } .callout.callout-navy, .modal-navy .modal-header, .modal-navy .modal-footer { border-color: #000c19; } .callout.callout-navy, .alert-navy, .label-navy, .modal-navy .modal-body { background-color: #001f3f !important; } .modal-navy .modal-header, .modal-navy .modal-footer { background-color: #001a35 !important; } .callout.callout-olive, .modal-olive .modal-header, .modal-olive .modal-footer { border-color: #317c5b; } .callout.callout-olive, .alert-olive, .label-olive, .modal-olive .modal-body { background-color: #3d9970 !important; } .modal-olive .modal-header, .modal-olive .modal-footer { background-color: #368763 !important; } .callout.callout-fuchsia, .modal-fuchsia .modal-header, .modal-fuchsia .modal-footer { border-color: #bc0b94; } .callout.callout-fuchsia, .alert-fuchsia, .label-fuchsia, .modal-fuchsia .modal-body { background-color: #f012be !important; } .modal-fuchsia .modal-header, .modal-fuchsia .modal-footer { background-color: #db0ead !important; } /** Replace main color **/ .nav-pills > > a:focus { border-top-color: #555299; } .nav-stacked > > a, .nav-stacked > > a:hover { border-left-color: #555299; } .nav-tabs-custom>.nav-tabs> { border-top-color: #555299; } .pagination>.active>a, .pagination>.active>a:focus, .pagination>.active>a:hover, .pagination>.active>span, .pagination>.active>span:focus, .pagination>.active>span:hover { background-color: #555299; border-color: #555299; } .pagination>li>a, .pagination>li>span { color: #555299; } a { color: #555299; } a:hover, a:active, a:focus { outline: none; text-decoration: none; color: #7975d8; } .form-control:focus { border-color: #555299; } .select2-container--default.select2-container--open { border-color: #555299; } .select2-container--default .select2-results__option--highlighted[aria-selected], .select2-container--default .select2-results__option--highlighted[aria-selected]:hover{ background-color: #555299; color: white; } .select2-dropdown .select2-search__field:focus, .select2-search--inline .select2-search__field:focus { border: 1px solid #555299; } .select2-container--default .select2-selection--multiple:focus { border-color: #555299; } .select2-container--default .select2-selection--multiple .select2-selection__choice { background-color: #555299; border-color: #555299; } .dropdown-menu>.active>a, .dropdown-menu>.active>a:focus, .dropdown-menu>.active>a:hover { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; background-color: #555299; outline: 0; } .daterangepicker { border: 1px solid #555299; border-radius: 4px; } .daterangepicker, .daterangepicker { background-color: #555299; border-color: transparent; color: #fff; }