<? /*
| name Template Gereation Class + Simple Lang Patch |
| file: test.php |
| vaersion 2006/feb/07 |
| Released under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License |
| For more details: http://gnu.org |
| |
| Test on these System Configuration: |
| Apache/2.0.55 (Win32) PHP/5.1.2 + MySQL/5.0.15 |
| Apache/2.0.52 (Unix) PHP/4.3.9 + MySQL/4.0.21 |
| Apache/2.0.52 (Unix) PHP/5.0.2 + MySQL/4.0.21 |
$tpl = new ClassTPL();
| When you want to use differnt template file for parsing, |
| just replace $tpl->Page(); with $tpl->Page("yourClassName.tpl"); |
$tpl->includion("", "langPatch");
| Simple way to use include function |
$tpl -> Page_replace_tags(array(
"TEST_01" => _TEST01,
"TEST_02" => "<b>"._TEST02."</b>"));
$tpl -> Page_replace_tags(array("ExTIME" => round ($tpl->end - $tpl->start, 3) . _ExTIME ));
$tpl -> Page_output();
| Simple way to use Template Gereation Class |