<?php /** * @author Jonathan Gotti <nathan at the-ring dot homelinux dot net> * @copyleft (l) 2003-2004 Jonathan Gotti * @package config * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @changelog 2005-09-30 - remove GUI_TYPE==GTK suppport * - optimize all the code for better performance (parsing) and better multiline support (writing) * @changelog 2005-06-11 - now write_conf_file() can unset or comment some vars using --COMMENT--,--UNSET-- in place of the value */
/** * read a config file and define CONSTANT in it or return it as an array * @param string $file_path * @param bool $out default is FALSE mean define the value, return an array if set to TRUE * @return array | bool depend on $out */ function parse_conf_file($file_path,$out = false){ if(! file_exists($file_path)) return FALSE; # get file content if(! is_array($conf = file($file_path))){ return False; } # parse conf file $preserve = FALSE; foreach($conf as $line){ if(ereg("^[[:blank:]]*#+",$line)) continue; if($preserve && preg_match("!^\s*((?:[^#\\\\]+|\\\\[^\s]+)+)(\\\\?)\s*!",$line,$match)){ # continue line $value .= $match[1]; $preserve = ((trim($match[2])!=='\\')?FALSE:TRUE); }elseif(preg_match("!^\s*([^#=]+)=((?:[^#\\\\]+|\\\\[^\r\n]+)+)(\\\\?)\s*$!",$line,$match)){ # read line $var = trim($match[1]); $value= $match[2]; $preserve = ((trim($match[3])!=='\\')?FALSE:TRUE); }else{ continue; # considered as commentary } if($preserve) continue; $value = preg_replace(array("!(%([^%\s]+)%)!","!\\\\\s*\r?\n!"),array('".\\2."',"\n"),trim($value));
if(! in_array(strtoupper($value),array('NULL','FALSE','TRUE')) ) $value = '"'.($out?str_replace('"','\\"',$value):$value).'"';
if(! $out) eval('define("'.trim($var).'",'.$value.');'); else eval('$out_[$var]='.$value.';'); }
return $out?@$out_:TRUE; }
/** * prend un tableau associatif et ajoute les entrée dans un fichier de configuration * en conservant les commentaires ainsi que les valeurs non renseigné * @param string $file file to write configuration * @param array $config the configuration to add to config file * @param bool $force if true create the file if doesn't exist * @return bool * @changelog 2005-06-11 now can unset or comment some vars using --COMMENT--,--UNSET-- in place of the value */ function write_conf_file($file,$config,$force=FALSE){ if(! is_array($config)) return FALSE; # check if file exist or not if( (! file_exists($file))&& (!$force) ) return FALSE; # get the old config if( (!is_array($oldconf = @file($file)))&& (!$force)) return FALSE; # first rewrite old conf if(is_array($oldconf)){ $follow = FALSE; foreach($oldconf as $linenb => $line){ if( preg_match("!^\s*#!",$line)){# keep comment lines $newconf[$linenb]=$line; }elseif(preg_match("!^\s*([^#=]+)=([^#\\\\]+)(\\\\?)!",$line,$match)){ # first line of config var $var = trim($match[1]); # get varname
if(! isset($config[$var])) # not set so keep the line as is $newconf[$linenb] = $line; else # we have a new value we write it $newconf[$linenb] = _write_conf_line($var,$config[$var],$line);
if(preg_match('!\\\\\s*\n$!',$line)) $follow = TRUE; }elseif($follow){ # multiline values if(!isset($config[$var])){ # keep old multiline values $newconf[$linenb] = $line; }elseif(trim($config[$var])==='--COMMENT--' ){ # comment all multilines values $newconf[$linenb] = "#~ $line"; } if(! preg_match('!\\\\\s*\n$!',$line)) $follow = FALSE; } if( (! $follow) && @isset($config[$var]) ) unset($config[$var]);
} if(count($config)>0){ # write new config vars at the end foreach($config as $var=>$value) $newconf[] = _write_conf_line($var,$value); } }elseif($force){ foreach($config as $var=>$value) $newconf[] = _write_conf_line($var,$value); } return array2file(@$newconf,$file); } /** * take an array and write each value as a line * @param array $arr array containings data to write * @param string $file file to write in it * @return bool */ function array2file($arr,$file){ if(! is_array($arr) ) return FALSE; if(! $f = fopen($file,'w')) return FALSE; fputs($f,implode('',$arr)); return fclose($f); }
/** * used by write_conf_file to prepare line for passed values */ function _write_conf_line($var,$value=null,$oldline=null){ $commented = (substr_count($value,'--COMMENT--')?TRUE:FALSE); $value = $value?preg_replace("!([^\\\\])\r?\n!",($commented?"\\1\\\\\n# ":"\\1\\\\\n"),$value):$value; if($commented) $line = (($oldline && trim($value)==='--COMMENT--')?"#~ $oldline":"# $var = ".str_replace('--COMMENT--','',$value)."\n"); elseif($value === '--UNSET--') $line = ''; else $line = "$var = ".$value."\n"; return $line; } ?>