jaxon.confirm = {
skip: function(command) {
numberOfCommands = command.id;
while (0 < numberOfCommands) {
Function: jaxon.confirm.commands
A rewrite of the jaxon.confirm.commands function which uses the user configured confirm library.
command (object) - jaxon response object
true - The operation completed successfully.
jaxon.confirm.commands = function(command) {
command.fullName = 'confirmCommands';
var msg = command.data;
* Unlike javascript confirm(), third party confirm() functions are not blocking.
* Therefore, to prevent the next commands to run while the library is waiting for the user confirmation,
* the remaining commands are moved to a new queue in the command object.
* They will be processed in the confirm callbacks.
* Note that only one confirm command will be allowed in a Jaxon response.
command.response = jaxon.tools.queue.create(jaxon.config.responseQueueSize);
while((obj = jaxon.tools.queue.pop(jaxon.response)) != null)
jaxon.tools.queue.push(command.response, obj);
delete obj;
return true;
jaxon.command.handler.register('cc', jaxon.confirm.commands);