FSM Parser
What is it?
A PHP class for creating parsers and preprocessors using Finite State Machine.
How to use?
First, include the class file.
Then you must define language constructs (as regular expressions), actions
to take when each of them are found, and optional machine states: the default
target state (can be changed inside action; can be NULL if no change) and
required state (NULL if no state check is needed).
Example: xmlparser.php - a very simple XML parser.
It is also possible to load FSM definition from file or another source using
LoadFSM() and LoadFSMFile() methods.
Example: xmlparser_loadfsm.php - the same XML parser loaded from .fsm file.
FSM definition syntax.
It is just like Makefile syntax:
Line beginning with "#" is a comment.
Empty line is an end of state definiton (it is required even at EOF).
Line starting with an alphanumeric symbol is a state definition:
<Required state or *> <regular expression> [Default state]
Any following line starting with tab character is an action string.
Method description.
void FSM( string Expect, string Do [, string Target [, string Require] ] )
Add a state definition.
Expect: regex to match closest to current position.
Do: PHP code to execute on best match. Inside this code, $STRING is that portion of parsed text that matches "Expect", $STATE is current state.
Target: state to take if "Do" code did not specify it explicitly.
Require: search for "Expect" only if macine is in this state.
"Do" code may return:
string: state to take.
array("STOP"=> stop ,"NEWSTATE"=> state):
if "stop" is nonzero, the FSM will stop with FSMSTOP_STOP return code.
if "state" is nonempty string, the machine will take this state.
void LoadFSM( string data )
Load state definitions from string in syntax described above.
void LoadFSMFile( string filename )
Load state definitions from specified file (wrapper for LoadFSM() ).
int Parse( string data , string StartState)
Runs a FSM on specified data.
Return codes:
FSMSTOP_OK Stopped at data end.
FSMSTOP_STOP Stopped by action handler.
FSMSTOP_UNHANDLED No matches found.
int ParseFile( string filename , string StartState )
Runs a FSM on specified file (wrapper for Parse() ).