//include the class src
//instantiate the class
$files = new filemanager;
//do a recursive file search for *.php
$phpfiles = $files->globr('/var/www/html/phpclasses/','*.php',NULL);
//find the parent directory
$parent = $files->parentDir();
echo $parent;
//change a files permissions...
//Method to perform a Recursive chmod
//get the octal for a given permission
$octal = $files->chmodnum('--rxwrxw');
echo $octal;
//Recursively chown files to a group
$files->recurse_chown_chgrp('/var/www/', $uid, $gid);
//recursively copy a directory and contents to dest
$files->copyr('/var/www/phpclasses', '/var/www/php_backups');
//Determine how much free drive space is available
//or for Windows