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<title>Akelos PHP Inflector class examples</title>
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<h1>Akelos PHP Inflector examples</h1>
require_once 'Inflector.php';
$SingularToPlural = array(
"search" => "searches",
"switch" => "switches",
"fix" => "fixes",
"box" => "boxes",
"process" => "processes",
"address" => "addresses",
"case" => "cases",
"stack" => "stacks",
"wish" => "wishes",
"fish" => "fish",
"category" => "categories",
"query" => "queries",
"ability" => "abilities",
"agency" => "agencies",
"movie" => "movies",
"archive" => "archives",
"index" => "indices",
"wife" => "wives",
"safe" => "saves",
"half" => "halves",
"move" => "moves",
"salesperson" => "salespeople",
"person" => "people",
"spokesman" => "spokesmen",
"man" => "men",
"woman" => "women",
"basis" => "bases",
"diagnosis" => "diagnoses",
"datum" => "data",
"medium" => "media",
"analysis" => "analyses",
"node_child" => "node_children",
"child" => "children",
"experience" => "experiences",
"day" => "days",
"comment" => "comments",
"foobar" => "foobars",
"newsletter" => "newsletters",
"old_news" => "old_news",
"news" => "news",
"series" => "series",
"species" => "species",
"quiz" => "quizzes",
"perspective" => "perspectives",
"ox" => "oxen",
"photo" => "photos",
"buffalo" => "buffaloes",
"tomato" => "tomatoes",
"dwarf" => "dwarves",
"elf" => "elves",
"information" => "information",
"equipment" => "equipment",
"bus" => "buses",
"status" => "statuses",
"mouse" => "mice",
"louse" => "lice",
"house" => "houses",
"octopus" => "octopi",
"virus" => "viri",
"alias" => "aliases",
"portfolio" => "portfolios",
"vertex" => "vertices",
"matrix" => "matrices",
"axis" => "axes",
"testis" => "testes",
"crisis" => "crises",
"rice" => "rice",
"shoe" => "shoes",
"horse" => "horses",
"prize" => "prizes",
"edge" => "edges"
echo '<h2>Singular to plural / Plural to singular</h2>';
foreach ($SingularToPlural as $singular=>$plural){
echo "echo Inflector::pluralize('$singular'); // outputs ".Inflector::pluralize($singular)."<br />";
echo "echo Inflector::singularize('$plural'); // outputs ".Inflector::singularize($plural)."<br /><br />";
$CamelToUnderscore = array(
"Product" => "product",
"SpecialGuest" => "special_guest",
"ApplicationController" => "application_controller",
"Area51Controller" => "area51_controller",
"HTMLTidy" => "html_tidy",
"HTMLTidyGenerator" => "html_tidy_generator",
"FreeBSD" => "free_bsd",
"HTML" => "html"
echo '<h2>CamelCase to underscore / underscore to CamelCase</h2>';
foreach ($CamelToUnderscore as $camel=>$underscore){
echo "echo Inflector::underscore('$camel'); // outputs ".Inflector::underscore($camel)."<br />";
echo "echo Inflector::camelize('$underscore'); // outputs ".Inflector::camelize($underscore)."<br /><br />";
$UnderscoreToHuman = array(
"employee_salary" => "Employee salary",
"employee_id" => "Employee",
"underground" => "Underground"
echo '<h2>Underscore to "human-text" / "Human-text" to Underscore</h2>';
foreach ($UnderscoreToHuman as $underscore=>$human){
echo "echo Inflector::humanize('$underscore'); // outputs ".Inflector::humanize($underscore)."<br />";
echo "echo Inflector::underscore('$human'); // outputs ".Inflector::underscore($human)."<br /><br />";
$MixtureToTitleCase = array(
'active_record' => 'Active Record',
'ActiveRecord' => 'Active Record',
'action web service' => 'Action Web Service',
'Action Web Service' => 'Action Web Service',
'Action web service' => 'Action Web Service',
'actionwebservice' => 'Actionwebservice',
'Actionwebservice' => 'Actionwebservice'
echo '<h2>Examples of titleize()</h2>';
foreach ($MixtureToTitleCase as $k=>$v){
echo "echo Inflector::titleize('$k'); // outputs ".Inflector::titleize($k)."<br />";
$OrdinalNumbers = array(
"0" => "0th",
"1" => "1st",
"2" => "2nd",
"3" => "3rd",
"4" => "4th",
"5" => "5th",
"6" => "6th",
"7" => "7th",
"8" => "8th",
"9" => "9th",
"10" => "10th",
"11" => "11th",
"12" => "12th",
"13" => "13th",
"14" => "14th",
"20" => "20th",
"21" => "21st",
"22" => "22nd",
"23" => "23rd",
"24" => "24th",
"100" => "100th",
"101" => "101st",
"102" => "102nd",
"103" => "103rd",
"104" => "104th",
"110" => "110th",
"1000" => "1000th",
"1001" => "1001st");
echo '<h2>Examples of ordinalize()</h2>';
foreach ($OrdinalNumbers as $k=>$v){
echo "echo Inflector::ordinalize($k); // outputs ".Inflector::ordinalize($k)."<br />";