HTTPPost ver 1.0.0
Author: Daniel Kushner
Email: [email protected]
Release: 2 Nov 2001
Copyright 2001
Wilfried Wolf ( [email protected]) modified two things on 04/18/02:
1. dataArray can be any Array now, eg.
$dataArray = array(
'firstInput' => '1',
'secondInput' =>
'field1' => 'a',
'field2' => 'b'
2. the post() method will now return the responseBody of the request,
i.e. no hexadecimal numbers will show up when you try to output the response.
the headers of the response as well as the body can now be accessed by new methods
getResponseHeaders() and getResponseBody().
if the post() method does not return anything, the error can be accessed by
the new method getResponseError
Added basic authentication method by [email protected] on 12/12/01, 04:54:01PM.
new usage: HTTPPost($url, $dataArray, array('username', 'password'))
Posts an array of data to a given URL using rfc2616 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
The data array should be in the form of comma-separated key => value pairs.
Both the data and URL can be passed in the constructor or added by using
the functions setDataArray() and setURL.
class HTTPPost {
var $url;
var $uri;
var $dataArray = array();
var $responseBody = '';
var $responseHeaders = '';
var $errors = '';
function HTTPPost($url = '', $dataArray = '', $authInfo = false) {
$this->authInfo = $authInfo;
function setUrl($url) {
if($url != '') {
$url = ereg_replace("^http://", "", $url);
$this->url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, "/"));
$this->uri = strstr($url, "/");
return true;
} else {
return false;
function setDataArray($dataArray) {
if(is_array($dataArray)) {
$this->dataArray = $dataArray;
return true;
} else {
return false;
// can be called as: setAuthInfo(array('user', 'pass')) or setAuthInfo('user', 'pass')
function setAuthInfo($user, $pass = false)
if (is_array($user))
$this->authInfo = $user;
$this->authInfo = array($user, $pass);
function getResponseHeaders(){
return $this->responseHeaders;
function getResponseBody(){
return $this->responseBody;
function getErrors(){
return $this->errors;
function prepareRequestBody(&$array,$index=''){
foreach($array as $key => $val) {
$body[] = $this->prepareRequestBody($val,$index.'['.$key.']');
else {
$body[] = $this->prepareRequestBody($val,$key);
else {
$body[] = $index.'['.$key.']='.urlencode($val);
else {
$body[] = $key.'='.urlencode($val);
return implode('&',$body);
function post() {
$this->responseHeaders = '';
$this->responseBody = '';
$requestBody = $this->prepareRequestBody($this->dataArray);
if ($this->authInfo)
$auth = base64_encode("{$this->authInfo[0]}:{$this->authInfo[1]}");
$contentLength = strlen($requestBody);
$request = "POST $this->uri HTTP/1.1\r\n".
"Host: $this->url\r\n".
"User-Agent: HTTPPost\r\n".
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n".
($this->authInfo ? "Authorization: Basic $auth\r\n" : '') .
"Content-Length: $contentLength\r\n\r\n".
$socket = fsockopen($this->url, 80, &$errno, &$errstr);
if(!$socket) {
$this->error['errno'] = $errno;
$this->error['errstr'] = $errstr;
return $this->getResponseBody();
fputs($socket, $request);
$isHeader = true;
$blockSize = 0;
while (!feof($socket)) {
$line = fgets($socket, 1024);
$this->responseHeaders .= $line;
if('' == trim($line)){
$isHeader = false;
else {
$line = fgets($socket, 1024);
if($blockSizeHex = trim($line)){
$blockSize = hexdec($blockSizeHex);
else {
$this->responseBody .= fread($socket,$blockSize);
$blockSize = 0;
return $this->getResponseBody();