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File: web/assets/plugins/gmaps/test/spec/StyleSpec.js

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  Classes of Felix Ivan Romero Rodríguez   PHP Web Socket Chat   web/assets/plugins/gmaps/test/spec/StyleSpec.js   Download  
File: web/assets/plugins/gmaps/test/spec/StyleSpec.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Web Socket Chat
Chat system using Websockets or AJAX requests
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 968 bytes


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describe("Adding Map Styles", function() { var map_with_styles; beforeEach(function() { map_with_styles = map_with_styles || new GMaps({ el : '#map-with-styles', lat : -12.0433, lng : -77.0283, zoom : 12 }); map_with_styles.addStyle({ styledMapName : { name : 'Lighter' }, mapTypeId : 'lighter', styles : [ { elementType : 'geometry', stylers : [ { lightness : 50 } ] }, { elementType : 'labels', stylers : [ { visibility : 'off' } ] }, ] }); }); it("should add a MapType to the current map", function() { expect('lighter')).toBeDefined(); }); it("should update the styles in the current map", function() { map_with_styles.setStyle('lighter'); expect(map_with_styles.getMapTypeId()).toEqual('lighter'); }); });