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File: web/assets/plugins/gmaps/test/spec/RouteSpec.js

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  Classes of Felix Ivan Romero Rodríguez   PHP Web Socket Chat   web/assets/plugins/gmaps/test/spec/RouteSpec.js   Download  
File: web/assets/plugins/gmaps/test/spec/RouteSpec.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Web Socket Chat
Chat system using Websockets or AJAX requests
Author: By
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 2,220 bytes


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var map_with_routes, route, routes; describe("Drawing a route", function() { beforeEach(function() { map_with_routes = map_with_routes || new GMaps({ el : '#map-with-routes', lat : -12.0433, lng : -77.0283, zoom : 12 }); }); it("should add a line in the current map", function() { var route_flag; runs(function() { route_flag = false; map_with_routes.drawRoute({ origin : [-12.044012922866312, -77.02470665341184], destination : [-12.090814532191756, -77.02271108990476], travelMode : 'driving', strokeColor : '#131540', strokeOpacity : 0.6, strokeWeight : 6, callback : function() { route_flag = true; } }); }); waitsFor(function() { return route_flag; }, "The drawn route should create a line in the current map", 500); runs(function() { expect(map_with_routes.polylines.length).toEqual(1); expect(map_with_routes.polylines[0].get('strokeColor')).toEqual('#131540'); expect(map_with_routes.polylines[0].get('strokeOpacity')).toEqual(0.6); expect(map_with_routes.polylines[0].getMap()).toEqual(; }); }); }); describe("Getting routes", function() { beforeEach(function() { map_with_routes = map_with_routes || new GMaps({ el : '#map-with-routes', lat : -12.0433, lng : -77.0283, zoom : 12 }); }); it("should return an array of routes", function() { var routes_flag; runs(function() { routes_flag = false; map_with_routes.getRoutes({ origin : [-12.0440, -77.0247], destination : [-12.0908, -77.0227], callback : function(r) { routes = r; routes_flag = true; } }); }); waitsFor(function() { return routes_flag; }, "#getRoutes should return the found routes as an argument", 500); runs(function() { expect(routes).toBeDefined(); expect(map_with_routes.routes).toEqual(routes); if (routes.length > 0) { expect(routes[0].legs[0].distance).toBeDefined(); expect(routes[0].legs[0].duration).toBeDefined(); } }); }); });