// Counter class
// Author: Pierre-henri Delaval
// Mail: dev-center@guepe.com
// Date : 05/05/2000
// Version: 1.0
// Description:
// This class simply creates a counter in the pages you wish
// simply call the constructor with: $count = new Counter('<pagename>')
// and the counter will be created for the current month.
// It will be incremented each time you call the cronstructor.
// Beginning a new month, a new line will be added in teh database
// and now increment the counter for the next month.
// Required:
// - MetaBase class by Manuel Lemos <mlemos@acm.org> at http://phpclasses.upperdesign.com/browse.html/package/20
// - a database supported by MetaBase
// Database structure:
// Table: counter :
// - id (integer auto_increment or serial or...)
// - counts (integer)
// - month (char 7)
// - id_counter (char 20)
// I don't provide the sql script due to the fact that you probably use Mysql
class Counter {
// attributes
var $numrow;
var $result;
var $error;
var $database;
var $row;
var $hostname;
var $username;
var $password;
var $dbname;
var $counter_id;
var $month;
// Constructor:
// change the default host, user, pass, db to fetch you database settings
// or pass theses parameter each time you call the constructor
// Change the Type: to fetch your database ( ifx for informix here )
function Counter ($counter_id=0,$host="hostname",$user="webuser",$pass="webpass",$db="dbname",$TextAsVarchar=0) {
if (strcmp($counter_id,"0") != 0) {
$this->counter_id = $counter_id;
$this->hostname = $host; $this->username= $user;
$this->password = $pass; $this->dbname = $db;
$this->month = date("Ym");
$this->error = MetabaseSetupDatabase(array(
echo "Error while setting this->database access instance: $this->error";
print MetabaseError($this->database);
return (1);
else {
MetabaseSetDatabase ($this->database,$this->dbname);
if ($this->IsNewMonth())
return (0);
else {
echo "Error, no counter id passed";
return (1);
// Privates methods
function Increment() {
$query = "update counter set counts = counts + 1 where id_counter = '";
$query = $query . $this->counter_id. "' and month = '" . $this->month . "'";
function IsNewMonth() {
$query = "select count(*) as month_num from counter where id_counter = '";
$query = $query . $this->counter_id. "' and month = '" . $this->month . "'";
if (MetabaseFetchResult($this->database,$this->result,$this->row,'month_num') > 0)
return (0);
return (1);
function CreateNewMonth() {
$query = "insert into counter (id,counts,month,id_counter) values (0,0,'" . $this->month . "','" . $this->counter_id ."')";
// Db access methods
function Query ($query_string) {
$this->result = MetabaseQuery($this->database,$query_string);
if (!$this->result) {
print "<BR>Query: $query_string failed<BR>";
print MetabaseError($this->database);
return (1);
else {
$this->numrow = MetabaseNumberOfRows($this->database,$this->result);
return (0);
function Insert ($query_string,$params = 0) {
$prepared_query = MetabasePrepareQuery($this->database,$query_string);
if (is_array($params)) {
for ($i=0;$i<count($params);$i++) {
$this->result = MetabaseExecuteQuery($this->database,$prepared_query);
if (!$this->result) {
print "<BR>Query: $query_string failed<BR>";
print MetabaseError($this->database);
return (1);
else {
$this->numrow = MetabaseNumberOfRows($this->database,$this->result);
return (0);