//# Cacher.php v1.0 #
//# By Khaled Fadhel #
//# alfadhil@hotmail.com #
//# #
//# Salalah-Network CGI Scripts #
//# http://www.salalah.cjb.net #
//# #
//# #
//# You can redistribute this script or use it freely #
//# as long as this header is not edited in the script. #
//# *I would appreciate a link from you to the URL above.#
//# Description: #
//# This script allows you to cache the output of #
//# almost any script,to speed its execution. #
//# To do so launch this script instead of #
//# launching the script to be cached. #
//#History #
//#======= #
//# Cacher.php v1.0: 17-01-2001 #
//# - First release #
//#######change the following three variables.############
//##This is the full URL to your script that will return what you want cached.
$scriptURL = 'http://www.YourDomain.com/test.php';
//##This is the name of the cache file. You may specify the location by adding the full path.
//##And here you can specify how long to keep using the
//##cache file. specified in seconds.
//############Do not Edit the following.##################
function cache() {
global $cachefile, $scriptURL, $period;
if (file_exists($cachefile)){
if((time() - filemtime($cachefile))>= $period){update();}
elseif ($f= fopen("$cachefile","r")){
$content = fread($f, filesize($cachefile));
echo $content;
function update(){
global $cachefile, $scriptURL, $period;
if($content = implode("",file("$scriptURL"))){
if($w = fopen("$cachefile","w")){
}else{echo "Unable to open the Cachefile for writing";}
}else{echo "Unable to run your content grabbing script";}
?> |