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File: clsWhois.php

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File: clsWhois.php
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Description: The source
Class: Whois
Author: By
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Date: 23 years ago
Size: 2,060 bytes


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<? /* ************************************************************************ * © All rights reserved. * * This is a standard copyright header for all source code appearing * at This application/class/script may be redistributed, * as long as the above copyright remains intact. * Comments to [email protected] ************************************************************************ */ /** * @title Whois wrapper for most global TLDs * @author C.Small * @version 1.4 - Timeout and whois_server properties added. * @version 1.3 - Temporary fix for .name,.pro domains * @version 1.2 - Error catching for .tv domains * @version 1.1 - Converted to php * @version 1.0 - Perl version [[CGI]/s29.html] */ Class Whois { var $whois_server; var $timeout = 30; function lookup($domain) { $result = ""; $parts = array(); $host = ""; // .tv don't allow access to their whois if (strstr($domain,".tv")) { $result = "'.tv' domain names require you to have an account to do whois searches."; // New domains fix (half work, half don't) } elseif (strstr($domain,".name") || strstr($domain,".pro") >0){ $result = ".name,.pro require you to have an account to do whois searches."; } else{ if (empty($this->whois_server)) { $parts = explode(".",$domain); $testhost = $parts[sizeof($parts)-1]; $whoisserver = $testhost . ""; $this->host = gethostbyname($whoisserver); $this->host = gethostbyaddr($this->host); if ($this->host == $testhost) { $this->host = ""; } flush(); } $whoisSocket = fsockopen($this->host,43, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout); if ($whoisSocket) { fputs($whoisSocket, $domain."\015\012"); while (!feof($whoisSocket)) { $result .= fgets($whoisSocket,128) . "<br>"; } fclose($whoisSocket); } } return $result; } } ?>