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File: clsThumbnailBrowser.php

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File: clsThumbnailBrowser.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: The source
Class: ThumbnailBrowser
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2001-10-15 22:57
Size: 6,069 bytes


Class file image Download
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 * @title Thumbnail Browser class - simply image thumbnail viewing system.
 * @author C.Small
 * @version 1.0
 * DataProducer class
class DataProducer
		function doDataProducer($startTag,$endTag,$data,$contents)
			return $this->privateDataProducer($startTag,$endTag,$data,$contents);
		function doSingleDataProducer($data,$contents)
			return $this->privateSingleDataProducer($data,$contents);
		function openTemplate($filename)
			return $this->privateopenTemplate($filename);

		function privateDataProducer($startTag,$endTag,$data,$contents)
				// Get start and end points
				$start = strpos($contents,$startTag);
				$end   = strpos($contents,$endTag,$startTag);
				// Retrieve everything before start tag
				$prefix = substr($contents,0,$start);
				$prefix = rtrim($prefix);
				// Retrieve everything after end tag. Make it starts at the end of end-tag
				$suffix = substr($contents,$end + strlen($endTag),strlen($contents) - ($end + strlen($endTag)));
				//$suffix = ltrim($suffix); <-- source formatting screws up?
				// Retrieve data template. make sure it starts at the end of the start-tag.
				$dataTemplate = substr($contents,$start + strlen($startTag),$end - ($start + strlen($startTag)));
				// New method implemented here
				for ($i=0; $i <= sizeof($data) -1;$i++)
					$tempReplace = $dataTemplate;
					$tempReplace = rtrim($tempReplace);
					$keys = array_keys($data[$i]);
					foreach($keys as $keyname)
						if (!empty($data[$i][$keyname]))
							$tempReplace = str_replace("<".$keyname.">",$data[$i][$keyname],$tempReplace);
						} else{
							$tempReplace = str_replace("<".$keyname.">","",$tempReplace);
					$build .= $tempReplace;
				return $prefix . $build . $suffix;
		function privateSingleDataProducer($data,$contents)
			$result = $contents;
			foreach ($data as $tagname => $value){
				$result = str_replace("<".$tagname.">",$value,$result);
			return $result;
		function privateOpenTemplate($filename)
				$fHnd = @fopen($filename,"r") or die("<br><b>ShowImages class error: Unable to open template: ".$filename."</b>");
				$contents = @fread($fHnd,filesize($filename)) or die("<br><b>Unable to open template: ".$filename."</b>");
				return $contents;
/* -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Class ThumbnailBrowser Extends Dataproducer
	// Html templates
	var $template_thumbnails;
	var $template_largeimages;
	// Public
	var $rowend_html;
	var $thumbs_per_row;
	var $query_var;
	var $enable_imagesizes = false;
	// Private
	var $images = array(); // 2 dimensional array, holding thumnail and large image
	function addImage($thumbimage,$largeimage)
		$this->images[] = array($thumbimage,$largeimage);
	function privateGetImageInfo($image)
		$result = GetImageSize($image);
		return array($result[0],$result[1]);
	function display()
		global $HTTP_GET_VARS;
		// Make sure 2 vars are set
		if (empty($this->query_var))
			echo "ThumbnailBrowser class error: query_var variable not set.";
		} elseif (sizeof($this->images) <1) {
			echo "ThumbnailBrowser class error: no images set. See addImage() method to add.";
		} else{
			// Display all thumbnails if no get vars
			$largeimageid = $HTTP_GET_VARS[$this->query_var];
			if (empty($largeimageid))
				for ($i=0;$i <= sizeof($this->images) -1;$i++)
					if ($n == $this->thumbs_per_row)
						$tags['rowend_html'] = $this->rowend_html;
						$n = 0;
					} else{
						$tags['rowend_html'] = "";
					if ($this->enable_imagesizes)
						$sizethumb = $this->privateGetImageInfo($this->images[$i][0]);
						$sizelarge = $this->privateGetImageInfo($this->images[$i][1]);
						$tags['thumbimagewidth']  = $sizethumb[0];
						$tags['thumbimageheight'] = $sizethumb[1];
						$tags['largeimagewidth']  = $sizelarge[0];
						$tags['largeimageheight'] = $sizelarge[1];
					} else{
						$tags['thumbimagewidth']  = "";
						$tags['thumbimageheight'] = "";
						$tags['largeimagewidth']  = "";
						$tags['largeimageheight'] = "";
					$tags['imagesrc'] = $this->images[$i][0];
					$tags['imageid']  = $i +1;
					$rows[] = $tags;
				$contents = $this->openTemplate($this->template_thumbnails);
				$contents = $this->doDataProducer("<thumbnails>","</thumbnails>",$rows,$contents);
				echo $contents;
			} elseif (!empty($largeimageid)){
				// Display large image
				$tags['largeimage'] = $this->images[$largeimageid -1][1];
				if ($this->enable_imagesizes)
					$sizethumb = $this->privateGetImageInfo($this->images[$largeimageid -1][0]);
					$sizelarge = $this->privateGetImageInfo($this->images[$largeimageid -1][1]);
					$tags['thumbimagewidth']  = $sizethumb[0];
					$tags['thumbimageheight'] = $sizethumb[1];
					$tags['largeimagewidth']  = $sizelarge[0];
					$tags['largeimageheight'] = $sizelarge[1];
				} else{
					$tags['thumbimagewidth']  = "";
					$tags['thumbimageheight'] = "";
					$tags['largeimagewidth']  = "";
					$tags['largeimageheight'] = "";
				$contents = $this->openTemplate($this->template_largeimages);
				$contents = $this->doSingleDataProducer($tags,$contents);
				echo $contents;