* © Sloppycode.net All rights reserved.
* This is a standard copyright header for all source code appearing
* at sloppycode.net. This application/class/script may be redistributed,
* as long as the above copyright remains intact.
* Comments to sloppycode@sloppycode.net
* @title Html Source class - api for getting/posting to websites
* @author C.Small
* @version 1.0
* - HTTP 1.0 specs - http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc1945/rfc1945]
* - Easier to read version at http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/rfc1945.html
Class HtmlSource
/* All vars are public */
// Common
var $host;
var $port = 80;
var $page;
var $request;
var $httpversion;
var $method = "GET";
var $timeout = 30;
var $striptags;
var $showsource;
var $strip_responseheader = true;
// Cookie
var $cookies = array();
// GET
var $getvars = array();
var $postvars = array();
// Request fields
var $accept; //format: Accept: */*
var $accept_encoding;//format: gzip,deflate
var $accept_language;//format: en-gb
var $authorization; //format: username:password
var $content_length; //format: 40 (for POST)
var $content_type; //format: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
var $date; //format: Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT
var $referer; //format: Referer: http://www.domain.com
var $useragent; //format: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
function addPostVar($name,$value)
if (!empty($name) && !empty($value))
$this->postvars[] =$name."=".$value;
function addGetVar($name,$value)
if (!empty($name) && !empty($value))
$this->getvars[] = $name."=".$value;
function addCookie($name,$value)
if (!empty($name) && !empty($value))
$this->cookies[] = $name."=".$value;
function getSource()
// Error check
if (empty($this->httpversion))
$this->httpversion = "1.0";
if (empty($this->method))
$this->method = "GET";
// Make GET variables
$vars = "";
$cookiehead = "";
if (sizeof($this->getvars) >0 && $this->method == "GET")
$vars = "?";
$vars .= join($this->getvars,"&");
// Knock last '&' off
// Remove this..?
if (sizeof($this->getvars) >1)
$vars = substr($vars,0,strlen($vars) -1);
// Make POST variables
if (sizeof($this->postvars) >0 && $this->method == "POST")
$vars = "\r\n";
$strpostvar = join($this->postvars,"&");
$vars .= $strpostvar;
$vars .= "\r\n";
// Make Cookies
if (sizeof($this->cookies) >0)
$cookiehead = "Cookie: ";
$cookiehead .= join($this->cookies,"; ");
$cookiehead .= "\r\n";
// Make up request. Host isn't strictly needed except IIS winges
if ($this->method == "POST")
$this->content_length = strlen($strpostvar);
$this->content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
$this->request = $this->method." ".$this->page." HTTP/".$this->httpversion."\r\n";
$this->request .= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n";
$this->request .= $cookiehead;
$this->request .= $this->privateMakeRequest();
$this->request .= $vars."\r\n";
} else{
$this->request = $this->method." ".$this->page.$vars." HTTP/".$this->httpversion."\r\n";
$this->request .= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n";
$this->request .= $cookiehead;
$this->request .= $this->privateMakeRequest();
$this->request .= "\r\n";
// Open socket to URL
$sHnd = fsockopen ($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);
fputs ($sHnd, $this->request);
// Get source
while (!feof($sHnd))
$result .= fgets($sHnd,128);
// Strip header
if ($this->strip_responseheader)
$result = $this->privateStripResponseHeader($result);
// Strip tags
if ($this->striptags)
$result = strip_tags($result);
// Show the source only
if ($this->showsource && !$this->striptags)
$result = htmlentities($result);
$result = nl2br($result);
return $result;
// Make up headers
function privateMakeRequest()
if (!empty($this->accept))
$result .= "Accept: ".$this->accept."\r\n";
if (!empty($this->accept_encoding))
$result .= "Accept-Encoding: ".$this->accept_encoding."\r\n";
if (!empty($this->accept_language))
$result .= "Accept-Language: ".$this->accept_language."\r\n";
if (!empty($this->authorization))
$result .= "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode($this->authorization)."\r\n";
if (!empty($this->content_length))
$result .= "Content-length: ".$this->content_length."\r\n";
if (!empty($this->content_type))
$result .= "Content-type: ".$this->content_type."\r\n";
if (!empty($this->date))
$result .= "Date: ".$this->date."\r\n";
if (!empty($this->referer))
$result .= "Referer: ".$this->referer."\r\n";
if (!empty($this->useragent))
$result .= "User-Agent: ".$this->useragent."\r\n";
return $result;
function privateStripResponseHeader($source)
$headerend = strpos($source,"\r\n\r\n");
if (is_bool($headerend))
$result = $source;
} else{
$result = substr($source,$headerend+4,strlen($source) - ($headerend+4));
return $result;