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File: charts.class.php

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  Classes of Igor Feghali   Bar and Line Point Chart   charts.class.php   Download  
File: charts.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: main class
Class: Bar and Line Point Chart
Render bar and line charts as images
Author: By
Last change: xShowGrid and yShowGrid doesnt depends on anything anymore.
created variable yTriggerGrid, which controls how many data we must have to print each grid line.
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 15,829 bytes


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<? /* #INFO############################################ Author: Igor Feghali (c) 2003-2005, ---------------------------------------------------- Based on PHP-Chart Version 0.0.3 (c) 1999-2002, ---------------------------------------------------- ################################################# */ /* #FUNCTIONS####################################### DrawBullet MakeLinePointChart MakeBarChart ################################################# */ /* #2DO############################################# FIX: LineShowTotal ################################################# */ class chart { var $Title; var $SubTitle; var $Width = 320; var $Height = 240; var $ShowBullets; var $LineShowCaption; var $LineShowTotal; // REQUIRES LineShowCaption TO BE TRUE var $LineCaption; var $LineCount; var $xCount; var $xCaption; var $xShowValue; var $xValue; var $xShowGrid; var $xTriggerGrid = 1; // TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET var $yCount; var $yCaption; var $yShowValue; var $yShowGrid; var $yTriggerGrid = 1; var $DataDecimalPlaces; var $DataMax; var $DataMin; var $DataShowValue; var $DataValue; function MakeLinePointChart() { // #DEFINITIONS##################################### $chartx = 5; $charty = 5; $chartw = ($this->Width)-10; $charth = ($this->Height)-10; $im = imagecreate($this->Width, $this->Height); $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); imagesetstyle($im, array($black, $black, $black, $white, $white, $white)); $colors[0] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 100, 149, 237); $colors[1] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 240, 128, 128); $colors[2] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 50, 205, 50); $colors[3] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 215, 0); $colors[4] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 131, 111, 255); $colors[5] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 144, 238, 144); $colors[6] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 70, 130, 180); $colors[7] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 244, 164, 96); $colors[8] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 139, 121, 94); $colors[9] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 190, 190, 190); $font1 = 5; $ifh1 = ImageFontHeight($font1); $ifw1 = ImageFontWidth($font1); $font2 = 4; $ifh2 = ImageFontHeight($font2); $ifw2 = ImageFontWidth($font2); $font3 = 3; $ifh3 = ImageFontHeight($font3); $ifw3 = ImageFontWidth($font3); // ################################################# ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $white); // #DRAWING CAPTIONS################################ if ($this->Title) { $len = strlen($this->Title) * $ifw1; ImageString($im, $font1, ($this->Width - $len) / 2, $charty, $this->Title, $black); ImageLine($im, ($this->Width - $len) / 2, $charty+$ifh1, ($this->Width + $len) / 2, $charty+$ifh1, $black); $charty += $ifh1 + 5; $charth -= $ifh1 + 5; } if ($this->SubTitle) { // GET A LITTLE NEAR TO TITLE $charty -= 3; $charth += 3; $len = strlen($this->SubTitle) * $ifw3; ImageString($im, $font3, ($this->Width - $len) / 2, $charty, $this->SubTitle, $black); $charty += $ifh3 + 5; $charth -= $ifh3 + 5; } if ($this->xCaption) { $len = strlen($this->xCaption) * $ifw3; ImageString($im, $font3, ($this->Width - $len) / 2, $this->Height - $ifh3 - 5, $this->xCaption, $black); $charth -= $ifh3 + 5; } if ($this->yCaption) { $len = strlen($this->yCaption) * $ifw3; ImageStringUp($im, $font3, $chartx, ($this->Height + $len) / 2, $this->yCaption, $black); $chartx += $ifh3 + 15; $chartw -= $ifh3 + 15; } if ($this->LineShowCaption) { $xDraw = $chartx; foreach ($this->LineCaption as $k => $value) { if (($this->LineShowTotal) && (is_array($this->DataValue[$k]))) $value .= ":" . number_format(array_sum($this->DataValue[$k]),0,",","."); $value .= " | "; ImageString($im, $font2, $xDraw, $this->Height - $ifh2, $value, $colors[$k]); $xDraw += strlen($value) * $ifw2; $charth -= $ifh2 + 5; } } // ################################################# /* X,Y AXIS MUST BE RESIZED TO FIT THE LONGEST CAPTION BEFORE WE START DRAWING ON THEM */ // #RESERVING SPACE FOR X VALUES#################### if (($this->xCount) && ($this->xShowValue)) { $xValueMaxLen = 0; if (is_array($this->xValue[0])) foreach ($this->xValue[0] as $value) $xValueMaxLen = max($xValueMaxLen, strlen($value)); if (is_array($this->xValue[1])) foreach ($this->xValue[1] as $value) $xValueMaxLen = max($xValueMaxLen, strlen($value)); $charth -= $xValueMaxLen * $ifw3 + 5; } // ################################################# // #RESERVING SPACE FOR Y VALUES#################### if ($this->yCount) { $yValueMaxLen = 0; $yScale = Array(); $valueInc = (($this->DataMax)-($this->DataMin)) / $this->yCount; $value = $this->DataMin; for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->yCount; $i++) { if (isset($this->DataDecimalPlaces)) $str = number_format($value, $this->DataDecimalPlaces, ',', ''); else $str = $value; $yValueMaxLen = max($yValueMaxLen, strlen($str)); $yAxis[] = $str; $value += $valueInc; } // THE SPACE SHOULD BE RESERVED ONLY IF WE ARE GOING TO PRINT THE VALUES if ($this->yShowValue) { $chartx += $yValueMaxLen * $ifw3 + 5; $chartw -= $yValueMaxLen * $ifw3 + 5; } } // ################################################# // #DRAWING VALUES AT X AXIS######################## if ($this->xCount) { $xdelta = $chartw / $this->xCount; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->xCount; $i++) { $xoff = $chartx + ($xdelta * $i) - ($ifh3 / 2); if ($this->xShowValue) { if ($this->xValue[0][$i]) ImageStringUp($im, $font3, $xoff, $charty + $charth + 5 + (strlen($this->xValue[0][$i]))*$ifw3, $this->xValue[0][$i], $colors[0]); if ($this->xValue[1][$i]) ImageStringUp($im, $font3, $xoff + $ifh3, $charty + $charth + 5 + (strlen($this->xValue[1][$i]))*$ifw3, $this->xValue[1][$i], $colors[1]); } if (($this->yShowGrid) && !($i % $this->yTriggerGrid)) { $xoff += $ifh3 / 2; ImageLine($im, $xoff, $charty, $xoff, $charty + $charth, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } } } // ################################################# // #DRAWING VALUES AT Y AXIS######################## if ($this->yCount) { $yInc = $charth / $this->yCount; $yDraw = $charty; foreach ($yAxis as $value) { if ($this->yShowValue) ImageString($im, $font3, $chartx - 5 - strlen($value) * $ifw3, $yDraw + $charth - $ifh3 / 2, $value, $black); // TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET //if (($this->xShowGrid) && !($i % $this->xTriggerGrid)) if ($this->xShowGrid) ImageLine($im, $chartx, $yDraw + $charth, $chartx + $chartw, $yDraw + $charth, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); $yDraw -= $yInc; } } // ################################################# // #DRAWING AXIS#################################### ImageLine($im, $chartx-2, $charty + $charth, $chartx + $chartw, $charty + $charth, $black); ImageLine($im, $chartx, $charty, $chartx, $charty + $charth + 2, $black); // ################################################# // #DRAWING DATA#################################### $ycaption = ""; $len = 0; if (($this->xCount) && ($this->DataMax)) { for ($j = 0;$j < $this->LineCount; $j++) { $xold = $yold = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->xCount; $i++) { $caption = $this->DataValue[$j][$i]; $total += $caption; $xoff = $chartx + $i * $xdelta; $top = ($charty + $charth) - ( ($this->DataValue[$j][$i] - $this->DataMin) / ($this->DataMax - $this->DataMin)) * $charth; if ($xold != -1) ImageLine($im, $xold, $yold, $xoff, $top, $colors[$j]); if ($this->ShowBullets) $this->DrawBullet($im, $xoff, $top, $j, $colors[$j]); if ($this->DataShowValue) { if ($j % 2) { $ycaption .= "ImageFilledRectangle(" . '$im' . ",$xoff+5,$top-$ifh3,$xoff+5+strlen(\"$caption\")*$ifw3,$top,$white);"; $ycaption .= "ImageString(" . '$im' . ", $font3, $xoff+5,$top-$ifh3,\"$caption\"," . '$colors[' . $j . ']' . ");"; } else { $ycaption .= "ImageFilledRectangle(" . '$im' . ",$xoff-5-strlen(\"$caption\")*$ifw3,$top-$ifh3,$xoff-5,$top,$white);"; $ycaption .= "ImageString(" . '$im' . ", $font3, $xoff-5-strlen(\"$caption\")*$ifw3,$top-$ifh3,\"$caption\"," . '$colors[' . $j . ']' . ");"; } } $xold = $xoff; $yold = $top; } } } if ($ycaption) eval($ycaption); // ################################################# ImagePNG($im); ImageDestroy($im); } function MakeBarChart() { // #DEFINITIONS##################################### $chartx = 5; $charty = 5; $chartw = ($this->Width)-10; $charth = ($this->Height)-10; $im = imagecreate($this->Width, $this->Height); $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); imagesetstyle($im, array($black, $black, $black, $white, $white, $white)); $colors[0] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 100, 149, 237); $colors[1] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 240, 128, 128); $colors[2] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 50, 205, 50); $colors[3] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 215, 0); $colors[4] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 131, 111, 255); $colors[5] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 144, 238, 144); $colors[6] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 70, 130, 180); $colors[7] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 244, 164, 96); $colors[8] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 139, 121, 94); $colors[9] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 190, 190, 190); $font1 = 5; $ifh1 = ImageFontHeight($font1); $ifw1 = ImageFontWidth($font1); $font2 = 4; $ifh2 = ImageFontHeight($font2); $ifw2 = ImageFontWidth($font2); $font3 = 3; $ifh3 = ImageFontHeight($font3); $ifw3 = ImageFontWidth($font3); // ################################################# ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $white); // #DRAWING CAPTIONS################################ if ($this->Title) { $len = strlen($this->Title) * $ifw1; ImageString($im, $font1, ($this->Width - $len) / 2, $charty, $this->Title, $black); ImageLine($im, ($this->Width - $len) / 2, $charty+$ifh1, ($this->Width + $len) / 2, $charty+$ifh1, $black); $charty += $ifh1 + 5; $charth -= $ifh1 + 5; } if ($this->SubTitle) { // GET A LITTLE NEAR TO TITLE $charty -= 3; $charth += 3; $len = strlen($this->SubTitle) * $ifw3; ImageString($im, $font3, ($this->Width - $len) / 2, $charty, $this->SubTitle, $black); $charty += $ifh3 + 5; $charth -= $ifh3 + 5; } if ($this->xCaption) { $len = strlen($this->xCaption) * $ifw3; ImageString($im, $font3, ($this->Width - $len) / 2, $this->Height - $ifh3 - 5, $this->xCaption, $black); $charth -= $ifh3 + 5; } if ($this->yCaption) { $len = strlen($this->yCaption) * $ifw3; ImageStringUp($im, $font3, $chartx, ($this->Height + $len) / 2, $this->yCaption, $black); $chartx += $ifh3 + 15; $chartw -= $ifh3 + 15; } // ################################################# /* X,Y AXIS MUST BE RESIZED TO FIT THE LONGEST CAPTION BEFORE WE START DRAWING ON THEM */ // #RESERVING SPACE FOR X VALUES#################### if (($this->xCount) && ($this->xShowValue)) { $xValueMaxLen = 0; if (is_array($this->xValue)) foreach ($this->xValue as $value) $xValueMaxLen = max($xValueMaxLen, strlen($value)); $charth -= $xValueMaxLen * $ifw3 + 5; } // ################################################# // #RESERVING SPACE FOR Y VALUES#################### if ($this->yCount) { $yValueMaxLen = 0; $yScale = Array(); $valueInc = (($this->DataMax)-($this->DataMin)) / $this->yCount; $value = $this->DataMin; for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->yCount; $i++) { if (isset($this->DataDecimalPlaces)) $str = number_format($value, $this->DataDecimalPlaces, ',', ''); else $str = $value; $yValueMaxLen = max($yValueMaxLen, strlen($str)); $yAxis[] = $str; $value += $valueInc; } // THE SPACE SHOULD BE RESERVED ONLY IF WE ARE GOING TO PRINT THE VALUES if ($this->yShowValue) { $chartx += $yValueMaxLen * $ifw3 + 5; $chartw -= $yValueMaxLen * $ifw3 + 5; } } // ################################################# // #DRAWING VALUES AT X AXIS######################## if ($this->xCount) { $xdelta = $chartw / ( (3 * $this->xCount) + 1 ); if ($xdelta > 15) $xdelta = 15; // WE DONT WANT BAR WIDTH BIGGER THAN 30px for ($i = 0; $i < $this->xCount; $i++) { if ($this->xShowValue) { $xoff = $chartx + ($xdelta * (3*$i + 2)) - ($ifh3 / 2); if ($this->xValue[$i]) ImageStringUp($im, $font3, $xoff, $charty + $charth + 5 + (strlen($this->xValue[$i]))*$ifw3, $this->xValue[$i], $black); } if (($this->yShowGrid) && !($i % $this->yTriggerGrid)) { $xoff += $ifh3 / 2; ImageLine($im, $xoff, $charty, $xoff, $charty + $charth, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } } } // ################################################# // #DRAWING VALUES AT Y AXIS######################## if ($this->yCount) { $yInc = $charth / $this->yCount; $yDraw = $charty; foreach ($yAxis as $value) { if ($this->yShowValue) ImageString($im, $font3, $chartx - 5 - strlen($value) * $ifw3, $yDraw + $charth - $ifh3 / 2, $value, $black); // TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET //if (($this->xShowGrid) && !($i % $this->xTriggerGrid)) if ($this->xShowGrid) ImageLine($im, $chartx, $yDraw + $charth, $chartx + $chartw, $yDraw + $charth, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); $yDraw -= $yInc; } } // ################################################# // #DRAWING AXIS#################################### ImageLine($im, $chartx-2, $charty + $charth, $chartx + $chartw, $charty + $charth, $black); ImageLine($im, $chartx, $charty, $chartx, $charty + $charth + 2, $black); // ################################################# // #DRAWING DATA#################################### if ($this->xCount) { $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->xCount; $i++) { $xoff = $chartx + ($i * 3 + 1) * $xdelta; $barh = ($this->DataValue[$i] / $this->DataMax) * $charth; $top = ($charty + $charth) - $barh; ImageFilledRectangle($im, ($xoff-1), ($top-1), ($xoff + 2 * $xdelta), $charty + $charth, $black); // SHADOW ImageFilledRectangle($im, $xoff, $top, ($xoff + 2 * $xdelta)-5, $charty + $charth - 2, $colors[$j]); // COLOUR BAR $len = (strlen($this->DataValue[$i]) * $ifw3); if (($this->DataShowValue) && ($len < $barh)) ImageStringUp($im, $font3, $xoff, $top + $len, $this->DataValue[$i], $white); $j = ($j+1) % 9; } } // ################################################# ImagePNG($im); ImageDestroy($im); } function DrawBullet($image, $x, $y, $type, $color) { switch ($type) { case 0: case 5: for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) ImageArc($image, $x, $y, $i, $i, 0, 359, $color); break; case 1: case 6: ImageFilledRectangle($image, $x-3, $y-3, $x + 3, $y + 3, $color); break; case 2: case 7: ImageFilledRectangle($image, $x-1, $y-4, $x + 1, $y + 4, $color); ImageFilledRectangle($image, $x-4, $y-1, $x + 4, $y + 1, $color); break; case 3: case 8: $points[0] = $x; $points[1] = $y-4; $points[2] = $x + 4; $points[3] = $y; $points[4] = $x; $points[5] = $y + 4; $points[6] = $x-4; $points[7] = $y; ImageFilledPolygon($image, $points, 4, $color); break; case 4: case 9: $points[0] = $x; $points[1] = $y-4; $points[2] = $x + 4; $points[3] = $y + 4; $points[4] = $x-4; $points[5] = $y + 4; ImageFilledPolygon($image, $points, 3, $color); break; default: ; } return; } } ?>