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File: core/src/RTmysqli.php

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File: core/src/RTmysqli.php
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<?php /** * @link RTphp GitHub project * @license */ namespace RTdev\RTphp; use mysqli; /** * Simple MySQLi wrapper with prepared statements. * * @version 0.1 * @author Roger Tiong RTdev */ class RTmysqli { /** * The SQL statement given in last executed query. * * @var string */ public $sql = ''; /** * The parameter given in last executed query. * * @var array */ public $param = array(); /** * The duration of last executed statement (millisecond). * * @var string */ public $duration = ''; /** * The total number of rows changed, deleted, or inserted by the last executed statement. * * @var integer */ public $affected_rows = 0; /** * ID generated from the previous INSERT operation. * * @var integer */ public $insert_id = 0; /** * The number of rows in statements result set. * * @var integer */ public $num_rows = 0; /** * The number of parameter for the given statement. * * @var integer */ public $param_count = 0; /** * mysqli object. * * @var mysqli */ protected $conn; /** * Last query start time. * * @var string */ protected $startTime; /** * Configuration data * * @var array */ protected $dbConfig = array( 'host' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'name' => '' ); /** * A variable temporary store a message to share with others methods. * * @var string */ private $msgBox = ''; /** * Configure database connection. * * @param string $host * @param string $username * @param string $password * @param string $name Database name */ public function config($host, $username, $password, $name) { $this->dbConfig = array_combine(array_keys($this->dbConfig), array( (string) $host, (string) $username, (string) $password, (string) $name )); } /** * Configure database connection by using INI file. * * @param string $filepath * @param array $identifiers Keys to define host, username, password and database name. * @return boolean */ public function configIni($filepath, $identifiers) { $nfp = (string) $filepath; if (empty($nfp) || !file_exists($nfp) || $data = parse_ini_file($nfp, TRUE) == FALSE) { trigger_error(sprintf('%s Given ini file path not found.', __METHOD__)); return FALSE; } if (!is_array($identifiers) && count($identifiers) != count($this->dbConfig)) { $msg = '%s Expects parameter 2 to be array and have exactly 4 elements. %s given.'; trigger_error(sprintf($msg, __METHOD__, gettype($identifiers))); return FALSE; } $this->dbConfig = array_combine(array_keys($this->dbConfig), array_values($data)); return TRUE; } /** * Configure one of the value for database connection. * * @param string $option Option: host, username, password, name. * @param string $value * @return boolean */ public function configSingle($option, $value) { $op = (string) $option; if (!array_key_exists($op, $this->dbConfig)) { $msg = '%s Expects parameter 1 match one of following list (%s) %s given.'; trigger_error(sprintf($msg, __METHOD__, implode(', ', array_keys($this->dbConfig)), $op)); return FALSE; } $this->dbConfig[$op] = (string) $value; } /** * Format data given by using stripslashes and real_escape_string. * * @param array|string $data * @param boolean $advMode True = run strip_tags, urldecode, nl2br and html_entity_decode. * @return array|string */ public function cleaner($data, $advMode = FALSE) { if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $data[$k] = $this->cleaner($v); } } elseif (!is_numeric($data)) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $data = stripslashes($data); } if ($advMode) { $data = strip_tags(urldecode(nl2br(html_entity_decode($data, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')))); } $data = $this->connect()->real_escape_string($data); } return $data; } /** * Close database connection. */ public function close() { if (isset($this->conn)) { if (is_object($this->conn)) { $this->conn->close(); } unset($this->conn); } } /** * Establish database connection. * * @return boolean|mysqli */ public function connect() { if (!isset($this->conn)) { $param = array(); foreach ($this->dbConfig as $v) { $param[] = (string) $v; } $this->conn = new mysqli($param[0], $param[1], $param[2], $param[3]); } if ($this->conn->connect_errno) { trigger_error(sprintf('%s [%s]: [%s]', __METHOD__, $this->conn->connect_errno, $this->conn->connect_error)); die('Unable connect to database.'); } if (!$this->conn->ping()) { trigger_error(sprintf('%s %s', __METHOD__, $this->conn->connect_error)); } return $this->conn; } /** * Performs a query on the database by using multiple Class Methods and PHP Functions.<br> * Important: The following Class Method will be auto run :-<br> * - $this->query_prepare()<br> * - $this->query_bind_param()<br> * - $this->query_execute()<br> * - $this->close()<br> * * INSERT multi $param format:<br> * - FALSE: array(string $types, mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$... ])<br> * - TRUE: array(string $types, array(mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$... ]) [, array(mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$... ]) &$...])<br> * * @param string $sql * @param array $param Parameter for bind param * @param boolean $insert_multi True = run multiple insert sql * @return mixed */ public function query($sql, $param = array(), $insert_multi = FALSE) { $this->startTime = microtime(TRUE); $results = FALSE; $this->sql = $sql; $this->param = $param; if (!is_string($sql) || empty($sql) || !is_array($param)) { $msg = '%s Expects parameter 1 to be not empty string and parameter 2 to be array. %s, %s given.'; return $this->queryFail(sprintf($msg, __METHOD__, gettype($sql), gettype($param))); } if (!$stmt = $this->queryPrepare($sql)) { return $this->queryFail(sprintf('%s Prepare fail: %s', __METHOD__, $this->msgBox)); } $this->param_count = $stmt->param_count; $bindfail = '%s Bind param fail. The number of parameter doesn\"t match the placeholders in the statement. Placeholders count: %d, Parameter count: %d, Parameter type count: %d.'; if ($stmt->param_count <= 0) { $results = $this->queryExecute($stmt, $sql); } else { $pinfo = $this->qparamSpliter($param); if ($pinfo['param_count'] <= 0) { $msg = sprintf($bindfail, __METHOD__, $stmt->param_count, (int) $pinfo['param_count'], $pinfo['format_count']); return $this->queryFail($msg); } if ($insert_multi && ($sqltype = $this->getSqlType($sql)) == 'insert') { if ($pinfo['format_count'] != ($row1count = count(current(current($pinfo['param_arr']))))) { $msg = sprintf($bindfail, __METHOD__, $stmt->param_count, $row1count, $pinfo['format_count']); return $this->queryFail($msg); } $results = array(); $param_arr = current($pinfo['param_arr']); foreach ($param_arr as $v) { if ($row1count != count($v)) { $msg = '%s Expects all array from parameter 2\'s element 2 have the same count.'; return $this->queryFail(sprintf($msg, __METHOD__)); } if (!($stmt = $this->queryBindParam($stmt, $pinfo['format_chars'], $pinfo['format_str'], $v))) { break; } $results[] = $this->queryExecute($stmt, $sql); } } else { if ($pinfo['format_count'] != $pinfo['param_count']) { $msg = sprintf($bindfail, __METHOD__, $stmt->param_count, (int) $pinfo['param_count'], $pinfo['format_count']); return $this->queryFail($msg); } $stmt = $this->queryBindParam($stmt, $pinfo['format_chars'], $pinfo['format_str'], $pinfo['param_arr']); $results = ($stmt) ? $this->queryExecute($stmt, $sql) : FALSE; } } $this->durationLap(); $stmt->close(); $this->close(); return $results; } /** * Run query SHOW_TABLES * * @return array */ public function SHOW_TABLES() { $result = array(); $rows = $this->query('SHOW TABLES'); foreach ($rows as $row) { $result[] = $row[sprintf('Tables_in_%s', $this->dbConfig['name'])]; } return $result; } /** * Run query SHOW_COLUMNS_FROM * * @param array|string $data Table(s) name * @return array */ public function SHOW_COLUMNS_FROM($data) { if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $data[$k] = $this->SHOW_COLUMNS_FROM($v); } return $data; } elseif (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/', (string) $data)) { $result = array(); $rows = $this->query(sprintf('SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s', trim($this->cleaner($data)))); foreach ($rows as $row) { $result[] = $row['Field']; } return $result; } trigger_error(sprintf('%s Expects parameter to be string or array. %s given', __METHOD__, gettype($data))); return array(); } /** * Lap duration. */ protected function durationLap() { $this->duration = (microtime(TRUE) - $this->startTime); } /** * Get SQL type. * * @param string $sql * @return string */ protected function getSqlType($sql) { return strtolower(current(explode(' ', trim((string) $sql)))); } /** * Parameter spliter.<br> * Split a given parameter to:<br> * - $info['format_str'] parameter datatype in string format.<br> * - $info['format_chars'] parameter datatype in array format. (included custom datatype 't' and 'a')<br> * - $info['format_count'] Number of datatype given.<br> * - $info['param_arr'] parameter without datatype in array format.<br> * - $info['param_count'] Number of value given.<br> * * This function also will duplicate the value (Element: 'format_str') and replace 't' and 'a' to s.<br> * * @param array $param Query parameter * @return array */ protected function qparamSpliter($param) { $nparam = array_values($param); $paramKeys = array_keys($nparam); $info = array(); $info['format_str'] = current($nparam); $info['format_chars'] = str_split($info['format_str']); $info['format_count'] = count($info['format_chars']); $info['format_str'] = str_replace(array('t', 'a'), 's', $info['format_str']); $info['param_arr'] = array_slice($nparam, 1, end($paramKeys)); $info['param_count'] = count($info['param_arr']); return $info; } /** * Methods to handle failed query. * * @param string $msg * @return NULL */ protected function queryFail($msg) { trigger_error($msg); $this->durationLap(); return NULL; } /** * Prepare an SQL statement for execution. * * @param string $sql * @param string $method Remark for error. Default: Class Method name. * @return boolean|mysqli_stmt */ protected function queryPrepare($sql) { $conn = $this->connect(); if (!$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql)) { $this->msgBox = $conn->error; return FALSE; } return $stmt; } /** * Binds a parameter to the specified variable name.<br> * This method will automatic format the value based on type given.<br> * - i : implement (int).<br> * - d : implement (float).<br> * - t : implement stripslashes.<br> * - a : implement $this->cleaner() with advance mode.<br> * * Default will implement $this->cleaner().<br> * * @param mysqli_stmt $stmt * @param array $format_chars * @param string $format_str * @param array $param_arr * @return boolean|mysqli_stmt */ protected function queryBindParam($stmt, $format_chars, $format_str, $param_arr) { foreach ($param_arr as $k => $v) { $type = $format_chars[$k]; switch ($type) { case 'i': $param_arr[$k] = (int) $v; break; case 'd': $param_arr[$k] = (float) $v; break; case 't': $param_arr[$k] = stripslashes($v); break; case 'a': $param_arr[$k] = $this->cleaner($v, TRUE); break; default: $this->cleaner($v); } $param_arr[$k] = & $param_arr[$k]; } if (call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), array_merge(array($format_str), $param_arr))) { return $stmt; } trigger_error(sprintf('%s [%s]: [%s]', __METHOD__, $stmt->errno, $stmt->error)); return FALSE; } /** * Executes a query after prepared SQL OR bind_param.<br> * Return format:<br> * - INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE [integer].<br> * - SELECT and SHOW [array] Format: key = start from 0, value = array('field_name' => 'data', field_name2' => 'data2', ...).<br> * * @param mysqli_stmt $stmt * @param string $sql * @return mixed */ protected function queryExecute($stmt, $sql) { if (!$stmt->execute() || $stmt->errno > 0) { trigger_error(sprintf('%s [%s]: [%s]', __METHOD__, $stmt->errno, $stmt->error)); return FALSE; } $sqlType = $this->getSqlType($sql); if ($sqlType == 'insert') { return $this->insert_id = $stmt->insert_id; } elseif (in_array($sqlType, array('update', 'delete'))) { return $this->affected_rows = $stmt->affected_rows; } elseif (in_array($sqlType, array('select', 'show'))) { $stmt->store_result(); if (($this->num_rows = $stmt->num_rows) <= 0) { return array(); } // Get all fields name from db based on sql statement $flds = $stmt->result_metadata()->fetch_fields(); $data = array(); foreach ($flds as $fld) { $dataKey = $fld->name; $result[$dataKey] = ""; for ($i = 1; ++$i < 999;) { if (!array_key_exists($dataKey, $data)) { $data[$dataKey] = &$result[$dataKey]; break; } $dataKey = $fld->name . '_' . $i; } } if (!call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $data)) { trigger_error(sprintf('%s [%s]: [%s]', __METHOD__, $stmt->errno, $stmt->error)); return FALSE; } $row = $return = array(); while ($stmt->fetch()) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $row[$k] = stripslashes($v); } $return[] = $row; } return $return; } return NULL; } }