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File: example5.php

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  Classes of Richard Munroe   Sudoku   example5.php   Download  
File: example5.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example of using Sudoku to solve ambiguous clue sets.
Class: Sudoku
Generate and solve sudoku puzzles
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 1,343 bytes


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include_once("class.Sudoku.php") ;

 * @author Dick Munroe <>
 * @copyright copyright @ 2005 by Dick Munroe, Cottage Software Works, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package SudokuExample
 * Solve a puzzle, showing the steps taken by the puzzle solver. The
 * puzzle is initialized from stdin. The input file consists of triple,
 * one per line, whitespace separated, of the form:
 * row column value
 * where row, column, and value are in the range 1..9.
 * This is specifically a test of the "ambiguous" sudoku clues contained
 * in puzzle4.txt. Personally I don't feel that a set of sudoku clues
 * that require you to guess at a solution are legal, but I'm providing
 * this interface since Ghica van Emde Boas (author of another Sudoku
 * related class) raised the possibility.

// Edit History:
// Dick Munroe ( 15-Nov-2005
// Initial Version Creatd.

$p = new SudokuIntermediateSolution() ;

if (
$_SERVER["argc"] > 1)
$p->initializePuzzleFromFile($_SERVER["argv"][1]) ;
$p->initializePuzzleFromFile() ;

 * If a deductive approach fails, brute force the rest of the solution.

if (!$p->solve())
$x = $p->solveBruteForce() ;
var_dump($x) ;

$p->printSolution() ;
