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File: date_difference_class

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File: date_difference_class
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: document file explaining the class
Class: DateClass
Calculates the difference beween two dates
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 649 bytes


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Class Name:dateDiff Description:class to calculate the difference between the two dates passed and return the difference in one(seconds, minutes, hours, days) of the formats specified Constructor: dateDiff($firstDate,$secondDate,$interval); This constructor sets the values of these variables and calls the checkValid function to check the validity of the dates passed to the function. Methods: callDiff() calculates the difference between the two dates and returns the difference in the specified format Pre-requisite for using the class: Second date should be greater than the first date Dates passed to the function should be valid