<?php /**************************************************************************************************** This example demonstrates the use of the EvaluateTags() method to replace the contents of PHP open tags inside a string with the result of their output. We use sample data that looks like a .INI file. ****************************************************************************************************/ require_once ( '../PhpUtilities.phpclass' ) ; if ( php_sapi_name ( ) != 'cli' ) echo ( '<pre>' ) ; $script_variable = 'This is a script variable defined in evaluateexpression.ini' ; $before = file_get_contents( 'evaluateexpression.ini' ) ; echo "Contents before :\n" ; echo "---------------\n\n" ; echo $before ; $after = PhpUtilities::EvaluateTags ( $before ) ; echo "\n\n\n\nContents after :\n" ; echo "---------------\n\n" ; echo $after ; echo "\n\n\n\nContents generated using ob_xxx() functions :\n" ; echo "---------------\n\n" ; require ( 'evaluateexpression.ini' ) ; $ob_contents = ob_get_clean ( ) ; echo "\n\n--------------------\n$ob_contents" ;
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