This example demonstrates the use of the EvaluateExpression() method, using different
expressions, valid or not.
require_once ( '../PhpUtilities.phpclass' ) ;
if ( php_sapi_name ( ) != 'cli' )
echo ( '<pre>' ) ;
$expressions = array
'17 * 4', // no error
'99*', // generates a fatal error
'4 * 32', // no error
'UNDEFINED_CONSTANT * 12' // generates a notice message
) ;
echo "Evaluation results :\n" ;
echo "------------------\n" ;
foreach ( $expressions as $expression )
echo sprintf ( "%-24s", $expression ) . " : " ;
$status = PhpUtilities::EvaluateExpression ( $expression, $result, $error ) ;
// Returned status is true : the expression evaluated correctly
if ( $status )
echo $result ;
// Status = false : the expression generated a fatal error (such as parsing error) or notice/error message
// In this case, the error message is available in the supplied $error variable
echo "(error) $error" ;
echo "\n" ;