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File: Data/mapsettings.phs

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  Classes of Christian Vigh   PHP.ini Settings   Data/mapsettings.phs   Download  
File: Data/mapsettings.phs
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Generator script for PhpSettings.csv
Class: PHP.ini Settings
Manage the PHP configuration values of php.ini
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 8,724 bytes


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        This script takes an input file (settings.something.txt) containing the documentation of PHP
        settings and generates an output CSV file (settings.something.csv) that will later be read by
        the PhpSettings class.
        The .txt file is just a cut&paste of the contents of the following url :
        (the text not related to settings must be of course removed).
        The script tries to guess what are the applicable Php versions ; it also tries to do that
        with Php modules, when the setting applies to a module.
        The CSV file contains the following columns :
        - Setting name
        - Value type. One the VALUE_TYPE_* constants defined in PhpSettings.phpclass
        - Default value
        - Location where the setting can be changed :
          . PHP_INI_USER :
            Entry can be set in user scripts (like with ini_set()) or in the Windows registry.
            Since PHP 5.3, entry can be set in .user.ini
          . PHP_INI_PERDIR :
            Entry can be set in php.ini, .htaccess, httpd.conf or .user.ini (since PHP 5.3)
          . PHP_INI_SYSTEM :
            Entry can be set in php.ini or httpd.conf
          . PHP_INI_ALL :
            Entry can be set anywhere
        - Comment : additional description about the setting.
        - Min Php version. Can be empty if the setting was created from the origins.
        - Max Php version. Can be empty if the setting is still applicable
        - Related module. Non empty if the setting applies to a PHP module.
        - Min module version : the minimum related module version applicable (if any).
        - Max module version : the maximum related module version applicable (if any).
        The values after the "Comment" column are extrapolated from the "Comment" contents themselves.
        Utility functions.
function error ( $msg )
        echo (
"*** error *** $msg\n" ) ;
        exit ( ) ;
warning ( $msg )
        echo (
"*** warning *** $msg\n" ) ;
// normalize_quoted_string -
    // Removes quotes from a quoted string, as well as escapes.
function normalize_quoted_string ( $value )
$length = strlen ( $value ) ;
        if ( isset (
$value [1] ) && $value [0] == '"' && substr ( $value, -1, 1 ) == '"' )
$value = str_replace ( '\\"', '"', substr ( $value, 1, $length - 2 ) ) ;
        return (
$value ) ;
// guess_value_type -
    // Tries to guess the type of the specified value.
function guess_value_type ( $value )
$boolean_values = [ 'on', 'true', 'yes', 'off', 'false', 'no', 'none' ] ;
$low_value = strtolower ( $value ) ;
$length = strlen ( $value ) ;
        if (
is_numeric ( $value ) )
$v = ( float ) $value ;
            if (
ceil ( $v ) == $v )
                if ( !
strncasecmp ( $value, '0x', 2 ) )
                    return (
                else if (
$length > 1 && $value [0] == '0' )
                    return (
                    return (
                return (
        else if (
in_array ( $low_value, $boolean_values ) )
            return (
        else if (
preg_match ( '/^\d+%$/', $value ) )
            return (
        else if (
preg_match ( '/^\d+[kmgt][b]?$/i', $value ) )
            return (
            return (
// extract_applicable_versions -
    // Extracts applicable versions from the comment part of a setting.
function extract_applicable_versions ( $setting, $comment )
$data =
'php-min' => '',
'php-max' => '',
'module' => '',
'module-min' => '',
'module-max' => ''
] ;
        if ( !
$comment )
            return (
$data ) ;
$found_something = false ;
        if (
preg_match ( '/Removed \s+ in \s+ ( (?P<module> [^\s]+) \s+ )? (?P<version> \d+ ( \. \d+ (\. \d+)? )? )/ix', $comment, $match ) )
$module = ( isset ( $match [ 'module' ] ) ) ? $match [ 'module' ] : '' ;
            if ( !
$module )
                if (
preg_match ( '/^(?P<module> .*?) \. /x', $setting, $setting_match ) )
$module = $setting_match [ 'module' ] ;
$module = 'PHP' ;
            if ( !
strcasecmp ( $match [ 'module' ], 'PHP' ) )
$data [ 'php-max' ] = $match [ 'version' ] ;
$data [ 'module' ] = $match [ 'module' ] ;
$data [ 'module-max' ] = $match [ 'version' ] ;

$found_something = true ;
        if (
preg_match ( '/( (Available \s+ since) | (Added \s+ in) ) \s+ ( (?P<module> [^\s]+) \s+ )? (?P<version> \d+ ( \. \d+ (\. \d+)? )? )/ix', $comment, $match ) )
$module = ( isset ( $match [ 'module' ] ) ) ? $match [ 'module' ] : '' ;
            if ( !
$module )
                if (
preg_match ( '/^(?P<module> .*?) \. /x', $setting, $setting_match ) )
$module = $setting_match [ 'module' ] ;
$module = 'PHP' ;
            if ( !
strcasecmp ( $match [ 'module' ], 'PHP' ) )
$data [ 'php-min' ] = $match [ 'version' ] ;
$data [ 'module' ] = $match [ 'module' ] ;
$data [ 'module-min' ] = $match [ 'version' ] ;

$found_something = true ;
$data [ 'module' ] = strtoupper ( $data [ 'module' ] ) ;
        return (
$data ) ;
// get_location -
    // Gets a normalized setting location name.
function get_location ( $setting, $location )
$upper_location = strtoupper ( $location ) ;
        switch (
$upper_location )
                return (
$upper_location ) ;
                return (
            default :
error ( "Invalid setting location \"$location\" for \"$setting\"." ) ;
        Main program.

if ( ! isset ( $argv [1] ) )
        echo (
"Usage : mapsettings input.txt [output.csv]\n" ) ;
        exit ;
$input_file = $argv [1] ;
    if ( !
file_exists ( $input_file ) )
error ( "File \"$input_file\" does not exist." ) ;
    if ( isset (
$argv [2] ) )
$output_file = $argv [2] ;
$extension = pathinfo ( $input_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ;
$output_file = preg_replace ( "/\.$extension$/", '.csv', $input_file ) ;
// Regex to match a line
$line_re = '/^
                    (?P<setting> [^\s]+)
                        ( \s* " ( (\\\\") | ( [^"] ) )* ")
                        ( [^\s]* )
                    (?P<location> [^\s]+)
                        (?P<comment> .*)

// Create the output file
$output_fp = fopen ( $output_file, "w" ) ;
fprintf ( $output_fp, "Setting;Value type;Default value;Location;Comment;Min PHP version;Max PHP version;Module;Min module version;Max module version\n" ) ;
// Scan the input lines
$lines = file ( $input_file ) ;
    foreach (
$lines as $line )
$line = trim ( $line ) ;
        if ( !
$line )
            continue ;
preg_match ( $line_re, $line, $match ) ;
$setting = $match [ 'setting' ] ;
$default_value = normalize_quoted_string ( $match [ 'default' ] ) ;
$value_type = guess_value_type ( $default_value ) ;
$location = get_location ( $setting, $match [ 'location' ] ) ;
$comment = ( isset ( $match [ 'comment' ] ) ) ? $match [ 'comment' ] : '' ;
$escaped_comment = '"' . str_replace ( '"', '""', $comment ) . '"' ;
$data = extract_applicable_versions ( $setting, $comment ) ;
$output_line = "$setting;$value_type;$default_value;$location;$escaped_comment;" .
"{$data [ 'php-min' ]};{$data [ 'php-max' ]};{$data [ 'module' ]};{$data [ 'module-min' ]};{$data [ 'module-max' ]}" ;

fwrite ( $output_fp, "$output_line\n" ) ;
// All done
fclose ( $output_fp ) ;