- Product name: floPageLock
- Author: Joshua Hatfield (flobi@flobi.com)
- Release Version: 1.0.0
- Release Date: 2005-10-22
- License: Free for non-commercial use
- This sample file demonstrates numerous ways this can be implemented.
- This SHOULD be before any other code.
$locking_method = 1;
case 1:
* Method 1, simple lock. Username, password, autolock.
* -- Not setting redirect turns it off.
* -- That also applies if you set autolock to anything with a strlen of 0 (null, false, "", etc.).
$pagelock = new floPageLock("myusername", "mypassword", true);
case 2:
* Method 2, simple lock w/ redirect. Username, password, autolock, redirection location.
* -- You can override the redirection with ?unlock as your querystring.
* -- e.g if your url is
* http://www.flobi.com/test/floPageLock/
* -- you can override the redirect by going to
* http://www.flobi.com/test/floPageLock/?unlock
$pagelock = new floPageLock("myusername", "mypassword", true, "http://www.google.com/");
case 3:
* Method 3, delay lock. Username, password.
* -- Not setting autolock requires lock function call later
* -- That also applys if you set autolock to a false value (null, false, "", 0, etc.).
* -- In the mean time, we can set an extra key.
* -- Passwords in keys can be saved as md5 or plain text.
$pagelock = new floPageLock("myusername", "mypassword");
$pagelock->key_add("myusername2", "f13649e3de0a972fa8b0334af9acd23f");
$pagelock->key_add("myusername3", "mypassword3");
// You CAN have 1 username with multiple passwords.
$pagelock->key_add("myusername", "mypassword4");
case 4:
* Method 4, delay lock with keys from Xoops db.
* -- Not setting username and password causes no initial key to be created.
* -- Let's get some keys from a mysql table.
* -- I've got Xoops installed, we can use the admin users from that.
$pagelock = new floPageLock();
$dbmap = array(
"db_host" => "localhost",
"db_database" => "myxoopsdb",
"db_username" => "mydbusername",
"db_password" => "mydbpassword",
// The default admin group is created 4th, thereby getting an mgroup of 4 by default.
"sql" => "SELECT * FROM `xoops_users` WHERE `mgroup` = '4'",
"userfield" => "uname",
"passfield" => "pass"
case 5:
* Method 4, delay lock with numerous key sources.
* -- I've still got Xoops installed.
* -- I've also got a custom user db, we can add those too.
$pagelock = new floPageLock("myusername", "mypassword");
$pagelock->key_add("myusername2", "f13649e3de0a972fa8b0334af9acd23f");
// Xoops keys:
$dbmap = array(
"db_host" => "localhost",
"db_database" => "myxoopsdb",
"db_username" => "mydbusername",
"db_password" => "mydbpassword",
"sql" => "SELECT * FROM `xoops_users` WHERE `mgroup` = '4'",
"userfield" => "uname",
"passfield" => "pass"
// They can be added in any order.
$pagelock->key_add("myusername3", "mypassword3");
// My custom db:
$dbmap = array(
"db_host" => "localhost",
"db_database" => "mycustomsdb",
"db_username" => "mydbusername",
"db_password" => "mydbpassword",
"sql" => "
`users`.`username` as `username`,
`users`.`password` as `password`
`users`.`username` = `user_groups`.`username` AND
`user_groups`.`group` = 'admin'
", // Okay, I made up the structure, but you get the point.
"userfield" => "username",
"passfield" => "password"
// Let's redirect too, why not?
case 6:
* Method 6, I just feel like being a bastard.
* -- The user will have to enter the first password...
* -- then (without notification), will be required to enter the second.
* -- but only after entering the first.
$pagelock = new floPageLock("myusername", "mypassword", true);
$pagelock2 = new floPageLock("myusername2", "mypassword2", true);
case 7:
* Method 7, method 1 longhand.
$pagelock = new floPageLock();
$pagelock->key_add("myusername", "mypassword");
} // switch
<title>floPageLock Test (unlocked)</title>
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font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
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<h1>floPageLock Test (unlocked)</h1>
<p>The page you are looking at has been unlocked. </p>