# Class XUploadForm Version 1.1 (September 2001) #
#Description: Class for creating upload forms with php(requires XUpload Class) #
#Author: David Asin Sanchez (david@red666.net | david@xarelan.com) #
#Organization: Xarelan Multimedia S.L.L (www.xarelan.com) - SPAIN #
#Requirements: PHP4 #
#Features: #
# - Easy upload form management #
# - Let you choose the form encode type #
# - Let you choose the form method #
# - Let you add javascript to your form #
# #
#Public Interfaces: #
# XUploadForm(): constructor #
# -Params: #
# action: form action #
# name(optional):form name (default myXUploadForm) #
# method(optional): form method (default POST) #
# xtraJS(optional): javascript code #
# begin(): form begins #
# setFormEncType(): set form encoding type(optional) #
# -Params: #
# encType(optional): encoding type #
# setFormMaxFileSize(): set max file size (default 2MB) #
# -Params: #
# size: max file size #
# setFormFileInput(): set an input file tag for upload #
# -Params: #
# name: input file name(default "file") #
# Must be equal to XUpload class instance #
# size(optional):input file size(default 40) #
# maxLength(optional): (default 150) #
# setFormButton(): set an button tag for upload #
# -Params: #
# type: button type #
# name :button name #
# value: button text #
# xtraJS: javascript code for onClick event #
# end(): form ends #
# #
#Distributed "as is", fell free to modify any part of this code. #
#You can use this for any projects you want, commercial or not. #
#If you want you can keep the header in the script, else it does not matter. #
#It would be very kind to email me any suggestions you have or bugs you might find :) #
class XUploadForm
var $cls_formName; // form name
var $cls_formAction; // form action
var $cls_formMethod; // form method (default POST)
var $cls_formXtraJS; // for javascript
var $cls_formEncType; // form encoding type
// constructor
function XUploadForm($action="",$name="myXUploadForm",$method="POST",$xtraJS="")
$this->cls_formName = $name;
$this->cls_formAction = $action;
$this->cls_formMethod = $method;
$this->cls_formXtraJS = $xtraJS;
## form begins
## returns nothing
function begin()
echo '<form action="'.$this->cls_formAction.'" name="'.$this->cls_formName.'" method="'.$this->cls_formMethod.'" enctype="multipart/form-data"'.$this->cls_formXtraJS.">\n";
## set form encoding type
## returns nothing
function setFormEnctype($encType)
$this->cls_formEncType = $encType;
## set max file size
## returns nothing
function setFormMaxFileSize( $size = "2097152" ) // default max file size 2MB
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"$size\">\n";
## displays an input file
## returns nothing
function setFormFileInput( $name = "file" , $size = 40 , $maxLength = 150 )
echo "<input type=\"file\" name=\"$name\" size=\"$size\" maxlenght=\"$maxLength\"><br>\n";
## displays an button
## returns nothing
function setFormButton( $type = "submit" , $value = "Submit" , $name = "submit" , $xtraJS = "" )
echo "<input type=\"$type\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\" onClick=\"$xtraJS\"><br>\n";
## form ends
## returns nothing
function end()
echo '</form>'."\n";
} // class ends