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File: vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/WebProfilerBundle/Resources/views/Collector/logger.html.twig

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  Classes of Murat Cileli   Papernic   vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/WebProfilerBundle/Resources/views/Collector/logger.html.twig   Download  
File: vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/WebProfilerBundle/Resources/views/Collector/logger.html.twig
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Papernic
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{% extends '@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig' %} {% import _self as helper %} {% block toolbar %} {% if collector.counterrors or collector.countdeprecations or collector.countscreams %} {% set icon %} {% set status_color = collector.counterrors ? 'red' : collector.countdeprecations ? 'yellow' : '' %} {% set error_count = collector.counterrors + collector.countdeprecations + collector.countscreams %} {{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/logger.svg') }} <span class="sf-toolbar-value">{{ error_count }}</span> {% endset %} {% set text %} <div class="sf-toolbar-info-piece"> <b>Errors</b> <span class="sf-toolbar-status sf-toolbar-status-{{ collector.counterrors ? 'red' }}">{{ collector.counterrors|default(0) }}</span> </div> <div class="sf-toolbar-info-piece"> <b>Deprecated Calls</b> <span class="sf-toolbar-status sf-toolbar-status-{{ collector.countdeprecations ? 'yellow' }}">{{ collector.countdeprecations|default(0) }}</span> </div> <div class="sf-toolbar-info-piece"> <b>Silenced Errors</b> <span class="sf-toolbar-status">{{ collector.countscreams|default(0) }}</span> </div> {% endset %} {{ include('@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar_item.html.twig', { link: profiler_url, status: status_color }) }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block menu %} <span class="label label-status-{{ collector.counterrors ? 'error' : collector.countdeprecations ? 'warning' }} {{ collector.logs is empty ? 'disabled' }}"> <span class="icon">{{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/logger.svg') }}</span> <strong>Logs</strong> {% if collector.counterrors or collector.countdeprecations %} <span class="count"> <span>{{ collector.counterrors ?: collector.countdeprecations }}</span> </span> {% endif %} </span> {% endblock %} {% block panel %} <h2>Log Messages</h2> {% if collector.logs is empty %} <div class="empty"> <p>No log messages available.</p> </div> {% else %} {# sort collected logs in groups #} {% set deprecation_logs, debug_logs, info_and_error_logs, silenced_logs = [], [], [], [] %} {% for log in collector.logs %} {% if log.context.level is defined and log.context.type is defined and log.context.type in [constant('E_DEPRECATED'), constant('E_USER_DEPRECATED')] %} {% set deprecation_logs = deprecation_logs|merge([log]) %} {% elseif log.context.scream is defined and log.context.scream == true %} {% set silenced_logs = silenced_logs|merge([log]) %} {% elseif log.priorityName == 'DEBUG' %} {% set debug_logs = debug_logs|merge([log]) %} {% else %} {% set info_and_error_logs = info_and_error_logs|merge([log]) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} <div class="sf-tabs"> <div class="tab"> <h3 class="tab-title">Info. &amp; Errors <span class="badge">{{ info_and_error_logs|length }}</span></h3> <div class="tab-content"> {% if info_and_error_logs is empty %} <div class="empty"> <p>There are no log messages of this level.</p> </div> {% else %} {{ helper.render_table(info_and_error_logs, true) }} {% endif %} </div> </div> <div class="tab"> {# 'deprecation_logs|length' is not used because deprecations are now grouped and the group count doesn't match the message count #} <h3 class="tab-title">Deprecations <span class="badge">{{ collector.countdeprecations|default(0) }}</span></h3> <div class="tab-content"> {% if deprecation_logs is empty %} <div class="empty"> <p>There are no log messages about deprecated features.</p> </div> {% else %} {{ helper.render_table(deprecation_logs, false, true) }} {% endif %} </div> </div> <div class="tab"> <h3 class="tab-title">Debug <span class="badge">{{ debug_logs|length }}</span></h3> <div class="tab-content"> {% if debug_logs is empty %} <div class="empty"> <p>There are no log messages of this level.</p> </div> {% else %} {{ helper.render_table(debug_logs) }} {% endif %} </div> </div> <div class="tab"> <h3 class="tab-title">Silenced Errors <span class="badge">{{ collector.countscreams|default(0) }}</span></h3> <div class="tab-content"> {% if silenced_logs is empty %} <div class="empty"> <p>There are no log messages of this level.</p> </div> {% else %} {{ helper.render_table(silenced_logs) }} {% endif %} </div> </div> </div> {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% macro render_table(logs, show_level = false, is_deprecation = false) %} {% import _self as helper %} {% set channel_is_defined = (logs|first).channel is defined %} <table class="logs"> <thead> <tr> <th>{{ show_level ? 'Level' : 'Time' }}</th> {% if channel_is_defined %}<th>Channel</th>{% endif %} <th>Message</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {% for log in logs %} {% set css_class = is_deprecation ? '' : log.priorityName in ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'ALERT', 'EMERGENCY'] ? 'status-error' : log.priorityName in ['NOTICE', 'WARNING'] ? 'status-warning' %} <tr class="{{ css_class }}"> <td class="font-normal text-small"> {% if show_level %} <span class="colored text-bold nowrap">{{ log.priorityName }}</span> {% endif %} <span class="text-muted nowrap newline">{{ log.timestamp|date('H:i:s') }}</span> </td> {% if channel_is_defined %} <td class="font-normal text-small text-bold nowrap">{{ }}</td> {% endif %} <td class="font-normal">{{ helper.render_log_message(loop.index, log, is_deprecation) }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> {% endmacro %} {% macro render_log_message(log_index, log, is_deprecation = false) %} {{ log.message }} {% if is_deprecation %} {% set stack = log.context.stack|default([]) %} {% set id = 'sf-call-stack-' ~ log_index %} {% if log.context.errorCount is defined %} <span class="text-small text-bold">({{ log.context.errorCount }} times)</span> {% endif %} {% if stack %} <button class="btn-link text-small sf-toggle" data-toggle-selector="#{{ id }}" data-toggle-alt-content="Hide stack trace">Show stack trace</button> {% endif %} {% for index, call in stack if index > 1 %} {% if index == 2 %} <ul class="sf-call-stack hidden" id="{{ id }}"> {% endif %} {% if call.class is defined %} {% set from = call.class|abbr_class ~ '::' ~ call.function|abbr_method() %} {% elseif call.function is defined %} {% set from = call.function|abbr_method %} {% elseif call.file is defined %} {% set from = call.file %} {% else %} {% set from = '-' %} {% endif %} {% set file_name = (call.file is defined and call.line is defined) ? call.file|replace({'\\': '/'})|split('/')|last %} <li> {{ from|raw }} {% if file_name %} <span class="text-small">(called from {{ call.file|format_file(call.line, file_name)|raw }})</span> {% endif %} </li> {% if index == stack|length - 1 %} </ul> {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% if log.context is defined and log.context is not empty %} <span class="metadata"> <strong>Context</strong>: {{ log.context|json_encode(64 b-or 256)|replace({ '{"' : '{ "', '"}' : '" }', '":{' : '": {', '":"' : '": "', '","' : '", "' }) }} </span> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %}