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File: vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Tests/Fixtures/Descriptor/builder_1_services.json

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  Classes of Murat Cileli   Papernic   vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Tests/Fixtures/Descriptor/builder_1_services.json   Download  
File: vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Tests/Fixtures/Descriptor/builder_1_services.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Papernic
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 1,929 bytes


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{ "definitions": { "definition_1": { "class": "Full\\Qualified\\Class1", "scope": "container", "public": true, "synthetic": false, "lazy": true, "shared": true, "synchronized": false, "abstract": true, "file": null, "factory_class": "Full\\Qualified\\FactoryClass", "factory_method": "get", "tags": [ ], "autowire": false, "autowiring_types": [] }, "definition_2": { "class": "Full\\Qualified\\Class2", "scope": "container", "public": false, "synthetic": true, "lazy": false, "shared": true, "synchronized": false, "abstract": false, "file": "\/path\/to\/file", "factory_service": "factory.service", "factory_method": "get", "tags": [ { "name": "tag1", "parameters": { "attr1": "val1", "attr2": "val2" } }, { "name": "tag1", "parameters": { "attr3": "val3" } }, { "name": "tag2", "parameters": [ ] } ], "autowire": false, "autowiring_types": [] } }, "aliases": { "alias_1": { "service": "service_1", "public": true }, "alias_2": { "service": "service_2", "public": false } }, "services": { "service_container": "Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\ContainerBuilder" } }