include("./class_thumbs.php") ;
// create a new Thumbs-Object(str "imagepath", str thumb_prefix, int width, int height [, int fix ])
// last (4th) parameter is optional and desides whether the size of all thumbs is
// limited/fixed by width, height or both (0 = both, 1 = width, 2 = height)
$cThumbs = new Thumbs("./pictures", "t1_", 100, 100, 2);
// get the array of all found images and thumbs
$mix = $cThumbs->getImages();
// devide the mix into images- and thumbs-arrays
list($images, $thumbs) = $mix;
// output all thumbs as links
echo "<center>Images found: ".count(@$images)."<br><br>\n";
foreach($thumbs as $key => $thumb) {
echo "<a href=\"".$images[$key]."\"><img src=\"".$thumb."\"></a>\n";
//$i++; if($i % 6 == 0) echo "<br>\n";
//if($_GET['rebuild'] == 1) $cThumbs->rebuildThumbs();
//echo "<br><br><a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."?rebuild=1\">Rebuild ALL Thumbs!</a>\n";