// Syntax: CMP3Split($cInputFile, $iInputFileLength, $cOutputFile, $iStartTime, $iMode)
// Hints:
// Object Creation:
// $cInputFile is your MP3 File you want to split
// $iInputFileLength is the Length in Sec. of your MP3File you want to split
// $cOutputFile is the Filename of the new (splitted) MP3 File which will be created
// $iStarttime is the starttime in Sec. where your $cInputFile will be splitted (Splitpoint)
// $iMode (0 or 1) decides which portion of your splitted mp3 file will be saved.
// If you set $iMode=0, you'll get an MP3 File with the content of your $cInputFile
// BEFORE the specified splitpoint. If $iMode=1, the new created MP3File ($cOutputFile)
// will be the content of the $cInputFile AFTER the Splitpoint ($iStartTime)
// Methods:
// There is only one method you'll have to use:
// $oMyObject->Generate() will do the work for you
// Error handling:
// If there are some errors, look at the error var.
// $oMyObject->cError
// Attention:
// - The error handling is not the best, so be careful with your $cInputFile.
// Dealing with a not existing $cInputFile will result in a division by zero!
// - Of course this class works only with MP3 Files without an variable bitrate
// Example:
$oSplit=new CMP3Split("input.mp3",243,"output.mp3",10,1);
echo $oSplit->cError;