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  Classes of Guilherme Blanco  >  pAjax  >  CHANGELOG.txt  >  Download  
Role: Documentation
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Description: List of Changes
Class: pAjax
Do RPC calls from the browser without page reloads
Author: By
Last change: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Version 1.5.10 - Date: 2007-01-23 14:15 |
- Corrected setFormParam function in pajax-core.js
- Corrected class.pAjax.php method excCall to deal correctly with arrays and
non-array arguments
- Fixed bug in class.pAjaxParser.php, method getPhpType. It was throwing an
error of unsigned offset 0 in $matches variable
- Updated examples (used php short open tags) and now they use the right one
Date: 2007-01-25 17:02
Size: 11,648 bytes


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# pAjax                                                             CHANGELOG #
# Created:            #     CopyrightŪ 2006, Bisna     # Updated:             #
#   2005-04-20 12:54  #        Guilherme Blanco        #   2007-01-23 14:15   #

| Version 1.5.10 - Date: 2007-01-23 14:15                                     |
- Corrected setFormParam function in pajax-core.js
- Corrected class.pAjax.php method excCall to deal correctly with arrays and 
  non-array arguments
- Fixed bug in class.pAjaxParser.php, method getPhpType. It was throwing an 
  error of unsigned offset 0 in $matches variable
- Updated examples (used php short open tags) and now they use the right one

| Version 1.5.9 - Date: 2007-01-22 13:57                                      |
- Fixed some bugs - thanks Cristian Rusu for patches
- Added method getJavaScript
- Added support to IE7

| Version 1.5.8 - Date: 2006-05-31 22:44                                      |
- Fixed bugs:
  . Bug #00017 (pAjax does not work if integrated with Prototype/Scriptaculous)
  . Bug #00018 (pAjax crashes if a object is sent and has any methods defined)
  . Bug #00019 (pAjax fires onLoad event even if occurs an error)
  . Bug #00020 (Better handler for "responseXml has no properties" message)
  . Bug #00021 (Invalid domain in tests while testing from local machine)
- Optimized internal readyState event to allow error checking.
- Added new event [onError] to help debugging in a better way.
- Added new pAjax (JS) method [getError] - returns a lot of useful information
- Added new method [setFormParam] - automatically attaches all form elements
  as params - thanks Cristian Rusu for suggestion
- Added new test:
  . test_form.php
- Updated tests to allow working with disabled domain protection and with
  enabled export protection
- Updated TODO list, removing error item.

| Version 1.5.7 - Date: 2006-03-30 12:36                                      |
- Fixed bugs:
  . Bug #00015 (pAjax does not work in PHP 4.3.7)
  . Bug #00016 (pAjax does not work properly in PHP 4.3.10)
- Corrected parser type [number] to recognize more effectively
- Corrected parser type [number] to recognize 0 initial number as string.
  Some resources uses 0 based IDs and it was removed as number type.
- Corrected wrong reference in phpToXmlValueNode method in pAjaxParser (PHP)
- Added appz:
  . type_ahead_db: Simple Type Ahead feature retrieved from DB table

| Version 1.5.6 - Date: 2005-10-04 10:19                                      |
- Fixed bugs:
  . Bug #00010 (Mozilla specific: Invalid request header if XML data is sent)
  . Bug #00011 (Can not retrieve large text contents from script)
  . Bug #00012 (Impossible to retrieve HTML data)
  . Bug #00013 (Synchronized call doesn't work in Mozilla)
  . Bug #00014 (IE specific: IE crashes after experience a memory leak)
- Added new data type [text] to allow send/retrieve large contents and HTML
- Core JS code optimized (also improved performance)
- OnChange event is not fired anymore in synchronized calls (fixing bug #00013)
- Updated tests to display features of class
- Updated appz (missing some US States)
- Added Documentation to package:
  . INSTALL.txt

| Version 1.5.5 - Date: 2005-09-27 23:56                                      |
- Fixed bug #00007 (Wrong error message in REQUEST_METHOD checking)
- Fixed bug #00008 (Unexpected behaviour of execCall using inline calls)
- Fixed bug #00009 (Wrong special char conversion in GET request types)
- XML processment changed. Using DOMIT library (of John Karl) now
- Removed SimpleXML library (PHP5 only) dependency from script
- Charset is supported via string conversion (MultiByte, Iconv or utf8_encode),
since DOMIT! does not support it yet. The script checks for available libraries
- New string conversion changed the special chars space needed. Each special
char now uses 1 space against 2 spaces (versions <= 1.5.1). Test: obj_call.php
- Added PHP4 support
- Method getCallerArguments is now part of pAjaxParser instead of pAjax class
- Removed methods of pAjax class (PHP):
  . enableDebugMode
  . disableDebugMode
  . setDebugMode
- Added 2 static pAjax methods:
  . enableDebugMode
  . disableDebugMode
- Debug mode setter delivered to client side, via 3 available methods
- Changed showJavaScript method to static. No pAjax instantiation is necessary
anymore on client if you split programming in client and server page
- Updated examples according to previous change
- Renamed JS files as requested by users.Now they have a pajax-* prefix
- Added protection if no referer is set and export protection is disabled
- Added 2 static pAjaxParser JS methods (fixing bug #00009):
  . encodeURI
  . decodeURI
- Added Documentations to package:
  . JS_API.txt
  . PHP_API.txt
- Changed Documentation:
  . Basic_Tutorial.txt
  . Migration_Doc_10_to_15.txt

| Version 1.5.1 - Date: 2005-09-14 09:40                                      |
- Fixed bug #00006 (Correctly handle IP addresses (string instead of number))
- Added error messages if exported function is invalid or if domain is invalid

| Version 1.5 - Date: 2005-09-08 12:11                                        |
- Fixed bugs:
  . Bug #00002 (No protection against cracking calls) - thanks Manuel Lemos
  . Bug #00003 (No error handler)
  . Bug #00004 (CPU overload on server when error occured)
  . Bug #00005 (HTMLEntities when string has any Special Char) - thanks Erik Arvidsson
- Added protections:
  . Domain Protection: function/method is called only if it's in the same domain
  . Export Protection: only exported function/method is called, manual handling
- Added new debug functions:
  . enableDebugMode
  . disableDebugMode
- Added new protection functions:
  . enableDomainProtection
  . disableDomainProtection
  . enableExportProtection
  . disableExportProtection
  . export(string|array [, ...])
- Removed pObjectFromAjax class
- Added pAjaxParser class
- Added real applications examples
- Added new tests
- Created parser on PHP side:
  . reports mismatch variable types
  . custom error on PHP (Enabled to correctly handle "throw new Exception" from PHP to JS)
- Created parser on JS side:
  . null parameter set
  . Unknown JS type
  . XML parser error
  . Invalid XML document returned
  . RPC error
- Changed variables transport notation:
  . JSON like notation is not used anymore. Own notation created with XML, better to read and to parse
  . No MultiByte String library necessary
- Changed request data transport structre (XML instead of Plain Text)
- Added support to authenticated scripts (JS methods provided: setUsername and setPassword)
- Changes:
  . pAJAX is now pAjax
  . pAJAXRequest is now pAjaxRequest
- Changed handleRequest method (support to custom charsets. Default is UTF-8)
- Changed showJavaScript method (source isn't attached on document anymore. <SCRIPT /> tags used)
- Changes:
  . pAjax.Assync changed to pAjaxRequest.ASYNC
  . pAjax.Sync changed to pAjaxRequest.SYNC
- pAjax JS method getData is depreciate (but still supported); use getResponse instead
- Removed pAjax JS properties:
  . readyState
  . requestType
  . status
- Added new pAjax JS methods:
  . getRequest
  . getReadyState
  . getResponse
  . getXML
  . getText
- Added new pAjaxRequest JS methods:
  . abort
  . async
  . sync
  . getParam
  . delParam
  . errorOccurred
  . getResponse
  . getXML
  . getText
  . getReadyState
  . getXmlHttp
  . getLoaded
  . getLoading
  . setRequestType
  . getRequestType
  . setURI
  . getURI
  . setUsername
  . setPassword
- Added pAjaxCall on JS (Enable inline calls of pAjax without pure JS OO usage)
  . Usage: pAjaxCall(URI, StringFunctionName, FunctionCallback [, aguments [, ...]])
- Added Documentations to package:
  . Migration_Doc_10_to_15.txt
- Changed Documentation (splitted in):
  . Basic_Tutorial.txt
  . JS_OO.txt

| Version 1.0 - Date: 2005-05-27 20:28                                        |                        
- Modification to allow Synchronous or Assynchronous calls

| Version 0.8                                                                 |
- Optimized JavaScript code

| Version 0.7.1                                                               |
- Fixed bug #00001 (Wrong variable name on JavaScript code)

| Version 0.7                                                                 |
- Events added: onInit, onCreate, onChange

| Version 0.6                                                                 |
- Added support to multiple types of data: array, objects, ...

| Version 0.5                                                                 |
- Added support to execute GET and POST calls

| Version 0.4                                                                 |
- First public release