** File: polyExample.php
** Description: Demo's the capability of the polygon class.
** Version: 1.6
** Author: Brenor Brophy
** Email: brenor dot brophy at gmail dot com
** Homepage: www.brenorbrophy.com
** The source code included in this package is free software; you can
** redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This license can be
** read at:
** http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
** FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
** Based on the paper "Efficient Clipping of Arbitary Polygons" by Gunther
** Greiner (greiner at informatik dot uni-erlangen dot de) and Kai Hormann
** (hormann at informatik dot tu-clausthal dot de), ACM Transactions on Graphics
** 1998;17(2):71-83.
** Available at:
** http://www2.in.tu-clausthal.de/~hormann/papers/Greiner.1998.ECO.pdf
** Another useful site describing the algorithm and with some example
** C code by Ionel Daniel Stroe is at:
** http://davis.wpi.edu/~matt/courses/clipping/
** The algorithm is extended by Brenor Brophy to allow polygons with
** arcs between vertices.
** Rev History
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
** 1.0 08/25/2005 Initial Release.
** 1.1 09/04/2005 Removed old html documentation from file.
** Added software license language to header comments.
** Added example code for new methods Move(),Rotate(),bRect()
** and isPolyInside().
** Added newImage() function to make the code a bit neater.
** 1.2 09/07/2005 Minor fix to v1p2/../v1p6%20unreleased/polygon.php - no change to this file
** 1.3 04/16/2006 Minor fix to v1p3/../v1p6%20unreleased/polygon.php
** Added example 6 - a test for the degenerate case where
** a vertex falls exactly on a line of the other polygon.
** 1.4 03/19/2009 Added example 7 - show how the new isPolyInside,
** isPolyOutside & isPolyIntersect methods are used.
** 1.5 07/11/2009 Added example 8 - show how the isPolySelfIntersect
** method is used.
** 1.6 15/05/2010 Added some round statements in the drawPolyAt() method
** to cleanup how perturbed vertices were drawn.
** Added new examples for scale & translate methods and
** new examples showing the degenerate vertex issue
require('polygon.php'); // Where all the good stuff is
** A simple function that draws the polygons onto an image to demo the class
** $x,$y .. are an offset that will be added to all coordinates of the polygon
** $i .. an image created with the imagecreate function
** $p .. A polygon Object to be drawn (could be a list of polygons)
** $col .. An array of allocated colors for the image
** $c .. Index to the colors array - i.e. the draw color
** Real Angle 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
** imgarc Angle 360 315 270 225 180 135 90 45 0 (To draw real angle)
** Thus imagearc Angle = 360 - Real Angle
** If d == -1 the arc is Anti-Clockwise, d == 1 the arc is clockwise
** imagearc only draws clockwise arcs, so if we have an Anti-Clockwise arc we
** must reverse the order of start-angle and end-angle.
** images have their origin point (0,0) at the top left corner. However in
** real world math the origin is at the bottom left. This really only matters
** for arcs (determining clockwise or anti-clockwise). Thus the points in
** the polygon are assumed to exist in real world coordinates. Thus they
** are 'inverted' in the y-axis to plot them on the image.
function drawPolyAt($x, $y, &$i, &$p, &$col, $c)
if ($i) $sy = imagesy($i); // Determine the height of the image in pixels
// All $y coords will be subtracted from this
if ($p) // If a polygon exists
do // For all polygons in the list
$v =& $p->getFirst(); // get the first vertex of the first polygon
do // For all vertices in this polygon
$n =& $v->Next(); // Get the next vertex
if ($v->d() == 0) // Check is this is an ARc segment
{ // It is a line
imageLine ($i,round($x+$v->X()),round($sy-($y+$v->Y())),round($x+$n->X()),round($sy-($y+$n->Y())),$col[$c]); // Draw a line vertex to vertex
{ // It is an Arc
$s = 360 - rad2deg ($p->angle($v->Xc(), $v->Yc(), $v->X(), $v->Y())); // Calc start angle
$e = 360 - rad2deg ($p->angle($v->Xc(), $v->Yc(), $n->X(), $n->Y())); // Calc end angle
$dia = round(2*$p->dist($v->X(), $v->Y(), $v->Xc(), $v->Yc()));
if ($v->d() == -1) // Clockwise
imagearc($i, round($x+$v->Xc()), round($sy-($y+$v->Yc())),$dia,$dia,$s,$e,$col[$c]);
else // Anti-Clockwise
imagearc($i, round($x+$v->Xc()), round($sy-($y+$v->Yc())),$dia,$dia,$e,$s,$col[$c]);
$v =& $n; // Move to next vertex
while ($v->id() != $p->first->id()); // Keep drawing until the last vertex
$p =& $p->NextPoly(); // Get the next polygon in the list
while ($p); // Keep drawing polygons as long as they exist
** Function to create an image and allocate a color table to it
function newImage($width, $height, &$i, &$col)
imagedestroy($i); // Delete any old image
$i = imagecreate ($width,$height); // New image to draw our polygons
$col["wht"] = imagecolorallocate ($i, 255, 255, 255); // Allocate some colors
$col["blk"] = imagecolorallocate ($i, 0, 0, 0);
$col["red"] = imagecolorallocate ($i, 255,0,0);
$col["blu"] = imagecolorallocate ($i, 0,0,255);
$col["grn"] = imagecolorallocate ($i, 0,192,0);
$col["pur"] = imagecolorallocate ($i, 255,0,255);
// First example re-creates the example in Figure 5 of the paper
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
$polyA->addv( 16,131);
$polyA->addv( 71,166);
$polyA->addv( 25, 63);
$polyA->addv(118, 75);
$polyB =& new polygon; // Create a second polygon with some more points
$polyB->addv( 9,155);
$polyB->addv( 88,134);
$polyB->addv( 80, 16);
$polyB->addv( 26, 92);
$polyB->addv( 42,129);
$poly3 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A&B");// A&B .. A AND B .. (A intersection B)
$poly4 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A|B");// A|B .. A OR B .. (A union B)
$poly5 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A\B");// A\B .. A - B
$poly6 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "B\A");// B\A .. B - A
// Output the results
newImage (600,200, $im, $colors); // Create a new image to draw our polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $polyB, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(120, 0, $im, $poly3, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(240, 0, $im, $poly4, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(360, 0, $im, $poly5, $colors,"blu");
drawPolyAt(480, 0, $im, $poly6, $colors, "blu");
imagestring ($im, 1, 55, 190, "A", $colors["red"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 65, 190, "B", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 185, 190, "A&B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 305, 190, "A|B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 425, 190, "A\B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 545, 190, "B\A", $colors["blu"]);
imageGif($im,"poly_ex1.gif"); // Save the image to a file
// Second example shows how to handle more than two polygons
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
$polyA->addv( 40, 40);
$polyA->addv( 80, 40);
$polyA->addv( 68,100);
$polyA->addv( 80,160);
$polyA->addv( 40,160);
$polyB =& new polygon; // Create a second polygon with some more points
$polyB->addv( 60, 60);
$polyB->addv(100, 60);
$polyB->addv( 60,140);
$polyB->addv( 48,100);
$polyC =& new polygon; // Create a third polygon with some more points
$polyC->addv( 20,100);
$polyC->addv(120, 80);
$poly3 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A&B"); // All the magic happens here
$poly4 =& $poly3->boolean($polyC, "A|B"); // Now OR polyC with the result
// Output the results
newImage (400,200, $im, $colors); // Create a new image to draw our polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $polyB, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(120, 0, $im, $poly3, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(120, 0, $im, $polyC, $colors, "pur");
drawPolyAt(240, 0, $im, $poly4, $colors, "blu");
imagestring ($im, 1, 55, 190, "A", $colors["red"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 65, 190, "B", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 185, 190, "(A&B)", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 215, 190, "C", $colors["pur"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 305, 190, "(A&B)|C", $colors["blu"]);
// Third example shows how arc segments work
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
$polyA->addv( 60,110,60,60,-1); // Arc with center 60,90 Clockwise
$polyA->addv( 60, 10,60,60,-1);
$polyB =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
$polyB->addv(100, 60,110,60,-1);// Arc with center 100,140 Clockwise
$polyB->addv(120, 60,110,60,-1);
$poly3 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A&B");
$poly4 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A|B");
$poly5 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A\B");
$poly6 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "B\A");
// Output the results
newImage (600,140, $im, $colors); // Create a new image to draw our polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
drawPolyAt(0, 20, $im, $polyB, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(120, 20, $im, $poly3, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(240, 20, $im, $poly4, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(360, 20, $im, $poly5, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(480, 20, $im, $poly6, $colors, "blu");
imagestring ($im, 1, 55, 130, "A", $colors["red"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 65, 130, "B", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 185, 130, "A&B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 305, 130, "A|B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 425, 130, "A\B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 545, 130, "B\A", $colors["blu"]);
// This example shows how polygon the move, rotate and bRect methods work
$poly1 =& new polygon();
newImage (600,120, $im, $colors); // Create a new image to draw our polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly1, $colors, "red"); // The starting polygon
// Polygon center is at 50,60
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++)
$poly1->move(100,0); // Move it 100 right
$poly1->rotate(150+($i*100),60,deg2rad(-30)); // Rotate 30 degrees clockwise around its center
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly1, $colors, "blu"); // Draw it again
$br = NULL; // Dont waste memory
$br =& $poly1->bRect(); // Get the Bounding Rectangle
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $br, $colors, "grn"); // And draw that as well
// This example shows how the isPolyInside method works
// poly1 & poly2 show that arc segments are treated correctly. The function will
// return false even when all vertices are inside, but when part of the polygon
// is still outside (because it is and arc or intersects with an arc)
// poly3 & poly4 show the simpler case where the function returns false because
// a vertex of the polygon is outside.
$poly1 =& new polygon();
$poly2 =& new polygon(); // poly2 does fit inside poly1
$poly3 =& new polygon();
$poly4 =& new polygon();
newImage (600,120, $im, $colors); // Create a new image to draw our polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly1, $colors, "blu"); // Draw the initial outer polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly3, $colors, "blu");
// Depending on result of isPolyInside(0 method draw the polygon in green (inside) or
// in red (NOT inside)
if ($poly1->isPolyInside($poly2)) // example 1
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly2, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly2, $colors, "red");
if ($poly3->isPolyInside($poly4)) // example 2
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly4, $colors, "grn"); // The starting polygon
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly4, $colors, "red"); // The starting polygon
// Now move the 4 polygons and rotate the inner ones to cause them to fail
// the isPolyInside test
// Draw the polygons again. This time the inner polygons will be red because they fail
// isPolyInside test.
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly1, $colors, "blu"); // Draw the initial outer polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly3, $colors, "blu");
if ($poly1->isPolyInside($poly2))
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly2, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly2, $colors, "red");
if ($poly3->isPolyInside($poly4))
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly4, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly4, $colors, "red");
// This example shows how the isPolyOutside and isPolyIntersect methods work
// poly1 & poly2 show that arc segments are treated correctly. The function will
// return false even when all vertices are inside, but when part of the polygon
// is still outside (because it is and arc or intersects with an arc)
// poly3 & poly4 show the simpler case where the function returns false because
// a vertex of the polygon is outside.
$poly1 =& new polygon();
$poly2 =& new polygon();
newImage (600,160, $im, $colors); // Create a new image to draw our polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly1, $colors, "blu"); // Draw the initial outer polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly2, $colors, "blu");
// Display the results of isPolyInside, isPolyOutside & isPolyIntersect methods
if ($poly1->isPolyInside($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 10, 130, "isPolyInside =T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 10, 130, "isPolyInside =F", $colors["red"]);
if ($poly1->isPolyOutside($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 10, 140, "isPolyOutside =T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 10, 140, "isPolyOutside =F", $colors["red"]);
if ($poly1->isPolyIntersect($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 10, 150, "isPolyIntersect=T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 10, 150, "isPolyIntersect=F", $colors["red"]);
// Now move the 2 polygons and repeat
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly1, $colors, "blu"); // Draw the initial outer polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly2, $colors, "blu");
// Display the results of isPolyInside, isPolyOutside & isPolyIntersect methods
if ($poly1->isPolyInside($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 160, 130, "isPolyInside =T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 160, 130, "isPolyInside =F", $colors["red"]);
if ($poly1->isPolyOutside($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 160, 140, "isPolyOutside =T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 160, 140, "isPolyOutside =F", $colors["red"]);
if ($poly1->isPolyIntersect($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 160, 150, "isPolyIntersect=T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 160, 150, "isPolyIntersect=F", $colors["red"]);
// Now move the 2 polygons and repeat
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly1, $colors, "blu"); // Draw the initial outer polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly2, $colors, "blu");
// Display the results of isPolyInside, isPolyOutside & isPolyIntersect methods
if ($poly1->isPolyInside($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 310, 130, "isPolyInside =T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 310, 130, "isPolyInside =F", $colors["red"]);
if ($poly1->isPolyOutside($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 310, 140, "isPolyOutside =T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 310, 140, "isPolyOutside =F", $colors["red"]);
if ($poly1->isPolyIntersect($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 310, 150, "isPolyIntersect=T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 310, 150, "isPolyIntersect=F", $colors["red"]);
// Now move the 2 polygons and repeat
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly1, $colors, "blu"); // Draw the initial outer polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 0, $im, $poly2, $colors, "blu");
// Display the results of isPolyInside, isPolyOutside & isPolyIntersect methods
if ($poly1->isPolyInside($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 460, 130, "isPolyInside =T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 460, 130, "isPolyInside =F", $colors["red"]);
if ($poly1->isPolyOutside($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 460, 140, "isPolyOutside =T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 460, 140, "isPolyOutside =F", $colors["red"]);
if ($poly1->isPolyIntersect($poly2))
imagestring ($im, 1, 460, 150, "isPolyIntersect=T", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 460, 150, "isPolyIntersect=F", $colors["red"]);
// This example shows how the isPolySelfIntersect method works
// A number of different test cases of the isPolySelfIntersect method. Checks
// arc/arc, arc/line & line/line intersections. Also checks when the very last
// segment intersects with the first segment - in this case the last segment has
// to be an arc.
newImage (600,110, $im, $colors); // Create a new image to draw our polygons
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
if ($polyA->isPolySelfIntersect())
drawPolyAt(0, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(0, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
if ($polyA->isPolySelfIntersect())
drawPolyAt(75, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(75, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
if ($polyA->isPolySelfIntersect())
drawPolyAt(150, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(150, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
if ($polyA->isPolySelfIntersect())
drawPolyAt(225, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(225, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
if ($polyA->isPolySelfIntersect())
drawPolyAt(300, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(300, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
if ($polyA->isPolySelfIntersect())
drawPolyAt(375, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(375, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
if ($polyA->isPolySelfIntersect())
drawPolyAt(440, 40, $im, $polyA, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(440, 40, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
if ($polyA->isPolySelfIntersect())
drawPolyAt(525, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(525, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
imagestring ($im, 1, 100, 95, "isPolySelfIntersect = F", $colors["red"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 300, 95, "isPolySelfIntersect = T", $colors["grn"]);
// This example shows how the scale & translate methods work
newImage (400,150, $im, $colors); // Create a new image to draw our polygons
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
drawPolyAt(0, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
$polyA->scale(1.2,1.2); // Increase size by 20%
drawPolyAt(0, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(0, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(0, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "blu");
// This example checks the degenerate case when the vertex of one polygon lies
// exactly one the edge of the other polygon.
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
$polyB =& new polygon; // Create a second polygon with some more points
$poly3 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A&B");// A&B .. A AND B .. (A intersection B)
$poly4 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A|B");// A|B .. A OR B .. (A union B)
$poly5 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A\B");
$poly6 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "B\A");
// Output the results
newImage (600,150, $im, $colors); // Create a new image to draw our polygons
drawPolyAt(0, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
drawPolyAt(0, 20, $im, $polyB, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(120, 20, $im, $poly3, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(240, 20, $im, $poly4, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(360, 20, $im, $poly5, $colors,"blu");
drawPolyAt(480, 20, $im, $poly6, $colors, "blu");
imagestring ($im, 1, 35, 140, "A", $colors["red"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 45, 140, "B", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 155, 140, "A&B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 275, 140, "A|B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 395, 140, "A\B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 515, 140, "B\A", $colors["blu"]);
// A second example that checks the degenerate case when the vertex of one
// polygon lies exactly one the edge of the other polygon. This is the diamond
// inside a square from the Kim Kim paper
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
$polyB =& new polygon; // Create a second polygon with some more points
$poly3 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A&B");// A&B .. A AND B .. (A intersection B)
$poly4 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A|B");// A|B .. A OR B .. (A union B)
$poly5 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A\B");
$poly6 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "B\A");
// Output the results
newImage (600,120, $im, $colors); // Create a new image to draw our polygons
drawPolyAt(1, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
drawPolyAt(1, 20, $im, $polyB, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(120, 20, $im, $poly3, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(240, 20, $im, $poly4, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(360, 20, $im, $poly5, $colors,"blu");
drawPolyAt(480, 20, $im, $poly6, $colors, "blu");
imagestring ($im, 1, 35, 110, "A", $colors["red"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 45, 110, "B", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 155, 110, "A&B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 275, 110, "A|B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 395, 110, "A\B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 515, 110, "B\A", $colors["blu"]);
// A third degenerate vertex example re-creates the example in Figure 15 of the
// pre-published Kim Kim paper
$polyA =& new polygon(); // Create a new polygon and add some vertices to it
$polyA->addv( 0, 26);
$polyA->addv( 0, 74);
$polyA->addv( 84,116); // int
$polyA->addv( 84, 26);
$polyB =& new polygon; // Create a second polygon with some more points
$polyB->addv( 26,116);
$polyB->addv( 84,116); // int
$polyB->addv(124, 54);
$polyB->addv( 68, 54);
$polyB->addv( 68, 0);
$polyB->addv( 50, 26); // int
$polyB->addv( 26, 26); // int
$polyB->addv( 26, 42);
$polyB->addv( 0, 52); // int
$polyB->addv( 26, 64);
$polyB->addv( 26, 87); // int
$polyB->addv( 58,103); // int
$poly1 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A&B");// A|B .. A OR B .. (A union B)
$poly2 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A|B");// A|B .. A OR B .. (A union B)
$poly3 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "A\B");
$poly4 =& $polyA->boolean($polyB, "B\A");
// $polyA->print_poly();
// $polyB->print_poly();
// $poly1->print_poly();
// Output the results
newImage (750,150, $im, $colors); // Create a new image to draw our polygons
drawPolyAt(1, 20, $im, $polyA, $colors, "red");
drawPolyAt(1, 20, $im, $polyB, $colors, "grn");
drawPolyAt(151, 20, $im, $poly1, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(301, 20, $im, $poly2, $colors, "blu");
drawPolyAt(451, 20, $im, $poly3, $colors,"blu");
drawPolyAt(601, 20, $im, $poly4, $colors, "blu");
imagestring ($im, 1, 60, 140, "A", $colors["red"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 70, 140, "B", $colors["grn"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 215, 140, "A&B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 365, 140, "A|B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 515, 140, "A\B", $colors["blu"]);
imagestring ($im, 1, 665, 140, "B\A", $colors["blu"]);
imageGif($im,"poly_ex11.gif"); // Save the image to a file
// This example checks the isPolySelfIntersect method
// Some links to display the created images
echo '<p><div align="center"><strong>EXAMPLE 1 - Boolean Operations</strong><br><img src="poly_ex1.gif" width="600" height="200"><br></div></p>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><strong>EXAMPLE 2 - Sequential Boolean Operations</strong><br><img src="poly_ex2.gif" width="400" height="200"><br></div></p>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><strong>EXAMPLE 3 - Arc Segments</strong><br><img src="poly_ex3.gif" width="600" height="140"><br></div></p>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><strong>EXAMPLE 4 - Move, Rotate & bRect Methods</strong><br><img src="poly_ex4.gif" width="600" height="120"><br></div></p>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><strong>EXAMPLE 5 - isPolyInside Method</strong><br><img src="poly_ex5.gif" width="600" height="120"><br></div></p>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><strong>EXAMPLE 6 - isPolyOutside and isPolyIntersect Methods</strong><br><img src="poly_ex6.gif" width="600" height="160"><br></div></p>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><strong>EXAMPLE 7 - isPolySelfIntersect Method</strong><br><img src="poly_ex7.gif" width="600" height="110"><br></div></p>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><strong>EXAMPLE 8 - Scale and Translate Methods</strong><br><img src="poly_ex8.gif" width="400" height="150"><br></div></p>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><strong>EXAMPLE 9 - Degenerate Vertices</strong><br><img src="poly_ex9.gif" width="600" height="150"><br></div></p>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><strong>EXAMPLE 10 - Degenerate Vertices</strong><br><img src="poly_ex10.gif" width="600" height="120"><br></div></p>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><strong>EXAMPLE 11 - Degenerate Vertices</strong><br><img src="poly_ex11.gif" width="750" height="150"><br></div></p>';