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File: vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Validator/

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File: vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Validator/
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* added the BIC (SWIFT-Code) validator


* deprecated DefaultTranslator in favor of Symfony\Component\Translation\IdentityTranslator * deprecated PHP7-incompatible constraints (Null, True, False) and related validators (NullValidator, TrueValidator, FalseValidator) in favor of their Is-prefixed equivalent


* [BC BREAK] FileValidator disallow empty files * [BC BREAK] UserPasswordValidator source message change * [BC BREAK] added internal ExecutionContextInterface::setConstraint() * added ConstraintViolation::getConstraint() * [BC BREAK] The ExpressionValidator will now evaluate the Expression even when the property value is null or an empty string * deprecated ClassMetadata::hasMemberMetadatas() * deprecated ClassMetadata::getMemberMetadatas() * deprecated ClassMetadata::addMemberMetadata() * [BC BREAK] added Mapping\MetadataInterface::getConstraints() * added generic "payload" option to all constraints for attaching domain-specific data * [BC BREAK] added ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::setCause()


* deprecated ApcCache in favor of DoctrineCache * added DoctrineCache to adapt any Doctrine cache * GroupSequence now implements ArrayAccess, Countable and Traversable * [BC BREAK] changed ClassMetadata::getGroupSequence() to return a GroupSequence instance instead of an array * Callback can now be put onto properties (useful when you pass a closure to the constraint) * deprecated ClassBasedInterface * deprecated MetadataInterface * deprecated PropertyMetadataInterface * deprecated PropertyMetadataContainerInterface * deprecated Mapping\ElementMetadata * added Mapping\MetadataInterface * added Mapping\ClassMetadataInterface * added Mapping\PropertyMetadataInterface * added Mapping\GenericMetadata * added Mapping\CascadingStrategy * added Mapping\TraversalStrategy * deprecated Mapping\ClassMetadata::accept() * deprecated Mapping\MemberMetadata::accept() * removed array type hint of Mapping\ClassMetadata::setGroupSequence() * deprecated MetadataFactoryInterface * deprecated Mapping\BlackholeMetadataFactory * deprecated Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory * added Mapping\Factory\MetadataFactoryInterface * added Mapping\Factory\BlackHoleMetadataFactory * added Mapping\Factory\LazyLoadingMetadataFactory * deprecated ExecutionContextInterface * deprecated ExecutionContext * deprecated GlobalExecutionContextInterface * added Context\ExecutionContextInterface * added Context\ExecutionContext * added Context\ExecutionContextFactoryInterface * added Context\ExecutionContextFactory * deprecated ValidatorInterface * deprecated Validator * deprecated ValidationVisitorInterface * deprecated ValidationVisitor * added Validator\ValidatorInterface * added Validator\RecursiveValidator * added Validator\ContextualValidatorInterface * added Validator\RecursiveContextualValidator * added Violation\ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface * added Violation\ConstraintViolationBuilder * added ConstraintViolation::getParameters() * added ConstraintViolation::getPlural() * added Constraints\Traverse * deprecated $deep property in Constraints\Valid * added ValidatorBuilderInterface::setApiVersion() * added Validation::API_VERSION_2_4 * added Validation::API_VERSION_2_5 * added Exception\OutOfBoundsException * added Exception\UnsupportedMetadataException * made Exception\ValidatorException extend Exception\RuntimeException * added Util\PropertyPath * made the PropertyAccess component an optional dependency * deprecated ValidatorBuilder::setPropertyAccessor() * deprecated validate and validateValue on Validator\Context\ExecutionContext use getValidator() together with inContext() instead


* added a constraint the uses the expression language * added minRatio, maxRatio, allowSquare, allowLandscape, and allowPortrait to Image validator


* fixed compatibility with PHP7 and up by introducing new constraints (IsNull, IsTrue, IsFalse) and related validators (IsNullValidator, IsTrueValidator, IsFalseValidator)


* added the ISBN, ISSN, and IBAN validators * copied the constraints Optional and Required to the Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ namespace and deprecated the original classes. * added comparison validators (EqualTo, NotEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, IdenticalTo, NotIdenticalTo)


* added a CardScheme validator * added a Luhn validator * moved @api-tags from Validator to ValidatorInterface * moved @api-tags from ConstraintViolation to the new ConstraintViolationInterface * moved @api-tags from ConstraintViolationList to the new ConstraintViolationListInterface * moved @api-tags from ExecutionContext to the new ExecutionContextInterface * [BC BREAK] ConstraintValidatorInterface::initialize is now type hinted against ExecutionContextInterface instead of ExecutionContext * [BC BREAK] changed the visibility of the properties in Validator from protected to private * deprecated ClassMetadataFactoryInterface in favor of the new MetadataFactoryInterface * deprecated ClassMetadataFactory::getClassMetadata in favor of getMetadataFor * created MetadataInterface, PropertyMetadataInterface, ClassBasedInterface and PropertyMetadataContainerInterface * deprecated GraphWalker in favor of the new ValidationVisitorInterface * deprecated ExecutionContext::addViolationAtPath * deprecated ExecutionContext::addViolationAtSubPath in favor of ExecutionContextInterface::addViolationAt * deprecated ExecutionContext::getCurrentClass in favor of ExecutionContextInterface::getClassName * deprecated ExecutionContext::getCurrentProperty in favor of ExecutionContextInterface::getPropertyName * deprecated ExecutionContext::getCurrentValue in favor of ExecutionContextInterface::getValue * deprecated ExecutionContext::getGraphWalker in favor of ExecutionContextInterface::validate and ExecutionContextInterface::validateValue * improved ValidatorInterface::validateValue to accept arrays of constraints * changed ValidatorInterface::getMetadataFactory to return a MetadataFactoryInterface instead of a ClassMetadataFactoryInterface * removed ClassMetadataFactoryInterface type hint from ValidatorBuilderInterface::setMetadataFactory. As of Symfony 2.3, this method will be typed against MetadataFactoryInterface instead. * [BC BREAK] the switches traverse and deep in the Valid constraint and in GraphWalker::walkReference are ignored for arrays now. Arrays are always traversed recursively. * added dependency to Translation component * violation messages are now translated with a TranslatorInterface implementation * [BC BREAK] inserted argument $message in the constructor of ConstraintViolation * [BC BREAK] inserted arguments $translator and $translationDomain in the constructor of ExecutionContext * [BC BREAK] inserted arguments $translator and $translationDomain in the constructor of GraphWalker * [BC BREAK] inserted arguments $translator and $translationDomain in the constructor of ValidationVisitor * [BC BREAK] inserted arguments $translator and $translationDomain in the constructor of Validator * [BC BREAK] added setTranslator() and setTranslationDomain() to ValidatorBuilderInterface * improved the Validator to support pluralized messages by default * [BC BREAK] changed the source of all pluralized messages in the translation files to the pluralized version * added ExceptionInterface, BadMethodCallException and InvalidArgumentException


added support for `ctype_assertions inTypeValidator` * improved the ImageValidator with min width, max width, min height, and max height constraints * added support for MIME with wildcard in FileValidator * changed Collection validator to add "missing" and "extra" errors to individual fields * changed default value for extraFieldsMessage and missingFieldsMessage in Collection constraint * made ExecutionContext immutable * deprecated Constraint methods setMessage, getMessageTemplate and getMessageParameters * added support for dynamic group sequences with the GroupSequenceProvider pattern * [BC BREAK] ConstraintValidatorInterface method isValid has been renamed to validate, its return value was dropped. ConstraintValidator still contains isValid for BC * [BC BREAK] collections in fields annotated with Valid are not traversed recursively anymore by default. Valid contains a new property deep which enables the BC behavior. * added Count constraint * added Length constraint * added Range constraint * deprecated the Min and Max constraints * deprecated the MinLength and MaxLength constraints * added Validation and ValidatorBuilderInterface * deprecated ValidatorContext, ValidatorContextInterface and ValidatorFactory