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File: readmeFirst.txt
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Class: CSV to SQL database converter
Import data from a CSV file into a database
Author: By
Last change: Little change
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 1,850 bytes


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/* * * Class converts CSV content to DB table * @package Csv2Db * @date 2005-08-08 */ *Motivation - convert CSV files as table to database - as flexible as possible - easily and separately configured idealy by XML file *Dependencies: - PHP 5 needed - Class DbControl needed - You can find it at in archiv of Author Michal Palma - Class Xml2Array needed - You can find it at in archiv of Author Michal Palma - Class Csv needed - You can find it at in archiv of Author Michal Palma *Install - fulfil dependencies higher - Check all includes in _preload.php - configure database connection and other in config.xml in DbControl package for task csv2db. (Actual DbControl/config.xml does contain it, You must only reconfigure connection parameters) - try "___case_of_use.php" - if You want to parse big table, you will must specify higher "max_execution_time" for longer script run in Csv2Db/config.xml. This attributes are exclusive for concrete table. *How to use it? First you must create an instance of Csv2Db class with essential parameters. - For example: $instance = new Csv2Db("test.csv", $separator = ";", $charset = "utf8", $useconfig = true). Then you must only call $instance->dbWrite(). If there is some problem, library will throw standard PHP5 exception. If not, You can call $instance->getRowsCount() for get how much rows did file contents. Thanks to DbControl class you can use any from supported Database platforms (in v1.3: MySQL, MSSQL, ODBC). You can choose between them by change attributtes in DbControl/config.xml whithout any change of code. All converting process is closed into transaction. *Projected improvements on next versions - performance optimalization Some cases of use are defined in ___case_of_use.php.