Hippo PIC Base64 Encode Class
Table of Contents:
0. Requirements
1. Deploy Files
2. Run the Demo
0. Requirements:
PHP 4.0.3 or higher (4.3.3 recommended)
1. Deploy Files
<> create a directory of your web root, then put all .php files in the same directory, ex:
<> Here are these files descriptions:
/example.php (upload and class usage demo page)
/hippo_base64_pic.php (main Hippo PIC Base64 Encode class)
/index.php (default web page)
/INSTALL (the file u're reading)
/README (summary of this class)
2. Run the Demo
then browse a picture file for upload, done.
ps. you man specify output filename and directory by modifying 'example.php'
plz check 'example.php' for more details.
Yours Sincerely,