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File: Example.php

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  Classes of Jonas Raoni Soares Silva   Binary Parser   Example.php   Download  
File: Example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example of reading binary data that was generated in C
Class: Binary Parser
Serialize and unserialize binary data
Author: By
Last change: i couldnt add the data.bin file, so i just added code to generate it...
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 3,787 bytes


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-[ DEVELOPER ]-----------------------------------------
Jonas Raoni Soares Silva

-[ CLASS ]---------------------------------------------
My user account at

Get the latest version of this class at:

-[ VERSION & HISTORY ]---------------------------------
  2005-07-21 - Class creation

My birthday is tomorrow haha XD And I'm sick and tired
of this idiot computer, it's boring... Gotta travell =]


this example will read data from a file generated using Turbo C,
bellow you can see the C code and also the data that was written with it
on the file data.bin

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

    FILE *fp;
    int data = -1234;
    long int data2 = 4321;
    float data3 = 1234.1234;
    double data4 = 4321.4321;

    fp = fopen( "data.bin", "wb" );

    fwrite( &data, sizeof( data ), 1, fp );
    fwrite( &data2, sizeof( data2 ), 1, fp );
    fwrite( &data3, sizeof( data3 ), 1, fp );
    fwrite( &data4, sizeof( data4 ), 1, fp );
    fclose( fp );


    return 0;

if you dont have a C compiler, you can create the file "data.bin" using this:

$f = fopen( "data.bin", "wb" );
fwrite( $f, "\x2e\xfb\xe1\x10\x0\x0\xf3\x43\x9a\x44\x9a\x8\x1b\x9e\x6e\xe1\xb0\x40" );
fclose( $f );


require_once "BinaryParser.php";

char2hex( $s ){
$i = -1, $l = strlen( $s ), $r = array(); ++$i < $l; array_push( $r, dechex( ord( $s[$i] ) ) ) );
implode( ":", $r );


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="pt">
<head><title>Parser de dados binários</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { font: 1em monospace; }
table { border: 3px solid Grey; border-collapse: collapse; }
td { padding: 10px; }
tr.header { background: silver; font-weight: bold; }
th { font-size: 1.5em; color: white; background: black; }

<table border="1">
    <tr><th colspan="4 ">Reading from a binary file</th></tr>
    <tr class="header">
        <td>Expected Number</td><td>Bytes Read</td><td>Bytes => Number</td><td>Number => Bytes</td>

if( !file_exists( "data.bin" ) ) {
$f = fopen( "data.bin", "wb" );
fwrite( $f, "\x2e\xfb\xe1\x10\x0\x0\xf3\x43\x9a\x44\x9a\x8\x1b\x9e\x6e\xe1\xb0\x40" );
fclose( $f );

$f = fopen( "data.bin", "rb" );

$parser = new BinaryParser;
"<tr><td>-1234 </td><td>" . char2hex( $bytes = fread( $f, 2 ) )
"</td><td>[" . $parser->toShort( $bytes ) . "]</td><td>["
. char2hex( $parser->fromShort( -1234 ) ) . "]</td></tr>";
"<tr><td>4321 </td><td>" . char2hex( $bytes = fread( $f, 4 ) )
"</td><td>[" . $parser->toInt( $bytes ) . "]</td><td>["
. char2hex( $parser->fromInt( 4321 ) ) . "]</td></tr>";
"<tr><td>1234.1234</td><td>" . char2hex( $bytes = fread( $f, 4 ) )
"</td><td>[" . $parser->toFloat( $bytes ) . "]</td><td>["
. char2hex( $parser->fromFloat( 1234.1234 ) ) . "]</td></tr>";
"<tr><td>4321.4321</td><td>" . char2hex( $bytes = fread( $f, 8 ) )
"</td><td>[" . $parser->toDouble( $bytes ) . "]</td><td>["
. char2hex( $parser->fromDouble( 4321.4321 ) ) . "]</td></tr>";

fclose( $f );

