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About Kyrgyzstan

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    Where is Kyrgyzstan?

    Flag of Kyrgyzstan Central Asia, west of China, south of Kazakhstan

    Capital: Bishkek Coordinates: 42° 52" North, 74° 35" East
    Map of Kyrgyzstan

    What is the Kyrgyzstan weather like?

    Dry continental to polar in high Tien Shan Mountains; subtropical in southwest (Fergana Valley); temperate in northern foothill zone

    Traveling to Kyrgyzstan

    Traveling by air

    There are 28 airports in Kyrgyzstan, 18 of which are paved.

    Traveling by car

    There are 34,000 Km of highways in Kyrgyzstan.

    Traveling by water

    There are 600 Km of waterways in Kyrgyzstan.

    The most important ports and harbours are in lake port(s): Balykchy (Ysyk-Kol or Rybach'ye)(Lake Ysyk-Kol).

    Traveling by train

    There are 470 Km of railways in Kyrgyzstan.