PHP Classes

Classes: PHP 5

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Classes using PHP 5 specific features.

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  1 - 20   ...   1101 - 1120   1121 - 1140   1141 - 1160   1161 - 1180   1181 - 1200   1201 - 1220   ...   6600 - 6605  
  Files folder image Easy Template  
Author: Jeff Williams <e-mail contact>
Template engine based on real HTML tag replacement

  Files folder image Easy Thumbnail  
Author: Rogério Bragil <e-mail contact>
Generate thumbnail images using the GD extension

  Files folder image Easy Twitter Authenticaion...  
Author: Shafiul Azam <e-mail contact>
Authenticate Twitter users using oAuth

  Files folder image Easy Upload Class  
Author: Piotr <e-mail contact>
Validate and process files uploaded via forms

  Files folder image Easy Validation  
Author: meivin123 <e-mail contact>
Validate array of submitted form values

  Files folder image Easy Website Translation...  
Author: Gourab Singha <e-mail contact>
Translate pages automatically using jQuery plug-in

  Files folder image EasyCry  
Author: Oscar Gentilezza <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data with a given key

  Files folder image EasyCURL  
Author: Dawood Ikhlaq <e-mail contact>
Simple wrapper around Curl to send HTTP requests

  Files folder image EasyDB  
Author: Scott Arciszewski <e-mail contact>
Simple Database Abstraction Layer around PDO

  Files folder image Easydb Cache  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2021
Number 6
Author: Scott Arciszewski <e-mail contact>
Cache database query prepared statements

  Files folder image EasyLogger  
Author: Nikola Posa <e-mail contact>
Log events to files

  Files folder image EasyMail  
Author: Srihari Sri <e-mail contact>
Send HTML e-mail messages

  Files folder image easy_console  
Author: Alex Mavrin <e-mail contact>
Process and execute comands from the command line

  Files folder image Eazy PHP HTML Table Generator  
Author: Nahid Bin Azhar <e-mail contact>
Output HTML to display tables from array data

  Files folder image eBay API  
Author: Andrew <e-mail contact>
Search and get details of items for sale in eBay

  Files folder image Ebay TurbolisterShipping...  
Author: Claudio Fior <e-mail contact>
Encode and decode Ebay Turbolister options data

  Files folder image EDCriptator  
Author: Andoitz Jordan Marmolejo <e-mail contact>
Store and check encrypted user passwords in MySQL

  Files folder image EDictionary  
Author: Ivan <e-mail contact>
Translate text between languages in multiple sites

  Files folder image Edit File Tags  
Author: Douglas Ianitsky <e-mail contact>
Find and replace tags in files with new values

  Files folder image Editable  
Author: Nicola Covolo <e-mail contact>
Add functions and variables dynamically to objects

  1 - 27   ...   1486 - 1512   1513 - 1539   1540 - 1566   1567 - 1593   1594 - 1620   1621 - 1647   ...   6588 - 6605  
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