PHP Classes

Classes: E-Commerce

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Online stores, shopping baskets and payment methods.

  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  1 - 20   ...   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   201 - 220   221 - 240  
  Files folder image PHP Interface to Webmoney  
Author: Vagharshak Tozalakyan <e-mail contact>
Submit payment requests to Webmoney

  Files folder image PHP Inventory Management...  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2019

Prize: 1 year subscription to the Basic Plan of an API product of choice
Author: Abed Nego Ragil Putra <e-mail contact>
Manage inventory stock using scanner application

  Files folder image PHP Koin  
Author: Julio Cezar Kronbauer <e-mail contact>
Send payment order requests to the Koin API

  Files folder image PHP MoySklad Client  
Author: Oleksii Mylotskyi <e-mail contact>
Access the MoySklad API using ORM like objects

  Files folder image PHP OpenCart CLI  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2019
Number 5
Author: Istvan Dobrentei <e-mail contact>
Control an OpenCart installation from the console

  Files folder image PHP Pagsis  
Author: Julio Cezar Kronbauer <e-mail contact>
Process credit card payments using Pagsis API

  Files folder image PHP Payment Gateway Library  
Author: Ujah Chigozie peter <e-mail contact>
Process payments with multiple gateways

  Files folder image PHP Payment Gateway Processor  
Author: Rahul Banerjee <e-mail contact>
Process payments using Paypal or Stripe

  Files folder image PHP Paymes API  
Author: Isa Eken <e-mail contact>
Process payment orders with API

  Files folder image PHP Paypal Integration for...  
Author: chrys ugwu <e-mail contact>
Process payment with Paypal adaptive payments

  Files folder image PHP Paypal IPN Integration...  
Author: Micah Carrick <e-mail contact>
Process Paypal payment interactions

  Files folder image PHP Price Calculator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2014
Number 6

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Sergii Pryz <e-mail contact>
Calculate prices using arbitrary precision math

  Files folder image PHP Rastreamento de...  
Author: Sandro Alves Peres <e-mail contact>
Track packages posted to Correios in Brazil

  Files folder image PHP SEPA XML Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2013
Number 11
Author: Dmitri Russu <e-mail contact>
Generate XML for the Single Euro Payments Area

  Files folder image PHP SEPA XML Generator  
Author: Stefan Kientzler <e-mail contact>
Generate SEPA XML to define a payment instructions

  Files folder image PHP Shipping Calculator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2023
Number 4
Author: Ujah Chigozie peter <e-mail contact>
Calculate shipping fees based on the distance

  Files folder image PHP Shop Simulator in the...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2022
Number 2
Author: adam berger <e-mail contact>
Simulate shopping purchases in a console

  Files folder image PHP Shopping Cart  
Author: ARMAN DE CASTRO <e-mail contact>
Manage shopping carts and purchased items

  Files folder image PHP Shopping Cart Library  
Author: Ahmed Rehan <e-mail contact>
Manage a shopping cart stored in session variables

  Files folder image PHP Store Openings  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2014
Number 9

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: meivin123 <e-mail contact>
Determine if a store is open at a given time

  1 - 27   28 - 54   55 - 81   82 - 108   109 - 135   136 - 162   163 - 189   190 - 216   217 - 240  
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