PHP Classes

Classes: Databases

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Database management, accessing and searching.

  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  1 - 20   ...   1021 - 1040   1041 - 1060   1061 - 1080   1081 - 1100   1101 - 1120   1121 - 1140   ...   1980 - 1980  
  Files folder image Paginacao Class  
Author: Otavio Theiss <e-mail contact>
Paginate listings of data retrieved with ADODB

  Files folder image Pagination  
Author: Sujay Bhowmick <e-mail contact>
Result Set pagination with database abstraction

  Files folder image Pagination class  
Author: pramode <e-mail contact>
Show links to browse MySQL query result listings

  Files folder image Pagination in PHP  
Author: Qazi Umar Aadil Shah <e-mail contact>
Browse MySQL query results split in pages

  Files folder image Pagination optimized  
Author: Murat BIYIKLI <e-mail contact>
Show links to browse query results split in pages

  Files folder image Pagination PHP  
Author: Alauddin Al-Amin <e-mail contact>
Show pagination links for database query listings

  Files folder image Paginations  
Author: Reneesh T K <e-mail contact>
Split MySQL query result listings

  Files folder image Paginator  
Author: ted kappes <e-mail contact>
Spliting database query result sets between pages.

  Files folder image Paginator Iterator  
Author: Anderson A. Meggiolaro <e-mail contact>
Iterate over listings split in page using Smarty

  Files folder image Paging Class  
Author: imran ahmed rahi <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query results split in pages

  Files folder image Paging Class with AJAX or HREF  
Author: Jannerel Roche <e-mail contact>
Browse paginated query results using AJAX or HREF

  Files folder image Paging Easy  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Generate links to navigate on query result pages

  Files folder image Paging for MySQL  
Author: Shiegege <e-mail contact>
Create a query results page navigation bar

  Files folder image Paging Object  
Author: Idrak Dareshani <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query results on a sortable grid

  Files folder image Paging Queries  
Author: Arron Houston <e-mail contact>
Retrieve MySQL query results to split in pages

  Files folder image Paging.php  
Author: pierre-yves lemaire <e-mail contact>
Simple classe to display a recordset with a page next and previous.

  Files folder image Papyrus  
Author: Omar Andrés Barbosa Ortiz <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve database data in files

  Files folder image Parent child tree with...  
Author: mrinal nandi <e-mail contact>
Retrieve child elements from MySQL parent records

  Files folder image Parse importer  
Author: Oliver Leuyim Angel <e-mail contact>
Import email addresses into a MySQL database

  Files folder image pDB  
Author: Benny Zaminga <e-mail contact>
File based database SQL engine in pure PHP

  1 - 27   ...   1378 - 1404   1405 - 1431   1432 - 1458   1459 - 1485   1486 - 1512   1513 - 1539   ...   1971 - 1980  
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

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