PHP Classes

Classes: Databases

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  All class groups  >  Databases (1980)  >  Top rated classes  


Database management, accessing and searching.

  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  1 - 20   ...   741 - 760   761 - 780   781 - 800   801 - 820   821 - 840   841 - 860   ...   1980 - 1980  
  Files folder image Multisources Search Engine  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2014
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Ettore Moretti <e-mail contact>
Search data on MySQL, XML, INI or flat files

  Files folder image MVC Tool  
Author: Ettore Moretti <e-mail contact>
Generate model classes to access database tables

  Files folder image My Db  
Author: Eduardo Seijo <e-mail contact>
Database wrapper for MySQL, Interbase and MSSQL

  Files folder image My Active Record  
Author: Jake Grimley <e-mail contact>
Map objects to MySQL database table rows

  Files folder image My DB  
Author: babies <e-mail contact>
MySQL Database access wrapper

  Files folder image My One Line SQL  
Author: Carlo Tasca <e-mail contact>
Compose and execute common MySQL database queries

  Files folder image My Pagination  
Author: Romil Jayme <e-mail contact>
Display links for browsing database query results

  Files folder image My PDO  
Author: Mohamed Kamel <e-mail contact>
PDO database access wrapper

  Files folder image My Query Report  
Author: Simon Kuriakose <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML reports from MySQL query results

  Files folder image My Rad 4 PHP  
Author: Jorge Prado <e-mail contact>
Generate PHP class from MySQL table

  Files folder image My Session  
Author: Ska-Man <e-mail contact>
Database based session management

  Files folder image My simple Query Language...  
Author: Mustafa OZGUR <e-mail contact>
Database access wrapper using MySQL or MySQLi

  Files folder image My Utils  
Author: chema garrido <e-mail contact>
Export and optimize MySQL database tables

  Files folder image MyCart  
Author: Fabio Mazzola <e-mail contact>
Manage a shopping cart stored in a MySQL database

  Files folder image MyClasses  
Author: Nemeth Zoltan <e-mail contact>
Set of classes for Web application development

  Files folder image mydb  
Author: iman ebrahimi tajadpd <e-mail contact>
Simple MySQL database access wrapper

  Files folder image MYDB Class  
Author: Mustafa Berkan BICER <e-mail contact>
Execute MySQL queries from lists of parameters

  Files folder image MyDBO Code Generator  
Author: Patrick Brosset <e-mail contact>
Generate classes to access MySQL from templates

  Files folder image myDBQuery  
Author: Patrick Frey <e-mail contact>
MySQL query wrapper with source tracking on error

  Files folder image mydna  
Author: deden fathurahman <e-mail contact>
MySQL database access wrapper

  1 - 27   ...   1000 - 1026   1027 - 1053   1054 - 1080   1081 - 1107   1108 - 1134   1135 - 1161   ...   1971 - 1980  
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